polygons in Vietnamese

danh từ
(toán học) hình nhiều cạnh, đa giác

Sentence patterns related to "polygons"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "polygons" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "polygons", or refer to the context using the word "polygons" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. When the Input Features are polygons, the Clip Features must also be polygons

2. Symbol for Congruent: ≅ Congruent polygons

3. When the Input Features are polygons, the Clip Features must also be polygons.; When the Input Features are lines, the Clip Features can be lines or polygons

4. The model was originally available in .ply (polygons) file format with 4 different resolutions, 69,451 polygons being the highest.

Mô hình ban đầu có sẵn ở định dạng tệp.ply (đa giác) với 4 độ phân giải khác nhau, 69.451 đa giác là cao nhất.

5. This property holds for all polygons; and since, by definition , all triangles are polygons, it holds for all triangles.

6. The experimental variable was the dispersion of polygons and the dependent variable was the response time of every polygons.

7. The polygons are separated along their periphery from adjacent polygons by an interspace and are covered with an insulating material.

8. 2000) were used for each SLC 3.0 agricultural polygon. For new SLC 3.0 polygons, R values were interpolated from adjacent polygons.

9. Utilizing the extension of the polygon exterior angle sum theorem, directions of curvilinear polygons were judged and redundant polygons were deleted.

10. Low-centred polygons occur where ice wedges are actively growing.

11. And so, on the left, we were seeing 100,000 polygons.

Ở bên trái, chúng ta thấy có 100,000 đa giác.

12. Vector Data - Vector data consists of points, lines, paths, and polygons.

13. And so, on the left, we were seeing 100, 000 polygons.

Ở bên trái, chúng ta thấy có 100, 000 đa giác.

14. Visually, the Circumscribed polygons conform more closely to the circle

15. Clipper - an open source freeware library for clipping and offsetting lines and polygons

16. (adverb) This property holds for all polygons; and since, By definition, al

17. To more accurately link Census of Agriculture data to SLC polygons, methods need to be developed to reallocate excess farmland (over reporting) to adjacent SLC polygons, which may be under reported.

18. An array containing the x and y coordinates of the polygons vertices consecutively.

19. The theorem is applicable to polygons whose constituent triangles share the above properties.

20. Polygons withn even have self-images of themselves with certain vertices and edges in common.

21. When the Input Features are lines, the Clip Features can be lines or polygons

22. The Clip Features can be points, lines, and polygons, depending on the Input Features type

23. 26.7.17 Triangles or lines forming an angle with one or more polygons other than quadrilaterals

24. PolygonLib, C++ and COM libraries for 2D polygons (optimized for large polygon sets, built-in spatial indices).

25. Cadastral polygons 1 (parcels 162 and 181) and 2 (parcel 143) in the municipality of Almacelles

26. Constructions covers elementary methods related to perpendicularity, parallelism, bisectors, angles, polygons, circles and centers of a triangle.

27. A boundary-layer fluid property is obtained for a subset of the polygons of the surface mesh.

28. Archimedean solid definition is - one of 13 possible solids each of which has plane faces that are all regular polygons though not all of the polygons are of the same species and each of which has all its polyhedral angles equal.

29. Cadastral polygons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the municipality of Llimiana (Pallars sub-area)

30. Low-centred polygons develop as ice wedges grow, pushing the adjacent ground upward to form a raised rim.

31. The active layer of ice-wedge polygons shows a net movement outwards from the centres to the troughs.

32. Low poly is a polygon mesh in 3D computer graphics that has a relatively small number of polygons.

Low poly là một lưới đa giác trong đồ họa máy tính 3D có một số lượng tương đối nhỏ của đa giác.

33. It is same as the perimeter of other polygons, just that it has a special name called 'Circumference'

34. The Clip Features parameter values can be points, lines, and polygons, depending on the Input Features parameter type.

35. Polygons can, in theory, have any number of sides but are commonly broken down into triangles for display.

Về mặt lý thuyết, đa giác có thể có bất kỳ số cạnh nào nhưng thường được chia thành các hình tam giác để hiển thị.

36. Examination of aerial photographs of the same region has shown additional polygons all developed upon Port Stanley II Till.

37. The experimental variable was the dispersion of polygons, and the dependent variable was the rate of visual information transfer.

38. Attribute data relate to the properties of the points, lines and polygons that are stored in the cartographic database.

39. Supported geometric primitives include polygons, subdivision surfaces, and trimmed free-form surfaces such as NURBS, Bézier, and Taylor monomial.

Hỗ trợ những khối hình học gốc bao gồm đa giác, thứ phân bề mặt, và các bề mặt được vát/cắt tự do như NURBS, Bézier, cũng như đơn thức Taylor.

40. The wet lowlands adjacent to the rivers are characterized by large tundra polygons and rounded shallow ponds (Fyles 1962).

41. Motion paths can be simple curves, closed shapes such as polygons and circles, or detailed outlines of other objects.

42. Depending on the camera angle, the graphics card may be displaying several times the polygons reflected from the basic scene information.

43. With four, you make a square, you make a pentagon, you make a hexagon, you make all these kind of polygons.

Với 4 cái, bạn tạo ra một hình vuông, một hình ngũ giác, một hình lục giác, bạn tạo ra tất cả các hình đa giác.

44. These structures are predominantly hexagonal in cross-section, but polygons with three to twelve or more sides can be observed.

Những cấu trúc chủ yếu là hình lục giác ở mặt cắt ngang, nhưng đa giác với 3-12 hoặc nhiều góc gơn có thể được quan sát thấy.

45. You can add them to any feature in Google Earth, such as: 3D models, placemarks, image overlays, polygons, and paths.

46. A polygon which has a Circumscribed circle is called a cyclic polygon.All regular simple polygons, all triangles and all rectangles are cyclic.

47. Next, a new forest development planning unit was created (stewardship unit) in which adjacent forest polygons with similar indicator attributes were aggregated.

48. A 10 percent random sample of derived polygons was evaluated to determine the measure of agreement between the initial and derived descriptions.

49. So what I can do to pretty this up a little bit more is overlay it with a series of ocean polygons.

50. Polygon and line clipping and offsetting library (C++, C#, Delphi) The Clipper library performs clipping and offsetting for both lines and polygons