rural-urban comparition in Vietnamese

sự so sánh nông thôn-thành thị

Sentence patterns related to "rural-urban comparition"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rural-urban comparition" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rural-urban comparition", or refer to the context using the word "rural-urban comparition" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. In the first part, we hackle and describe theoretical basis of overall development of urban and rural preschool education, analysis method of Urban-rural difference.

2. 6 is to actively promote urban-rural integration. 7 is ...

3. (a) Alternative income-generating activities are identified and developed [in urban, peri‐urban and rural areas];

4. However, the rural-urban gap for educational access remains high

5. However, the rural-urban gap for educational access remains high.

6. With the dual economy theory, urban and rural development theory and the symbiotic integration theory, it probed into the urban and rural integrated development of mass sports.

7. 4 The displacement of large numbers of rural dwellers to urban areas has increased overcrowding in urban schools.

8. Household Internet access rates differ between urban and rural areas, and there is considerable variation within rural areas.

9. Urban pressure for rural acreages continues to create demand for smaller holdings.

10. The Movement fought the Batista regime on both rural and urban fronts.

Phong trào đấu tranh với chế độ Batista trên cả hai mặt trận nông thôn và thành thị.

11. The regional development disharmony is disharmony of urban - rural development in essence.

12. Casteism is present everywhere, whether in rural or urban India, especially now

13. Indeed 70% of SBI’s network lies in rural and semi urban areas.

14. Rural people show more devotion and unselfishness than do their urban cousins.

15. Congress has tried dozens of approaches to revitalize decaying urban and rural areas.

16. Arterials are often divided into major and minor Arterials, and rural and urban Arterials

17. Other Utopians cast themselves as Maoists defending China's disenfranchised rural poor and urban downtrodden.

18. With this societal encouragement combined with depressed rural economies, rural youth form a large proportion of the migrants moving to urban areas.

Với sự khuyến khích xã hội này kết hợp với các nền kinh tế nông thôn bị suy thoái, thanh niên nông thôn chiếm một tỷ lệ lớn người di cư đến thành thị.

19. There can be economic pressures such as industrialization that cause rural to urban movement.

20. The current pandemic risks further Accentuating the rural—urban health inequities that exist in New Zealand, University of Otago rural health specialists warn.

21. Many of Indonesia's main cities were mere rural townships before colonial industrialization and urban development.

Nhiều thành phố chính của Indonesia chỉ là các thị trấn nông thôn trước khi công nghiệp hóa và phát triển đô thị thuộc địa.

22. relative positive acceleration for urban, rural and motorway driving [m/s2 or kWs/(kg*km)]

23. Economic insecurity in rural areas causes migration to overcrowded and unsanitary accommodation in urban areas

24. Since 1997 , Urban and Rural Bus Challenges have provided additional finance to address these problems .

25. relative positive acceleration for urban, rural and motorway shares [m/s2 or kWs/(kg × km)]