sex-linked in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "sex-linked"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sex-linked" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sex-linked", or refer to the context using the word "sex-linked" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Sex-linked Barring is a plumage pattern on individual feathers in chickens, which is characterized by alternating pigmented and apigmented bars

2. 7). Presumably, the severe and the benign form of sex-linked muscular dystrophy are caused by allelomorphic mutants of the same gene.

3. In dogs, cerebellar abiotrophy is also usually an autosomal recessive gene, but in a few breeds, such as the English Pointer, the gene is sex-linked.

4. 3 Based on the model of XY type sex chromosome, the entropy variation regularity of sex linked population equilibrium was studied by using the information theory method.

5. Negative results were achieved with the Drosophila sex-linked recessive lethal mutation, mitotic recombination in yeast, in vitro chromosome aberration, sister chromatid exchange and unscheduled DNA synthesis assays.

6. The disease , retinitis pigmentosa , involving a progressive degeneration of the retina due to deposition of pigment , is caused by two such partially sex - linked genes , one dominant and the other recessive in effect .

7. In the small chromosome I, the correlation of the sex-determining allelomorphs M and m with the heteromorphic band 10 C 3 in arm I L was confirmed. This was done by crossover analysis of breakpoints in sex-linked aberrations.