polarimeter in Vietnamese

Phân cực kế

Sentence patterns related to "polarimeter"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "polarimeter" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "polarimeter", or refer to the context using the word "polarimeter" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Polarimeter employing a fizeau interferometer

2. Add this to a polarimeter tube obtained from the stock room.

3. A polarimeter based on a modified Fizeau interferometer and a method for measuring the optical rotation of a polarized light beam by an optically active substance using the polarimeter, are provided.

4. However, Pioneer 11 did lose most images of Io, as the radiation had caused its imaging photo polarimeter to receive a number of spurious commands.

Tuy nhiên, Pioneer 11 đã mất hầu hết các hình ảnh chụp Io, vì các bức xạ mạnh đã khiến phân cực kế của máy ảnh bị nhận được một số lệnh giả mạo.

5. A substantially achromatic multiple element compensator system (R1, R2, W1, W2) for use in wide spectral range (for example, 190 - 1700 nm) rotating compensator spectroscopic ellipsometer and/or polarimeter systems.