plutons in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "plutons"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "plutons" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "plutons", or refer to the context using the word "plutons" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Anorthosite plutons occur in a wide range of sizes

2. Some smaller plutons, exemplified by many Anorthosite bodies in the U.S

3. There is a steep macroscopic foliation in the adjacent rocks and in parts of the plutons.

4. The plutons are members of the calc-alcaline granite series, leucogranite type that are relatively alkali rich.

5. The Idaho Batholith is a composite mass of granitic plutons covering approximately 15,400 square miles in central Idaho

6. Decreasing temperatures and younger age of mineralization with increasing distance from the CPC imply that plutons of the CPC were the main heat source responsible for mineralization.

7. Most granitic Batholiths contain plutons which are composed of low-variance mineral assemblages amenable to quantification of the P – conditions that characterise emplacement

8. A Batholith is much larger (up to hundreds of km long and 100 km across) and consists of many plutons that are similar in composition and appearance

9. The hydrothermal fluids released during crystallization of these magmas resulted in considerable element redistribution and recrystallization both in the plutons and the adjacent country rocks.

10. The post-accretionary period (1.876-1.838 Ga) was characterized by intrusion of juvenile calk-alkaline plutons generated by a successor arc that stitched the diverse pre-accretionary assemblages.

11. The largest of the plutons is the Burnthill Granite (area = 180 km2), which comprises a texturally variable, polyphase intrusion composed of biotite monzogranites and alkali feldspar granites (International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) classification); apatite and zircon are the ubiquitous accessory minerals.

12. Two other Calderas are also postulated.-after Authors AB - Precambrian igneous rocks in the St Francois Mountains of SE Missouri consist of silicic volcanic rocks, mostly ash flow tuff, which crop out mostly in the W and SW part of the region, and epizonal granitic plutons which are mostly exposed in …