shipbuilding in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "shipbuilding"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "shipbuilding" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "shipbuilding", or refer to the context using the word "shipbuilding" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Active Shipbuilding Experts' Federation.

Hiệp hội Hướng dẫn viên Lặn biển Chuyên nghiệp.

2. The term Commissioning comes from shipbuilding

3. • Shipbuilding – Accommodation Ladders (ISO Standard 5488);

4. Modern shipbuilding has gone beyond that.”

Kỹ thuật đóng tàu nay đã vượt quá mức đó rồi”.

5. The picture shows Chinese workers at Lithe Shipbuilding Factory.

6. • Shipbuilding — Accommodation ladders (ISO Standard 5488); and

7. The Maritime History of Maine: Three Centuries of Shipbuilding and SeAfaring

8. The shipbuilding port Bangeojin was annexed by the city in 1962.

Cảng đóng tàu Bangeojin đã được thành phố sát nhập vào năm 1962.

9. Her maternal grandfather is the President of Daehan Shipbuilding Company.

Cụ ngoại là giám đốc công ty đóng tàu Daehan.

10. How did you get in the shipbuilding business, Gavin?

Sao anh lại làm việc ở một công ty đóng tàu thế, Gavin?

11. Shipbuilding and boatmaking may have been prosperous industries in ancient India.

Đóng tàu và đóng thuyền có thể là những ngành thịnh vượng ở Ấn Độ cổ đại.

12. The mountain slopes were forested and produced timber for shipbuilding.

13. Kokia's grandfather was the manager of a Japanese shipbuilding company.

Ông của Kokia là nhà quản lý công ty đóng tàu của Nhật Bản.

14. Timber and shipbuilding industries are the two major economic activities in Sibu.

Lâm sản và đóng tàu là hai hoạt động kinh tế chính tại Sibu.

15. 2 This shipyard is at the cutting edge of world shipbuilding technology.

16. - Completed and delivered ships, as the indicator for the actual shipbuilding output.

17. Their seaworthiness depended on the quality of the timber and on skillful shipbuilding.

18. They prized softwood, however, especially that of silver fir (Abies alba), for construction and shipbuilding.

19. 11 Other writers have concluded differently, especially with reference to engineering, building, shipbuilding, and printing.

20. National Shipbuilding built 14 ships, each 225 feet long four and five masted Barkentines

21. The First London Naval Treaty of 1930 extended the "shipbuilding holiday" through to 1937.

Hiệp ước Hải quân Luân Đôn thứ nhất năm 1930 đã kéo dài 'kỳ nghỉ lễ' cho đến năm 1937.

22. Heavy industries situated in this area include oil refining, steel making and shipbuilding.

Các ngành công nghiệp nặng nằm ở khu vực này phải kể đến là lọc dầu, sản xuất thép và đóng tàu.

23. The Soviet Ministry of Shipbuilding founded the yard in 1952, in order to build fishing boats.

Công ty Cổ phần đóng tàu Klaipėda "Baltija": Được Bộ Công nghiệp tàu thủy của Liên Xô thành lập vào năm 1952, để xây dựng các tàu thuyền đánh cá.

24. In addition to agriculture, slave labor was increasingly used in mining, shipbuilding and other industries.

Ngoài nông nghiệp, việc sử lao động nô lệ ngày càng tăng trong khai mỏ, đóng tàu và các ngành công nghiệp khác.

25. 10 See a 1930 s sawmill and exhibits on shipbuilding, watercraft restoration and marine engines.

26. Mumbai's rise as a port and a shipbuilding centre is because of cotton trade with China.

27. Mumbai’s rise as a port and a shipbuilding centre is because of cotton trade with China.

28. Shipbuilding — Class A magnetic compasses, azimuth reading devices and binnacles — Tests and certification 3.

29. Shipbuilding and ship repairs, both commercial and military, are referred to as "naval engineering".

Đóng tàu và sửa chữa tàu, cả thương mại và quân sự, được gọi là "kỹ thuật hải quân".

30. Georgian Airlines, Kaspi Cement and Chiaturmanganese were privatised, as well as shipbuilding and aircraft repair companies.

31. The instrument, also called Clave, was fashioned from Cuban hardwood used for pegs in the shipbuilding process.

32. Martins Booktown Initiative informing me that her Shipbuilding and Fishing village’s claim to Bookishness is anything but bogus.

33. Hence, it cannot be held liable under the charter and shipbuilding contracts, including the additional clause thereto.

34. USS Abnaki (AT-96) Abnaki (AT-96) was launched 22 April 1943 by Charleston Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co

35. USS Achernar (AKA-53) Achernar (AKA-53) was launched 3 December 1943 by Federal Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co

36. They are themselves prominent actors in the rationalization of a number of industries in crisis, notably steel and shipbuilding.

37. Our earliest industries centred around fisheries and shipbuilding, and many early agricultural operations relied on draining coastal marshes.

38. The Free Economic Zone will focus on port container handling, steel production, shipbuilding as well as leisure facilities.

Khu kinh tế mở sẽ tập trung vào cảng vận chuyển container, sản xuất thép, đóng tàu cũng như các lĩnh vực khác.

39. It is highly diversified, with activities in areas including construction, consumer electronics, financial services, shipbuilding and medical services.

Nó là rất đa dạng với các hoạt động trong các lĩnh vực bao gồm xây dựng, điện tử tiêu dùng, dịch vụ tài chính, đóng tàu và dịch vụ y tế.

40. The traditional industries of fishing, paper-making, shipbuilding, and textiles have been overtaken by the oil industry and Aberdeen's seaport.

Các ngành công nghiệp truyền thống như ngư nghiệp, sản xuất giấy, đóng tàu và dệt may đã bị ngành công nghiệp dầu khí và hải cảng vượt qua.

41. The beneficiary is active in the shipbuilding sector (new-buildings, production of parts of vessels and steel parts, ancillary services).

42. Navy recently Christened its newest nuclear-powered fast-attack submarine, the USS Montana, at Newport News Shipbuilding in Virginia in a …

43. The aircraft, shipbuilding and steel sectors are further examples of areas in which Canadian concerns will be pursued in the negotiations.

44. Caulk was first used in wooden shipbuilding to fill the space between planks of wood in order to make the vessel watertight

45. During this time, technological advances in shipbuilding and navigation made it easier for nations to explore outside previous boundaries.

46. Bassein, was important trading center, it’s sources of wealth and trade were horses, fish, salt, timber, stone quarry (basalt and granite) and shipbuilding

47. Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding on Tuesday delivered the attack submarine New Mexico to the U.S. Navy, four months earlier than its contract delivery date.

48. The future USS John F. Kennedy (CVN-79) was Christened Saturday morning during a ceremony at Huntington Ingalls Industries Newport News Shipbuilding.

49. Up to the middle of the fifties , the development of Indian shipping and shipbuilding industries had been limited ; they needed considerable acceleration .

50. Mechanical clamping elements and clamping devices in mechanical engineering, vehicle construction, aircraft construction, shipbuilding, oil production engineering, oil transportation, power generation industries