sectorial in Vietnamese

Tính từ
(thuộc) hình quạt
(quân sự) (thuộc) quân khu
(thuộc) khu vực, lĩnh vực

Sentence patterns related to "sectorial"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sectorial" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sectorial", or refer to the context using the word "sectorial" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. (3)Sectorial gross value added (including main industrial, construction, services, and agriculture sectors) [euro million]


3. Various alarm zone shapes can be defined in the impedance plane (sectorial, rectangular, ring, etc. ).

4. These include our initiative on inclusive green growth for East Asia and Pacific cities—helping cities in the region to carry out diagnostics and multi-sectorial planning following an inclusive green growth framework.

Trong đó bao gồm sáng kiến tăng trưởng xanh toàn diện, giúp các thành phố trong khu vực tiến hành phân tích và qui hoạch hóa đa ngành trong khuôn khổ khung tăng trưởng xanh toàn diện.

5. In the order for reference, the referring court stated that compulsory affiliation to the different employers’ liability insurance associations in Germany is based on rules which determine the sectorial and territorial competences of individual insurance associations.

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7. The Collectives encourage interdisciplinary, cross sectorial clinician collaboration to improve access to quality pain care and consistent messaging in local communities and utilising the collective wisdom of highly skilled pain clinicians and educators to improve care and cohesion across the community.

8. While the core ACHORD investigators are academic-based investigators in Alberta, the broader circle of collaborators in the ACHORD Group is distinguished in that it is multidisciplinary (i.e. medicine, epidemiology, pharmacy, economics and health policy) and multi-sectorial (i.e. government and academia).