ruinous in Vietnamese

Tính từ
1. đổ nát
2. tàn hại, gây tai hại, làm thất bại, làm phá sả

Sentence patterns related to "ruinous"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ruinous" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ruinous", or refer to the context using the word "ruinous" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The decision was to prove ruinous.

2. Such action would be ruinous to her career.

3. The buildings were in a ruinous state.

4. Alcohol is as ruinous as illegal drugs.

5. The house was in a ruinous condition.

6. The prices in that restaurant are absolutely ruinous.

7. You'd just thrown the family into ruinous debt.

Em khiến gia đình lâm vào cảnh phá sản vì nợ nần.

8. That was before its ruinous so-called restoration.

9. Our present policies are also ruinous to health.

10. In addition, he calls them “an evildoing seed, ruinous sons.”

Ngoài ra, ông gọi họ là “tông-giống độc-dữ, con-cái làm bậy-bạ”.

11. They were forced to sell out at a ruinous loss.

12. The party's political managers thought it a ruinous ploy in election year.

13. Detailed costing can make the difference between an excellent idea and a ruinous one.

14. Many Britons will still fear the potentially ruinous costs of their legal system.

15. The interior is still in ruinous condition though the exterior is fairly intact.

16. The economy of the state is experiencing the ruinous effects of the conflict.

17. So his strategy made sense at the same time as it seemed wantonly ruinous.

18. Elsewhere, the condition of many of the great monuments ranges from shabby to ruinous.

19. Synonyms for Consumptive include devastating, harmful, immoderate, wasteful, calamitous, ruinous, catastrophic, cataclysmic, fatal and disastrous

20. Most publishers will tell you that huge success can be ruinous to a writer's talents.

21. Synonyms for Cataclysmic include disastrous, catastrophic, calamitous, devastating, terrible, dreadful, ruinous, awful, tragic and fatal

22. They also tell us of a field with the manor house in a ruinous condition.

23. The Bankrupting of America We have a ruinous collaboration of elected officials and unionized public workers

24. A little further along the road is Dun Trodden, another broch in a more ruinous condition.

25. (Revelation 9:3-19) It provides the death stroke in ousting a ruinous human society and its rulers.

26. Herbicide in railway bed often caused the accident pollution in the Itis indirect, sudden and ruinous.

27. Rarely does a year start by offering so many opportunities for governments to make ruinous mistakes.

28. A working week of over a hundred hours should have been ruinous for the libido, looking back.

29. On the other hand, poverty can be ruinous when there are unexpected developments. —9/15, page 24.

Mặt khác, sự nghèo khó có thể gây nguy hại khi xảy ra những chuyện bất ngờ.—15/9, trang 24.

30. A master of “crafty acts,” he knows that such a ruinous course often starts in small ways.

Là kẻ chuyên môn “hành động xảo quyệt”, hắn biết rằng đường lối bại hoại như thế thường bắt đầu bằng những hành động nhỏ nhặt.

31. In that broken place, rocks and shattered boulders lay in a half-circle, ruinous pines growing among them.

32. Most of them are in a ruinous state with their upper storeys missing shattered by earthquake, war, neglect.

33. In this way, I will make a public statement that the current state of affairs is ruinous for Russia.

Tôi sẽ tuyên bố trước mọi người rằng chính sách mới này sẽ làm hại nước Nga.

34. And the way of life this film holds up to be squalid and ruinous is the way of Woodstock.

35. He had spent a ruinous and totally sleepless night, pacing the floors but being able to find no solace.

36. Though the population is diminished and the cities ruinous, the country is still remarkable for fertility, thanks to the Copiousness …

37. Confusion and ruinous inflationary surges resulted from competing currencies; Japanese, new Dutch money, and Republican currencies were all used, often concurrently.

Rối loạn và lạm phát bắt nguồn từ cạnh tranh tièn tệ; các loại tiền Nhật Bản, Hà Lan mới, và Cọng hòa đều được sử dụng, thường là đồng thời.

38. The large defence cuts that Labour proposes would be ruinous to job prospects, and its ham-fisted intervention plans would not work.

39. He will have cast him and his demons into the abyss for a thousand years, to keep him out of ruinous, peace-disturbing mischief.

40. 14 The large defence cuts that Labour proposes would be ruinous to job prospects, and its ham-fisted intervention plans would not work.

41. Although part of the Everglades was declared a national park in 1947, the drainage and diversion of the water continued at a ruinous pace.

42. If it had not been for the angels’ pulling Lot back into the house and shutting the door, it would have been ruinous for Lot.

43. Not so in “A Blast,” where scarcely any issue (or insult) goes unspoken, and where the narrative pivots drastically on a family’s ruinous business debts

44. Verse 16 describes a metalworker blowing on the coals of his forge as he creates his weapons of destruction and a warrior, a “ruinous man for wrecking work.”

Câu 16 miêu tả một thợ rèn đang hun đốt lò để chế tạo vũ khí sát hại và một chiến binh, “kẻ phá-diệt đặng làm sự phá-diệt”.

45. From no part of the earth is there any report of drought or of rainfall in ruinous downpours or of destructive cyclones, hurricanes, typhoons, and tornadoes.

Không vùng nào của trái đất báo cáo có hạn hán hay mưa dầm lụt lội hay gió lốc, bão táp, cuồng phong và giông tố.

46. Gao sent a letter to Erzhu Zhao, advising him not to kill the emperor, lest that he gained the ruinous reputation for having murdered an emperor.

Cao Hoan gửi một lá thư cho Nhĩ Chu Triệu, thuyết phục ông ta không sát hại Hoàng đế, vì ông ta sẽ hủy hoại danh tiếng của mình nếu làm như vậy.

47. France, the former colonial power in Haiti, recognized Haiti's independence in 1825 when Haiti agreed to pay a ruinous indemnity of 150 million francs in return for diplomatic and economic relations.

Pháp đã công nhận độc lập của Haiti năm 1825 khi Haiti đồng ý trả một khoản phí bồi thường trị giá 150 triệu franc để đổi lấy quan hệ ngoại giao và kinh tế.

48. Baleful adjective menacing, threatening, dangerous, frightening, evil, deadly, forbidding, intimidating, harmful, sinister, ominous, malignant, hurtful, vindictive, pernicious, mournful, malevolent, noxious, venomous, ruinous, intimidatory, minatory, maleficent, bodeful, louring or lowering, minacious He had a Baleful …

49. House Caesarean is a Renegade Knight House that repudiated its oaths to the Emperor of Mankind and followed the Warmaster Horus into the service of the Ruinous Powers during the Horus Heresy

50. • The use of sex or substance to cope: When we are under mental or emotional stress, we find ourselves turning to things that are pleasing, Benumbing, bewildering, and ruinous in order to cope