poco a poco in Vietnamese

Tính từ
(âm nhạc) dần dầ

Sentence patterns related to "poco a poco"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "poco a poco" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "poco a poco", or refer to the context using the word "poco a poco" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. El libro es excelente, el autor comparte muchos Aforismos dignos de ser analizados con detenimiento, es un libro, que se debe leer poco a poco, reflexionando y analizando cada aforismo, ya que cada uno de ellos es un tema en si mismo.

2. Acrofobia (fobia a las alturas) En busca de perder su miedo a las alturas había logrado hacer muchas cosas, había comenzado de a poco, primero asomándose por balcones de un tercer piso y poco a poco yendo a lugares cada vez mas elevados los cuales ya controlaba mejor su ansiedad.

3. In order to reinforce the vertigo that soon seizes the reader, he adds: “poco a poco accelerando al fine,” and in the very middle, alludes to “an enharmonic change.” In the same text, the conditional if (si in French) becomes obsessive alliteration: did it inspire — with the contamination of Wozzeck — the si — the note now [in French, si is both the conjunction ‘if’ and the note B natural] — around which Dhomont has organized his work?