platoon in Vietnamese

Danh từ
(quân sự) trung đội (bộ binh)

Sentence patterns related to "platoon"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "platoon" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "platoon", or refer to the context using the word "platoon" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. She dating a platoon?

Cô ta đang hẹn cả một trung đội à?

2. My platoon turned out to be the hard-luck platoon.

3. I was assigned to B platoon.

4. Naval Academy.Brigadier general Morris' commands include: Rifle Platoon Commander and 81mm Mortar Platoon Commander, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines;, Leaders, Training Command

5. The platoon pulled back to safety.

6. The platoon mustered for roll call.

7. 31:06 Boners In Uniform Israeli Platoon Part 1

8. The sergeant bellowed orders at the platoon.

9. As the war progresses ... How's your platoon doing?

10. An Air Cav platoon cut-off out there!

Một trung đội kỵ binh bay bị chia cắt!

11. Q: Were there any soldiers from your platoon there?

12. The act ends with the player's platoon in a cave labeled "Bug City," where the player's platoon facilitates the capture of the Brain Bug.

Chương đầu kết thúc với trung đội của người chơi trong một hang động gọi là "thành phố bọ" (Bug City), nơi trung đội của người chơi có điều kiện thuận lợi cho việc bắt giữ bọ não (Brain Bug).

13. By nightfall, the Japanese overran and nearly annihilated the platoon, killing 24 Marines with only a few wounded members of the platoon surviving.

Đến chập tối, quân Nhật đã gần như xóa sổ được trung đội này, giết chết 24 lính TQLC với chỉ một số người bị thương còn sống sót.

14. A whole platoon of mud Marines can confirm it

15. He is being guarded by a platoon of police.

16. Platoon got so inspired, we jumped up and started firing.

chúng tôi nhảy ra trước làn đạn.

17. Platoon sergeants fell their men in on the barrack square.

18. Ares has a 0.8 Platoon Speed on the World Map

19. To the left Charlie could see another platoon ahead of him.

20. The platoon is sent to reconnoitre the village before the attack.

21. Harrington's platoon on a wrong turning, heading in the direction of Serre.

22. You're at the end of the platoon, and you're taking a big charge.

23. The platoon made its way to the pre-arranged rendezvous in the desert.

24. I got a platoon trapped in this beet field by machine guns.

Tôi có một trung đội bị súng máy chặn lại ở cánh đồng củ cải này.

25. From Sfax the group sailed to Tripoli and Eighth Army assignments as platoon leaders.

26. We had a whole platoon used to operate fog machines around airfields overseas.

27. 21 In the army generals, former platoon, company, battalion, brigade, Longdong appeasement commander, commander.

28. The platoon commanders shout their commands and the recruits manoeuvre into the required formations.

29. On the one hand, the platoon formation is based on a Coalitional game-theory approach.

30. He would lead an infantry platoon in the Korean War, where he earned a Bronze Star.

31. Being the platoon leader, he was serious about being a soldier first, a pilot second.

32. They decided to launch an as-sault after the bombardment, with my platoon in reserve.

33. The Antitank Missileman – Tow Gunner MOS falls under the anti-armor platoon within the weapons company

34. They are currently locked in animated detailed discussion with their platoon commander, an experienced infantry captain.

35. Handiwork small plant uses platoon getting, it is handgun getting stiletto even, on size error is bigger.

36. The advance was pressed home, however, until the leading platoon reached the lower slopes of the objective.

37. Daniels meets an African-American technician, Howard (Russell Richardson), who helps the platoon contact air support.

Daniels gặp một kỹ thuật viên người Mỹ gốc Phi, Howard (Russell Richardson), người hỗ trợ của trung đội.

38. On returning to my foxhole, I found it occupied by the 3d Platoon of B Com-pany.

39. However, the entire platoon is killed off one by one by the sniper, until only Murdock is left.

Tuy nhiên, cả trung đội từng người một bị hạ bởi những phát bắn tỉa cho đến khi chỉ còn sót lại mỗi Murdock.

40. My platoon went deepest into the wooded area we were going into to set up an ambush patrol.

41. "Construction of building of ground platoon type " with " the wall discharges a product " appeared the contradiction of give tit for tat.

42. Our platoon was lead, and as we walked out of this base camp, we walked into an ambush.

43. After the initial sweeps by 1st and 2nd platoons, 3rd Platoon was dispatched to deal with any "remaining resistance".

Sau cuộc càn quét đầu tiên của Trung đội 1 và 2, Trung đội 3 được lệnh giải quyết bất cứ sự "kháng cự còn lại" nào.

44. • The Ablutions, cookhouse and accommodation are checked for cleanliness, these jobs being a major headache in a platoon location

45. The platoon commanders barked their orders to dismount and the vehicles came to an abrupt standstill amongst the enemy.

46. Information they gathered was sent back to platoon headquarters by runner and radioed from the village to Company headquarters.

47. The General looks on as a cadet is singled out to deliver his orders to others from his platoon.

48. 16 "Construction of building of ground platoon type " with " the wall discharges a product " appeared the contradiction of give tit for tat.

49. Shortly after Klendathu, on November 23, 2369, the player's platoon is sent to Zegema Beach to extract a supply convoy in the area.

Không lâu sau nhiệm vụ tại Klendathu, ngày 23 tháng 11 năm 2369, trung đội của người chơi được gửi đến bãi biển Zegema để sơ tán đoàn hộ tống tiếp tế trong khu vực.

50. Otton hitched on to this ride and had so much fun that he managed to stave off the customary platoon with Kyle Wachholtz.