plummeting in Vietnamese

danh từ
1. quả dọi
2. dây dọi; dây dò nước
3. hóa chì (dây câu)
4. (nghĩa bóng) sức nặng, sức cản

nội động từ
1. lao thẳng xuống, rơi thẳng xuống
2. (tài chính) giảm giá trị đột ngột
3. trở nên bi quan đột ngột

Sentence patterns related to "plummeting"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "plummeting" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "plummeting", or refer to the context using the word "plummeting" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. She's plummeting in the polls.

Cô ta đang mất dần những là phiếu của mình.

2. Plummeting Birthrates aren’t easily reversed

3. One Way To Fix Plummeting Birthrates: Stop Bashing America

4. Water levels in the catchment lakes along its course are plummeting.

Mực nước cùng với dòng chảy trên những hồ đánh cá đang tụt giảm.

5. IT IS dangerously cold outside, and the temperature is plummeting.

BÊN ngoài thời tiết lạnh buốt đến mức nguy hiểm, và nhiệt độ đang tụt dần.

6. 29 All over the world prices were plummeting and so were distraught financiers.

7. Retail sales of the quintessential red meats are plummeting, whilst vegetarianism has become a fashionable norm.

8. The plummeting of transaction costs weakens the glue that holds value chains together, and allows them to separate.

Sự sụt giảm của chi phi giao dịch làm yếu chất keo giữ chuỗi giá trị với nhau, và cho phép chúng tách ra.

9. Individual investors couldn’t even get their brokers on the telephone in order to sell their plummeting stocks.

10. A glance through the plate glass doors of the supermarket itself sent her heart plummeting to her boots.

11. The slightest kink in a wire and it would snap like a violin string[sentence dictionary], plummeting the flyer to the stage.

12. 4 A glance through the plate glass doors of the supermarket itself sent her heart plummeting to her boots.

13. I found myself getting quite annoyed at the passive way she went along with the abuse .Bleatingly plummeting from one nightmare to another

14. The slightest kink in a wire and it would snap like a violin string, plummeting the flyer to the stage.

15. Milpitas-based Cirrus said last month it would cut 455 jobs in an effort to stabilize itself after plummeting into the red.

16. It is impossible to ignore the devastating effects of soaring crime rates, plummeting moral values, mounting drug abuse, skyrocketing divorce rates, spiraling inflation, and the rising threat of terrorism.

Không thể bỏ qua ảnh hưởng tàn khốc vì mức độ tội ác tăng vọt, giá trị đạo đức suy đồi, nạn lạm dụng ma túy gia tăng, tỉ lệ ly dị tăng vọt, lạm phát vùn vụt và mối đe dọa ngày càng tăng của nạn khủng bố.

17. Aslantwise - collapsing - descendant - descending - downcoming - downstairs - downstream - downstreet - falling-off - foundering - plummeting - slantingly - submerging - tumbledown 11 letter words declivitous - downfalling - downsinking - slaunchways 12 letter words down-reaching 14 letter words on the downgrade 15 letter words on the descendant