pleiades in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "pleiades"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pleiades" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pleiades", or refer to the context using the word "pleiades" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Thou hast set the Pleiades

Ngài đã tạo ra chòm sao Rua

2. Possibly the Pleiades stars in the Taurus constellation.

Có thể là cụm sao Tua Rua nằm trong chòm Kim Ngưu.

3. Alcyon Pleiades 25-1: Cunning and lies, false flag attacks, economic bankruptcy

4. Clockwise from top left: Whirlpool galaxy, Pleiades star cluster, Orion Nebula, Andromeda galaxy

Theo chiều kim đồng hồ từ đỉnh trái: thiên hà Xoáy Nước, nhóm sao Thất Tinh, tinh vân Orion, thiên hà Tiên Nữ

5. Alcyon Pleiades 38-2: Unexplained assassinations, the Kennedys, Evita, Princess Diana, Grace Kelly

6. Some deep-sky objects, such as the Pleiades, can also be occulted by the Moon.

Một số thiên thể trên bầu trời như cụm sao Pleiades cũng bị che khuất bởi Mặt Trăng.

7. Alcyon Pleiades 39-1: 2016, 666 and the NWO, new religion of satanic worship and Queen Elizabeth II

8. Alcyon Pleiades 23-2: Elite on display: Corruption, Ebola scam, Mexican revolts and the rise of BRICs.

9. Alcyon Pleiades 38-1ª: Satanism, global dictatorship, crisis in Spain & Latin America, Trump, Brexit.

10. Alcyon Pleiades 24: Changing of our DNA, at the doors of a global economic and governmental Crash

11. Arcturus (2 Occurrences) Job 9:9 Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south

12. 1 By the Achronical rising of the Pleiades is meant the rising of this constellation, or its first becoming visible, after sun-set

13. Atlas also fathered the nymph Calypso and Maia who was one of the Pleiades and mother of the messenger God Hermes.

14. Achernar is a blue-white star that is larger, brighter, and hotter than Sirius A, like six of the brightest stars of the Pleiades Cluster at left

15. I see Orion and the Pleiades, Ursa Major and Corona Borealis, and think I should be inspired by the realization that I'm not only looking at the stars, but staring into the past as well.

16. Aphides •Andes •Hades, Mercedes •Archimedes • Thucydides • Aphides •Eumenides, Parmenides•Maimonides, Simonides •Euripides • cantharides • Hesperides •Hebrides •Aristides, bona fides•Culdees •Alcibiades, Hyades, Pleiades•Cyclades • antipodes • Sporades •Ganges • Apelles •tales, Thales•Achilles, Antilles •Los Angeles • Ramillies • Pericles

17. During 1977 to 1979, before moving from Venezuela to Puerto Rico, Ramon Rosa Alvarado had a series of unique experiences as an observer in a local Venezuelan UFO Group which was being contacted by UFOnauts who told the local Contactee there that they came from the PLEIADES