sea-floor in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "sea-floor"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sea-floor" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sea-floor", or refer to the context using the word "sea-floor" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. An earthquake on the sea floor!

Một cơn động đất ngoài bờ biển à?

2. Acoustic signals scattered from the sea floor at nearly vertical incidence contain information about the physical properties of the sea floor.

3. Brachiopods attached to the sea floor in various ways

4. Prostrate kelps lie near and along the sea floor (e.g., Laminaria).

Tầng tảo bẹ đổ rạp nằm gần và dọc theo đáy biển (ví dụ: Laminaria).

5. Brinicle gushes, rushing down to the sea floor, an icy finger of death

6. Brachiopods live exclusively on the sea floor; they are therefore called Benthic animals

7. At the outer edge of each shelf, the sea floor plunges precipitously down into the depths.

8. Industrial trawlers and draggers are scraping the sea floor like bulldozers, taking everything in their path.

Thuyền cá công nghiệp dùng lưới rà và lưới kéo đang nạo vét đáy đại dương như những chiếc máy ủi, quét sạch mọi thứ trên đường đi của chúng.

9. On Earth, gas Clathrates can be found beneath the sea floor where there is enough pressure to …

10. He knows that most of his bottles will become encrusted with algae and settle to the sea floor.

11. The commander said the metal was found in three locatio on the sea floor, off the country's western coast.

12. Some of the sea-floor sediments, muds, and oozes sitting on top of the oceanic plate also get melted.

13. Even in the relative warmth of the water, the lethal cold of winter threatens life on the sea floor.

Thậm chí là trong phần nước tương đối ấm áp, cái giá rét chết người của mùa đông đe dọa sự sống dưới đáy biển.

14. An example of Anthozoa, are the sea anemones which stay as polyps their whole lives embedded to the sea floor

15. The geophysical data include multichannel seismic reflection, seismic refraction, magnetics, gravity, bathymetry, sea-floor acoustic imagery, heat flow, and seismicity.

16. Icebergs are scraping the sea floor of Antarctic waters more than ever, much to the detriment of bottom-dwelling creatures.

17. They are vegetarians, but since there's little food for them on the land, marine iguanas graze on the sea floor.

Chúng ăn thực vật, bởi vì có rất ít thức ăn cho chúng trên đảo, cự đà biển tìm ăn cỏ dưới đáy biển.

18. In 2005 an oceanic borehole reached 1,416 metres (4,646 ft) below the sea floor from the ocean drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution.

Năm 2005 lỗ khoan lòng đại dương sâu hàng thứ ba này đạt tới 1.416 m (4.644 ft) phía dưới đáy biển từ tàu khoan đại dương JOIDES Resolution.

19. The different ways in which tectonic plates rub against each other under the ocean or sea floor to create submarine earthquakes.

Có những cách khác nhau mà các mảng cọ vào nhau dưới đại dương hay đáy biển để tạo ra động đất dưới đại dương.

20. 18 The massive blowout preventer on the sea floor was equipped with a pair of pinchers known as blind shear rams.

21. Starting six months before the tsunami, we measured instances of earthquakes at a depth of 30 km on the sea floor.

Chúng ta đo được tâm động đất độ sâu 30 km trong lòng biển

22. Amphibolite from an abyssal sea floor or marginal basin environment of either Permian or Triassic age originally was low-potassium basalt.

23. It is barely ten since systematic deep ocean bathymetry revealed the structure of rifts , fractures and trenches associated with sea floor spreading.

24. On June 4, 2011 the Penglai 19-3 oilfield caused an oil spill from a sea floor leak that lasted until June 7.

Vào ngày 4 tháng 6 năm 2011, mỏ Bồng Lai 19-3 đã gây ra sự cố tràn dầu từ đê biển bị rò rỉ kéo dài đến ngày 7 tháng 6.

25. Bowheads filter their food through baleen by opening their mouths and straining plankton from the surface, the water column, or the sea floor.

26. The Crinoids attach themselves to the bottom of the sea floor or a rock or a piece of wood with the root-like holdfast.

27. Bathyal: translation pertaining to or living on the sea floor at a depth range of 200-4000 metres, on the continental slope and rise

28. The issues of laying trunk pipelines across the sea floor, regardless of their routes, should be decided with the participation of all Caspian states.

29. The Abyssal zone is the deepest layer of the ocean near the sea floor - it starts at 13,000 feet and goes to about 20,000 feet

30. Polymetallic nodules (also known as manganese nodules) are potato-shaped, largely porous nodules found in abundance carpeting the sea floor of world oceans in deep sea.

31. The undersea vents that produced Surtsey are part of the Vestmannaeyjar submarine volcanic system, part of the fissure of the sea floor called the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

Các lỗ thông thoát dưới đáy tạo nên Surtsey là một phần của hệ thống núi lửa ngầm Vestmannaeyjar (đảo Westmann), một phần của chỗ nứt của đáy biển được gọi là sống núi giữa Đại Tây Dương.

32. Some Anglerfish live in coastal shallows and hunt prey by crawling on the sea floor, but most Anglerfish live in the deep sea and swim in mid-water

33. In clown stripes and swirls, a foot-long (30-centimeter-long) cuckoo wrasse (Labrus mixtus), common in Irish waters, hovers over a vivid sea floor off Valentia Island.

34. Also, in oceanic research, you have instruments generating and Accumulating data on the ocean’s surface or the sea floor, but you don’t necessarily have continuous connectivity to them

35. The Biogenic component of the rain of particles to the sea floor, consisting of organic matter, calcium carbonate, and Biogenic silica, is efficiently recycled at the surface of marine sediments

36. Such hazards as ice adhesion, gale-force winds of 100 m.p.h. (160 km/ hr), gigantic waves and even sea-floor movement all attack the structures ceaselessly, often in dangerous combination.

37. Backwash An even layer of water that moves along the sea floor from the beach through the surf zone and caused by the pile-up of water on the beach from incoming breakers

38. Backscatter is commonly used in medical ultrasounds to understand characteristics of the human body, but in the world of hydrography and marine science, Backscatter from soundwaves helps us understand characteristics of the sea floor.

39. It would not take an awful lot to anticipate that after making 30,000 holes in the sea floor of the Gulf of Mexico looking for oil, oil might start coming out of one of them.

Sẽ không mất nhiều để dự đoán rằng sau khi khoan 30,000 lỗ trên đáy biển ở vịnh Mexico để thăm dò dầu, dầu sẽ bắt đầu chảy ra từ 1 trong số đó.

40. It would not take an awful lot to anticipate that after making 30, 000 holes in the sea floor of the Gulf of Mexico looking for oil, oil might start coming out of one of them.

Sẽ không mất nhiều để dự đoán rằng sau khi khoan 30, 000 lỗ trên đáy biển ở vịnh Mexico để thăm dò dầu, dầu sẽ bắt đầu chảy ra từ 1 trong số đó.

41. Brachiopods have a muscular foot called a pedicule.With this they can anchor themselves to the sea floor and even lift themselves up off the bottom of the ocean as pictured in the drawing on the right.

42. The kinds of systems that will be down there, the kinds of instruments that will be on the sea floor, consist of -- if you can read them there -- there's cameras, there's pressure sensors, fluorometers, there's seismometers.

43. In contrast to sea floor polymetallic nodules that occur on the abyssal plains which are the most common environment on the planet, nickel laterites occur in unique tropical rainforests which are rapidly being depleted across the globe.

44. Hence, the slow ecosystem recovery rates at the abyssal sea floor will cause the environmental impacts of mining to be widespread and simultaneous across the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, requiring that conservation be managed across the region as a whole

45. Hence, the slow ecosystem recovery rates at the abyssal sea floor will cause the environmental impacts of mining to be widespread and simultaneous across the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, requiring that conservation be managed across the region as a whole.

46. Some algae make microscopic shells that accumulate on the sea floor - just like clams make shells that accumulate on the shore - which can be used to understand how these ancient algae coped with CO2 levels when they were alive.

47. The collaboration of George, Joan du Plat Taylor, Honor Frost, Peter Throckmorton; with skilled divers Frederic Dumas and Claude Duthuit resulted in the Gelidonya site excavation being the first to completely Archaeologically excavate an ancient shipwreck from the sea floor.

48. Having developed marine tourism for a long time, Nha Trang has a diverse system of hotels and restaurants and a wide range of exciting activities such as walking on the sea floor in Hon Mun, water motor sports, rowing, parachuting ...

49. Blenny (plural Blennies) A true blenny, any of various marine fishes from the suborder Blennioidei or order Blenniiformes that are generally small and elongated which dwell on the sea floor, including scaled and scaleless forms and dramatically divergent appearance, in several families

50. And we trawl, which means to take something the size of a tractor trailer truck that weighs thousands and thousands of pounds, put it on a big chain, and drag it across the sea floor to stir up the bottom and catch the fish.

Và chúng ta rà lưới điều đó có nghĩa là lấy cái gì đó mà kích cỡ của 1 xe tải nối móc nặng hàng ngàn ngàn pounds đặt nó trên 1 dây xích lớn và kéo lê nó dưới mặt biển kích thích cá dưới đáy biển và bắt chúng