self-centered in Vietnamese

hư self-centred

Sentence patterns related to "self-centered"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "self-centered" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "self-centered", or refer to the context using the word "self-centered" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. He's self centered and naughty...

Nó chỉ biết chú ý đến bản thân và kiêu căng...

2. Self-Centered Sex (Part 2) Self-Centered Sex (Part 1) Biblical Perspectives on Sex and Autoeroticism.

3. 1 a selfish, self-centered person.

4. I've been cold, selfish, self-centered.

Anh đã lạnh lùng, ích kỷ, quá nghĩ về bản thân.

5. Mitch is a self - centered egomaniac.

6. 4 Some giving is quite self-centered.

7. ● Masturbation instills attitudes that are totally self-centered.

● Thủ dâm dần khiến một người chỉ chú tâm tới bản thân.

8. Today, our high-tech world is self-centered.

Ngày nay, thế giới công nghệ tiên tiến của chúng ta tự cho mình là trung tâm.

9. Self-centered attitudes of Bureaucratitis kill that spir-it

10. Kingdom citizens have abandoned such shortsighted, self-centered attitudes.

Công dân Nước Trời đã từ bỏ những quan điểm thiển cận, ích kỷ như thế.

11. Masturbation fosters a distorted and self-centered view of sex.

Việc thủ dâm khuyến khích quan điểm ích kỷ và lệch lạc về tình dục.

12. 6 You're self-centered – you're keeping people waiting for you.

13. 5 Americans are too self-centered, too careerist, goes the criticism.

14. 7 "This generation is very self-centered, very independent," Shu says.

15. □ Is she jealous and self-centered? —1 Corinthians 13:4, 5.

□ Cô ấy có ghen tuông và ích kỷ không?—1 Cô-rinh-tô 13:4, 5.

16. 24 The plain truth is that people are most often self-centered.

17. 11 Being self-centered is fast becoming the norm in many cultures.

18. (Matthew 22:37-39) Being imperfect, we are inclined to be self-centered.

(Ma-thi-ơ 22:37-39) Vì bất toàn, chúng ta có khuynh hướng vị kỷ.

19. Such self-centered behavior is contrary to the Bible’s advice for married people.

20. 10 Rather than being self-centered, work together with somebody of equal ambition.

21. This Buffoon is the most self-centered idiot I have ever seen or heard.

22. Marriage provides an ideal setting for overcoming any tendency to be selfish or self-centered.

Hôn nhân mang đến một bối cảnh lý tưởng để khắc phục bất cứ khuynh hướng ích kỷ hoặc tự mãn nào.

23. Many today suffer hopelessly and helplessly at the hands of thoughtless and self-centered people.

Ngày nay nhiều người bất lực và không còn hy vọng nào thoát khỏi cảnh đau khổ dưới tay những kẻ ích kỷ không quan tâm đến người khác.

24. 17 Be Attentive to Others and Never Stop Listening – Self-centered people are usually unlikable.

25. 25 In fact, however, studies show that happiness doesn't make people complacent or self-centered.

26. The Carnal mind aspires to nothing higher than a hostile, self-centered, and selfish state

27. An emitter region is formed self-centered and self-aligned symmetrically with a base region.

28. Instead of being self-centered, happy people tend to be generous and interested in others.

Thay vì chỉ nghĩ đến mình, người hạnh phúc có khuynh hướng rộng rãi và quan tâm đến người khác.

29. 8 The questions of the fallen middle managers, however, are not trivial or self-centered.

30. 14 The questions of the fallen middle managers, however, are not trivial or self-centered.

31. 12 Fear polarization means you become unconditionally self-centered, driven by greed, power,( and lust.

32. 19 People, and that includes all of us, often make selfish, self-centered, and evil choices.

33. 3 As a result, she can seem moody self-centered, and demanding, throwing lots of tantrums.

34. 9 Narcissists may seem cocky and self-centered, but on the inside they feel worthless and ashamed.

35. 18 Surrender is hard work. In our case, it is intense warfare against our self-centered nature.

36. A person who is self-centered, secluded, excluded, someone who doesn't participate or even examine public affairs.

37. Only a person who is congenitally self - centered has the effrontery and the stamina to write essays.

38. Synonyms for Brattish include bratty, overindulged, precocious, ruined, self-centred, self-centered, spoilt, spoiled, willful and self

39. 27 Wang Ning, the snowboarder who runs his own successful advertising company, agrees. "We are more self-centered.

40. Michael is self- centered with a chip on his shoulder, just like he used to be, she says.

41. 15 Too many of us don't have them anymore, either because we're too self-centered or too cynical.

42. 1; adjective Brittled lacking warmth, sensitivity, or compassion; aloof; self-centered: a self-possessed, cool, and rather brittle person.

43. 8 They are generally well educated but are self-centered and give too much importance to appearance and material comforts.

44. 21 For me, it changes my life from being purely self-centered to being something with meaning for others, too.

45. 4:28) Such active concern for truly needy ones is a safeguard against becoming a self-centered lover of money.

46. “As the reality of my condition sank in,” Brother Ombeva admits in his account, “I became negative, self-centered, and irritable.

Anh Ombeva kể lại: “Đứng trước thực tế phũ phàng như thế, tôi cảm thấy chán nản, chú trọng quá nhiều về mình và hay cáu kỉnh.

47. In a world where people are “lovers of themselves,” neighborhoods are reaping the consequences of the self-centered life-style of many.

Trong một thế giới mà người ta đều “tư-kỷ”, các láng giềng đang gánh lấy hậu quả của lối sống vị kỷ.

48. Eschewing self-centered woe and melancholy-for-the-sake-of-melancholy, happiness becomes the brashest, boldest, and Ballsiest move—and the sought-after answer.

49. No hermit, anchorite or recluse was ever balanced and truly happy, because such persons are self-centered, which does not go with happiness.—Gen.

50. 26 Tone it down or forget about making a love connection this week. You won't impress anyone if you brag, exaggerate or are self-centered.