polyandry in Vietnamese

1 . tục lấy nhiều chồng
2. (sự) thụ tinh với nhiều tinh trùng
3. hiện tượng đa phối đực

Sentence patterns related to "polyandry"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "polyandry" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "polyandry", or refer to the context using the word "polyandry" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. There might, however, be other advantages to polyandry.

2. "Over time, Tibetan polyandry has been outlawed, so it is difficult to measure the incidence of polyandry in what may have been the world's most "polyandrous" society.

3. Polyandry alone is lacking - it took human beings to achieve that.

4. Synonyms for Bigamy include adultery, polygamy, two-timing, deuterogamy, digamy, plural marriage, polygyny and polyandry

5. Monoandry and polyandry in bumble bees (Hymenoptera; Bombinae) as evidenced by highly variable microsatellites

6. Polyandry has been practiced here for centuries, but in a single generation it has all but vanished.

7. They practice what is known as fraternal polyandry -- where the brothers of one family marry the same woman.

8. The present-day breeding habits of some birds give us a reasonably good idea of how polyandry evolved.

9. The English lawyers counter-attacked by checking birth dates, marriage dates, and identifying children born by polygamy and polyandry.

10. Polyandry, the practice of one woman having multiple husbands at one time, was not accepted in the Greco-Roman world of the apostle’s time.

Tục đa phu—người đàn bà có nhiều chồng cùng một lúc—không được chấp nhận trong thế giới Hy Lạp - La Mã vào thời sứ đồ Phao-lô.

11. Although the society of the Lahaul Valley is patrilineal, the practice of polyandry gave women considerable sway over many matters.

12. She is also suspected of polyandry after she remarried in 2005 even though she knew her husband was still alive, police said.

13. Women practicing polyandry no longer needed to worry about stoning, either, thanks to Urukagina's devotion to equality, personal freedom, and social justice.

14. Estoup A, Scholl A, Pouvreau A, Solignac M (1995) Monoandry and polyandry in bumblebees (Hymenoptera—Bombinae) as evidenced by highly variable microsatellites

15. Thus, what we find is just what was to be expected if the account we have offered of the origin of polyandry was correct.

16. Given the fact of polyandry, the woman understandably had the right "to name the child" – to identify the father and therefore the child's surname.

17. Devi is a ghost of another time, one of a shrinking handful of people who still live in families here that follow the ancient practice of polyandry.

18. Because we had a system of marriage similar to polygamy and serial polyandry,[Sentence dictionary] no one knew who the father of a child was except the mother of the child.

19. If sex ratios are as important as Mr Wei's argues, the only way the Chinese can restore global financial order is to either import women from other countries, export men, or promote polyandry.

20. The Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus) is unusual among altricial birds, as it has partly reversed sex roles with males investing more in parental care than females, it has no-extra-pair young, and it engages in facultative polyandry.