settled in Vietnamese

Tính từ
1. chắc chắn, ổn định
2. chín chắn, điềm tĩnh, không sôi nổi
3. đã giải quyết rồi, đã thanh toán rồi
4. đã định cư; đã có gia đình, đã có nơi có chốn, đã ổn định cuộc sống
5. bị chiếm làm thuộc địa
6. đã lắng, bị lắng

Sentence patterns related to "settled"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "settled" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "settled", or refer to the context using the word "settled" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Then the matter's settled.

Vậy, không cần bàn cãi nữa.

2. If settled for less than the amount due, it will be listed as "settled."

Nếu được thanh toán số tiền ít hơn, nó sẽ được liệt kê như là "đã thanh toán".

3. The Pilgrim Fathers settled Plymouth.

4. It's not finally settled yet.

5. By whom was Canada settled?

6. How was the difference settled?

Mối bất đồng được giải quyết sao đây ?

7. He settled on selling everything.

8. It settled him right down.

Việc đó làm cho ổng an cư.

9. Most Arawaks are settled agriculturalists.

10. We finally settled it amicably.

11. Intrepid pioneers settled the American West.

12. A bird settled on his palm.

13. I have settled into private reverie.

14. The insect settled on a leaf.

15. Thus the question was finally settled.

16. The Dutch settled in South Africa.

17. Two birds settled on the fence.

18. The foundations of the building settled.

19. The dispute was settled without acrimony.

20. 1 The dispute was settled honourably.

21. Paine Webber settled without admitting wrongdoing.

22. They have settled with each other.

23. The territory was never densely settled.

24. 2 synonyms for Colonized: colonised, settled

25. The dispute was settled without Acrimony

26. She settled after drinking some whisky.

27. The contract dispute was settled in 1925.

Sự tranh chấp về hợp đồng được dàn xếp vào năm 1925.

28. And when He atoned, that settled that.

Và khi Ngài chuộc tội thì tội lỗi đã được giải quyết rồi.

29. She soon settled into a regular rhythm.

30. An uneasy silence settled over the room.

31. She settled her mother in an armchair.

32. The boys were settled in their dormitory.

33. We are settled in our new home.

34. Please settled reliable local go come out.

Người phương Tây cũng đang rất dốt nát.

35. They've settled here more or less permanently.

36. A peaceful expression settled on her face.

37. Note where various non-Levite tribes settled.

Xin lưu ý nơi mà những chi phái khác nhau không thuộc dòng Lê-vi đã định cư.

38. Most wage claims are settled by compromise.

39. A disapproving frown settled on her face.

40. The airship settled down in a field.

41. Booger and Mollie settled in San Angelo

42. 2 words related to Based: supported, settled

43. Burg: a thickly settled, highly populated area.

44. He has now settled permanently in London.

45. The case was settled out of court .

46. My son has settled happily in America.

47. The children were settled Advantageously in Seattle

48. Okay, Ghost, got eyes on, settled in.

Được rồi, Ghost, tầm nhìn tốt, hành động đi.

49. 27 His gaze settled on her face.

50. The bird settled on the topmost bough.