sand-hill in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "sand-hill"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sand-hill" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sand-hill", or refer to the context using the word "sand-hill" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. He builds a sand hill to save Grandma's house.

2. My little brother is building sandcastles on the sand hill.

3. Only by wandering the deserted sand hill, my hand held in yours.

4. As this localization trend picks up, Sand Hill Road may be left in the dust.

5. The course of forming a mountain is just like that of forming a sand hill.

6. Then I climb to the middle of the sand hill and ready to slide the sand.

7. And that is precisely the conclusion many of my brethren on Sand Hill Road have drawn.

8. The descent down the sand hill took two hours. But eventually they arrived at their destination.

9. This paper, in detail, deals with the cause of formation of sand hill and formation mechanism of palaeolimnology.

10. Sand Hill Road-style venture capital is shrinking toward nothing, and investors in general will be hard to come by.

11. For the last several years there has been a lot of talk on Sand Hill Road about investing in China.

12. Actually slide the sand exactly sit om a bamboo clappers facing down from the sand hill. hat is very exciting!

13. Kramlich is one of the founding fathers of Sand Hill Road -- a 25 year veteran of the venture capital business.

14. The Coot is a small swamp bird that is actually more closely related to sand hill cranes than it is to ducks.

15. Only a few years ago, Sand Hill Road venture investors flew across the Pacific to Shanghai or Beijing once a quarter to pick up juicy deals.

16. The economical benefit of planting it is more than planting trees and grazing on sand hill land. It is a good cash plant and sand fixation plant...

17. They also get a crack at pitching their ideas to investors on Demo Day, an event that lures venture capital's Sand Hill Road crowd and every prominent angel investor in the Valley.