plausible in Vietnamese

Tính từ
1. có vẻ hợp lý, có vẻ đúng (lời nói, lý lẽ)
2. nói có vẻ ngay thẳng; nói có vẻ đáng tin cậy (người)

Sentence patterns related to "plausible"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "plausible" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "plausible", or refer to the context using the word "plausible" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Circumstantial, yes, but plausible.

Chỉ là suy diễn nhưng cũng rất hợp lí.

2. His story sounded plausible.

3. His story certainly sounds plausible.

4. She was a plausible liar.

5. Another quite plausible explanation presented itself.

6. This, too, is a plausible scenario.

7. Too smooth and plausible by half!

Miệng lưỡi quá dẻo và khéo léo!

8. Her story sounded perfectly plausible.

9. His story was/sounded perfectly plausible.

10. A satellite killer with plausible deniability, hmm?

Một sát thủ vệ tinh với khả năng chối bỏ hợp lý.

11. Langham's story sounded plausible at the time.

12. Coalition mongering is the only plausible explanation.

13. There is only one really plausible explanation.

14. I cast about for a plausible defense.

15. His explanation sounds fairly plausible to me.

16. He was so plausible that he conned everybody.

17. It was a very plausible piece of disinformation.

18. Coordinative method leads from Abducing a plausible hypothesis

19. Sometimes sharply contrasting hypotheses can seem equally plausible.

20. The only plausible explanation is that he forgot.

21. So, is the field of gerontology a plausible pursuit?

22. I stood still, trying to invent a plausible excuse.

23. Such talk, however plausible, is actually specious and groundless.

24. Their argument sounds plausible but is it really valid?

25. She could find no plausible explanation for its disappearance.

26. But for other experiments the interpretation seems very plausible.

27. It is plausible that disorder follows a similar pattern.

28. She was so plausible she would have deceived anyone.

29. The arrow represents a plausible evolutionary tendency of adaptability.

30. It's just as plausible as some of your theories.

Cũng đáng cân nhắc như những giả thuyết của anh vậy.

31. This explanation fits the facts and is psychologically plausible.

32. Someone asks me who you are, I have plausible deniability.

Đề phòng người khác hỏi tên cô cũng như các thông tin liên quan.

33. It’s only slightly more plausible than ‘Atlanteans,’” one observer says

34. 3 I stood still, trying to invent a plausible excuse.

35. Described as a chirpy cockney who could tell a plausible story.

36. The hypothesis of al-Bharad hitting France on June 18 is plausible.

37. Adam’s call for Collaborating with the enemy is the plausible step

38. The only plausible explanation, Tyler says, is “a single, huge, quantum step.”

Ông nói rằng cách giải thích hợp lý duy nhất là “một bước đột phá lớn”.

39. Again, I think it's a strong ambition but it is a plausible one.

Một lần nữa, tôi nghĩ đó là 1 hoài bão lớn lao nhưng là chính đáng.

40. Look, the government needs plausible deniability, so these places, they are completely autonomous.

Nghe này, chính phủ cần xóa bỏ xác thực, nên những nơi như vậy, thường là độc lập.

41. These same nitrogen oxides, in high but apparently plausible concentrations, will defoliate plants.

42. And every single part of this mechanism is actually plausible in biology.

Và mỗi phần của cơ chế này đều hợp lý trong sinh học.

43. Every position has been successfully undermined and abandoned on specious and plausible excuses.

44. A politician or chief executive needs plausible Blamability of someone else for effective implementation.

45. Nothing could be further removed from a plausible causal connection with terrorism than religion

46. Often, the price quoted by Mr. Market seems plausible, but sometimes it is ridiculous.

Thường thường, giá do Ngài Thị trường đưa ra rất hợp lý, nhưng đôi khi chúng lại rất nực cười.

47. There was no way the story could be made to sound even remotely plausible.

48. Please, someone, give me a plausible, terrestrial explanation for this kid's alien DNA.

49. It provides a superficially plausible answer to deep and troubling questions about existence.

50. The likely dangers of traditional internationalism are starting to outweigh any plausible benefits.