plebeian in Vietnamese

Danh từ
1. người bình dân (cổ; La-mã)
2. người bình dân, người thuộc tầng lớp nghèo

Tính từ
1. bình dân, hạ lưu
2. tầm thường, thô lỗ, đê tiệ

Sentence patterns related to "plebeian"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "plebeian" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "plebeian", or refer to the context using the word "plebeian" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. This book has plebeian tastes.

2. Because iron has a plebeian temperament.

3. Flying wing to wing through the plebeian.

4. He was born of plebeian origins.

5. He retained a plebeian taste in food and drink.

6. Alpinely 13 lienable 10 lineable 10 plebeian 12

7. Usually a plebeian tribune would preside over the assembly.

Thông thường quan bảo dân của người Pleb chủ trì hội đồng.

8. The original tasks of the two plebeian Aediles are unclear

9. The food selection - hot dogs and beer - was rather plebeian.

10. Aedile: The Concilium Plebis elected two Plebeian Aediles each year

11. Every year, two curule aediles and two plebeian aediles were elected.

12. There were in total four Aediles: two Aediles curules and two plebeian Aediles plebis

13. The Aedile was split into two main offices: plebeian Aedile and curule Aedile.The office of plebeian Aedile could only be held by a plebeian whereas both plebeians and patricians could be elected into the office of curule Aedile.Most men in Rome who were climbing Rome's political ladder, the curus honorum, would serve as an Aedile after their quaestorship.

14. But the Master, it must be said, is a man of plebeian tastes.

15. Roman decemvir ( 45 - 449 ) whose actions provoked a plebeian revolt and the overthrow of the decemvirs.

16. Nor were plebeian members mere foot-soldiers at the disposal of intelligenty party officials.

17. He has also noted the importance of publicans as profit-minded promoters of plebeian events.

18. Synonyms for Commonalty include public, populace, commonality, commoner, pleb, common, plebeian, hoi polloi, third estate and the masses

19. He spent all day playing rackets on the beach, a plebeian sport if there ever was one.

20. Later, plebeian families imitated this ancient model and began to worship their ancestors as if they were gods.

21. There was nothing vulgar about these hands, not like his wife's plebeian paws with their chilblains and chipped red enamel.

22. From at least the closing years of the eighteenth century the decline of gentry involvement and even tolerance of plebeian sports was evident.

23. And were readily allowed to individuals dignified by rank or wealth, even while sumptuary laws forbade these and similar extravagances to the plebeian order.

24. In 44 BC Julius Caesar added two plebeian Aediles, called Cereales, whose special duty was the care of the cereal (grain) supply

25. Curule Aediles were added at a later date in the 4th century, and their duties do not differ substantially from plebeian aediles.

26. There are also several similar words to Baseborn in our dictionary, which are Base, Common, Contemptible, Dishonorable, Humble, Ignoble, Inferior, Mean, Plebeian, Unwashed and Unworthy

27. CAPTAIN KYD (VOL 1 OF 2) JONATHON HOLT INGRAHAM Her bloodstained practising had succeeded in foisting one Baseborn plebeian of alien blood into the family

28. Aedile Aedile: Roman magistrate, responsible for the Games and the maintenance of the temples. The original tasks of the two plebeian Aediles are unclear

29. Severus gave the man a beating with cudgels, while his herald proclaimed: 'Let no plebeian embrace a legate of the Roman people with impunity.

30. Captain Kyd (Vol 1 of 2) Jonathon Holt Ingraham Her bloodstained practising had succeeded in foisting one Baseborn plebeian of alien blood into the family

31. From the plebeian pigeon to the rarest bird of all. The Spix's macaw, or the little blue macaw, may be the most endangered bird in the world.

32. In 199 BC Cato was chosen aedile, and with his colleague Helvius, restored the Plebeian Games, and gave upon that occasion a banquet in honor of Jupiter.

33. In the western world the plebeian or popular element in each state successfully assailed the oligarchical monopoly; and a code was nearly universally obtained early in the history of the Commonwealth.

34. However, unlike plebeian aediles, curule aediles were allowed certain symbols of rank--the sella curulis or 'curule chair,' for example--and only patricians could stand for election to curule aedile.

35. Restrictions were also put on the powers of the Aediles and a limit fixed to the amount of bail or penalty which curule and plebeian Aediles could respectively exact

36. During this legateship, when he was walking along preceded by the fasces , one of his fellow-townsmen, a man of Lepcis and a plebeian, embraced him as an old comrade.

37. In the 1790s Tom Paine taught plebeian radicals that mankind would live in harmony were it not for the vested interest which princes, diplomats and soldiers had in promoting wars to enrich themselves.

38. 0 0 She was worshipped almost exclusively by plebeians, and her temple near the Circus Maximus was under the care of the plebeian Aediles, one of whose duties was the superintendence of the corn-market

39. The plebeians achieved this by developing their own organizations (the concilium plebis ), leaders (the tribune s and plebeian aedile s), and as the ultimate weapon used the secessio , by which the plebeians would literally leave Rome, effectively boycotting the city.

40. The curule Aediles were distinguished by the bordered robe (toga praetexta) and the use of the sella curulis, which we find figured on their coins, while the plebeian Aediles wore only the ordinary toga, and their official seat was the subsellium or bisellium.

41. The change in image of Tequila from plebeian to noble was not fortuitous, nor did it take place over night; it was the result of the protection of the beverage as an appellation of origin and by the companies producing 100 per cent pure agave tequila, i.e. those which, although the Official Mexican Standard (NOM) allows an additional 49 per cent of sugars from an alternative source to be used, introduced into the national and international market the concept of 100 per cent tequila as a product exhibiting greater quality and purity; similarly, different kinds of tequila are appearing, to suit consumer tastes: white, mature and old, the formulation of which is smoother since it is directed at another important market: the throats of women as tequila drinkers.