sero- in Vietnamese

hình thái ghép có nghĩa là huyết thanh
huyết thanh học

Sentence patterns related to "sero-"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sero-" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sero-", or refer to the context using the word "sero-" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Grafikê diagrami sero gorey seran ra nıfusê Agnat;

2. Grafikê diagrami sero gorey seran ra nıfusê Cormes;

3. a brucella count lower than # IU of agglutination per millilitre when given a sero-agglutination test

4. ASSERT', verb transitive [Latin assero, Assertum, to claim or challenge, to maintain or assert; of ad and sero

5. Acute regressive alterations are initiated by haemorrhages and sero-fibrinous deposits. They can be transformed into cystic lesions or undergo organisation with formation of hyalin scars with haemosiderin deposits.

6. Antigene SAW is an inactivated and concentrated suspension of Brucella abortus antigen for serological diagnosis of brucellosis in sheep, goats and cattle serum using slow agglutination (Wright’s sero-agglutination).

7. a microscopic agglutination test for the presence of leptospirosis (sero-vars pomona, grippotyphosa, tarassovi, hardjo, bratislava and ballum serum viruses), or have been treated for leptospirosis with two injections of streptomycin at an interval of 14 days (25 mg per kg of live body weight).

8. Where, in a non-member country all of whose bovine herds are subject to official operations to combat brucellosis, the percentage of bovine herds infected is not more than #%, it will be sufficient to carry out each year two ring-tests at an interval of at least three months or, if they cannot be made, one sero-agglutination test

9. (c) come from an officially brucellosis-free bovine herd and in particular, in the case of animals more than 12 months old, have shown a brucella count lower than 30 international units of agglutination per millilitre when given a sero-agglutination test carried out during the 30 days before loading and complying with the provisions of Annex C;