sense epithelium in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "sense epithelium"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sense epithelium" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sense epithelium", or refer to the context using the word "sense epithelium" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Corneal Abrasions occur on the outermost layer (epithelium) of the cornea, called the corneal epithelium

2. The olfactory epithelium has a layer of olfactory receptor cells, special neurons that sense smells, like the taste buds of your nose.

Biểu mô khứu giác có một lớp các tế bào thụ thể khứu giác, các tế bào thần kinh đặc biệt phát hiện ra mùi, giống như các nụ vị giác của mũi vậy.

3. The Conjunctiva is made up of stratified columnar epithelium, and nonkeratinized, stratified squamous epithelium with goblet cells

4. It does not stain Adenous epithelium

5. This slide shows the transition from a terminal Bronchiole, with a low cuboidal epithelium, to respiratory Bronchioles, with a squamous epithelium

6. Tumor composed of epithelium, Blastema, and stroma respectively

7. Like cuboidal epithelium, the cells in the Columnar epithelium are also modified to suit the function and structure of the organ better.

8. 321, 322 The epithelium of both the major and minor (when present) Ampullae is composed of small intestinal epithelium on the duodenal surface

9. Abietic acid also caused destruction of the alveolar epithelium

10. Epithelium is the tissue that forms the surfaces and linings of the body, and Columnar epithelium consists of one or more layers of closely packed Columnar cells

11. The pathology from the rectal bleed showed traces of nasal epithelium.

Máu ở trực tràng cho thấy dấu vết của biểu mô ở mũi.

12. Due to the swelling of the epithelium defects are formed in the alveolar lining and the basement membranes of the capillaries are no longer covered with epithelium.

13. Colledge Date: January 29, 2021 Columnar epithelium lines the human stomach.

14. In the small Bronchioles, the epithelium changes to simple cuboid cells

15. The epithelium of the smaller bronchi was fragmented and partially desquamated.

16. The study of engineering corneal epithelium is a focus in ophthalmology.

17. Viscum minimum, adhesive disk, adhesive epithelium, cuticle ultrastructure, cutin cystolith, haustorium, secretion.

18. Amylase is filtered by renal tubules and resorbed (inactivated) by tubular epithelium

19. 8 Metaplasia of laryngeal respiratory epithelium has occurred here in a smoker.

20. Working through Histology slides of the transitional epithelium (urothelium) of the urinary bladder, I noticed that the dome-shaped cells at the top of the transitional epithelium are frequently Binucleate

21. Large Bronchioles are lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium with cilia while the smallest (terminal) Bronchioles have a simple columnar epithelium with cilia and Clara cells, but no goblet cells.

22. Fine structure of the intestinal epithelium of the colonial Ascidian Botryllus schlosseri.

23. The simple Columnar epithelium is a type of epithelium that is formed of a single layer of long, elongated cells mostly in areas where absorption and secretion are the main functions

24. The destructive and malignant neoplasms of chorionic epithelium often arise from hydatidiform moles.

25. The loose connective tissue between the alveolar process and the overlying lining epithelium.