select committee in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "select committee"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "select committee" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "select committee", or refer to the context using the word "select committee" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Select Committee on Benghazi Releases Proposed Report

2. She is a member of the Commons Select Committee on education.

3. Over half the backbenchers are regularly involved with select committee activity.

4. In 1844 Phillips gave evidence before the select committee on the tobacco trade.

5. Addressing the select committee on justice in the House of Commons, Acheson said:

6. It had undergone detailed and lengthy examination by a Select Committee of this House.

7. The security services will be brought under the scrutiny of a Parliamentary Select Committee.

8. Chorused Sentence Examples No immediate plans, Chorused James and Rupert when the select committee asked

9. However, a select committee can ask that ministers review the conduct of a particular official.

10. The Government still have not come clean about the information revealed in a Select Committee appendix.

11. We need time to examine fully the findings of the Select Committee and to give our response.

12. 7 The Government still have not come clean about the information revealed in a Select Committee appendix.

13. In 1986 the Prime Minister listed 150 select committee policy recommendations accepted by the government that year.

14. This evidence was available to the chief veterinary officer last December but never given to the Select Committee.

15. It set up a House of Lords Select Committee in 1881 to examine the extent of juvenile prostitution.

16. The right step is for the Select Committee on Catering to consider the proposals, as it will do shortly.

17. Sentence with the word Chorused No "immediate" plans, Chorused James and Rupert when the select committee asked

18. The Select Committee on Energy has also examined the proposals in considerable depth, and the Government welcome its report.

19. Initially, the post had been envisaged at a lower level, but the Lords select committee pushed for this power.

20. The revelation was discussed at closed sessions of the Senate select committee on intelligence, chaired by Democrat David Boren.

21. The Select Committee that examined the Bill took a very close interest in and sought several undertakings about groundwater.

22. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, sent a letter to Joseph B

23. This would avoid the need for a select committee hearing but would mean that a public inquiry would be held.

24. Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress - Pursuant to section 4(e) of House Resolution 8, 117th Congress, and the order of the House of January 4, 2021, the Speaker appointed the following member of the House to the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress: Mr

25. I spent two hours responding to questions put to me by the Select Committee only a fortnight or so ago.

26. The Select Committee has taken an interest and has recognised that we have fully funded the programme that we set out.

27. 9 It may authorize the chairman, or recommend that the chairman of the Select Committee should write to the responsible minister.

28. In 1931, David Lloyd George told a select committee: "Parliament has really no control over the executive; it is a pure fiction."

Năm 1931, David Lloyd George nói với một ủy ban đặc trách rằng: "Nghị viện thực sự không kiểm soát được ngành hành pháp, nghị viện là một hư ảo thuần khiết."

29. The select committee also criticised his failure to meet researchers from the Commission for Racial Equality over a period of four months.

30. The United States House Select Committee on Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi was created after Speaker of the United States House of Representatives John Boehner, on May 2, 2014, proposed that a House select committee would be formed to further investigate the Benghazi attack on September 11, 2012

31. In 1979, the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) concluded that Kennedy was assassinated probably as a result of a conspiracy.

Trái ngược với kết luận của Ủy ban Warren, Ủy ban các vụ ám sát Hoa Kỳ (HSCA) kết luận vào năm 1979 rằng vụ ám sát Kennedy "là kết quả của một âm mưu".

32. Benghazi Boosterism Much of the press coverage of yesterday’s hearing of the House Select Committee on Benghazi has a Boosterish tone, like a …

33. The spotlight was on the conduct of the media at the parliamentary select committee meeting in Penang today, as several elected representatives highlighted "Biasnesses and …

34. During a hearing at the Home Affairs Select Committee in March, Abase blamed British authorities for failing to stop his daughter from running off to Syria.

35. In October 2015, Gowdy was the point man who grilled Hillary Clinton during 11 hours of questioning before the House Select Committee on Benghazi over the terrorist attack that killed four