platelets in Vietnamese

danh từ
tiểu huyết cầu

Sentence patterns related to "platelets"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "platelets" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "platelets", or refer to the context using the word "platelets" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Both the endothelial cells and the platelets produce eicosanoids, which cause the platelets to clump together.

2. NIH BLOOD BANK Platelets by Apheresis

3. High plAtelets is a condition in which the blood contains more plAtelets than normal

4. Without his platelets, the serum will combust.

Không có tiểu cầu anh ta, huyết thanh sẽ cháy.

5. Platelets on a damaged site may provide an active adhesional region for the platelets on the passing embolus.

6. Chip for testing platelets and platelet testing device using same

7. Blood platelets possess the power of Ameboid movement

8. White count, hematocrit, and platelets are all off.

Lượng bạch cầu, dung tích hồng cầu, và cả tiểu cầu đều giảm.

9. Platelets, red cells, and fibrin threads repair larger injuries

10. This achieved through the Clumping of platelets over the …

11. When a blood vessel is broken, plAtelets are activated to become sticky

12. Platelets were resuspended in washing buffer at appropriate concentrations for platelet aggregation measurement.

13. It contains plasma, red Blood cells, white Blood cells, and platelets

14. Platelets are one of the components required to make blood clot.

15. Conclusion The procedure which chemical agonist activating platelets is related to Ca 2 + concentration.

16. It works by irreversibly inhibiting a receptor called P2Y12 on platelets.

Nó hoạt động bằng cách ức chế không thuận nghịch một thụ thể gọi là P2Y12 trên tiểu cầu.

17. Platelets are removed from the circulation in the spleen and liver.

18. PlAtelets count of a child in the age 6 and 7 years should be between (176–452) to be normal count and exclude thrombotic diseases related to plAtelets deficiency

19. I'm injecting Khan's platelets into the deceased tissue of a necrotic host.

Tôi đang tiêm tiểu cầu của Khan vào mô chết của vật chủ hoại tử.

20. Blood cells and platelets are produced in the marrow, the central cavity of Bone

21. Platelet adhesiveness and platelet factor 3 were increased and electrophoretic mobility of platelets reduced.

22. Especially toward the throat, however, there may be some small bony platelets.


24. Abciximab is a commonly used medication to prevent platelets from clumping together.

25. There's this cool lab test that helps prove the platelets don't clump.

26. An ion exchange process creates an aqueous slurry of platelets of molecular dimensions.

27. Thrombocytosis is a condition in which there are an excessive number of plAtelets in the blood

28. The external mucoprotein layer of the adsorbed viruses merges continuously with the membrane of the platelets.

29. Fresh human blood platelets have been studied by utilizing the freeze-etching technique.

30. The presence of microtubules and filaments of blood platelets is confirmed by the freeze-etching technique.

31. Blood is a fluid connective tissue that consists of plasma, Blood cells and platelets

32. Corpuscle - either of two types of cells (erythrocytes and leukocytes) and sometimes including platelets

33. Anticoagulant drugs inhibit clot formation by blocking the action of clotting factors or platelets

34. A similar substance has been developed to stimulate the body’s production of blood platelets.

35. White blood cells are the heaviest, then the red cells, then platelets and plasma.

Bạch cầu nặng nhất, sau đó là hồng cầu, tiểu cầu và huyết tương.

36. Platelet Clumping occurs when the blood platelets responsible for coagulation stick to one another to form clusters

37. These accessory substances are located in fixed tissue cells, in platelets, and in plasma.

38. They too refuse transfusions of whole blood, red cells, white cells, platelets, or plasma.

Họ cũng từ chối không nhận truyền máu nguyên chất, hồng cầu, bạch cầu, tiểu cầu, hoặc huyết tương.

39. In a healthy person, there are usually 150,000 to 450,000 plAtelets per microliter of blood

40. Special blood cells called platelets and proteins called Clotting factors are involved in blood Clotting

41. Blood is made up of four main parts —red cells, white cells, platelets, and plasma.

Máu gồm bốn thành phần chính là hồng cầu, bạch cầu, tiểu cầu và huyết tương.

42. The presence of platelet Clumping has no clinical consequences other than preventing instruments from properly counting blood platelets.

43. 22 In the first minute of the plug formation the platelets retain their granules and remain loosely packed.

44. Platelets were identified in 1865, and their function was elucidated by Giulio Bizzozero in 1882.

Tiểu cầu được xác định năm 1865, và vai trò của chúng được mô tả bởi Giulio Bizzozero năm 1882.

45. Platelets adhere to tissues around a wound, forming a blood clot and sealing damaged blood vessels.

Tiểu cầu bám vào các mô xung quanh vết thương khiến máu đông lại và bịt kín những mạch máu bị tổn hại.

46. Preplatelets convert into barbell-shaped proplatelets in vitro to undergo repeated Abscissions that yield circulating platelets

47. Wait until ANC # and platelets #; decrease dose by # % or continue full dose with growth factor support

48. Large amounts of tAurine can be found in the heart, the brain, the retina, and blood cells called platelets

49. The blood platelets count, plasma-albumin level keeping low can increase the ratio of death of patient with sepsis.

50. Lab studies including platelets(PLT) counts and erythrocyte sedimentation rate(ESR) were both higher than these of control group.