plasmid in Vietnamese

(DTH) plasmit

Sentence patterns related to "plasmid"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "plasmid" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "plasmid", or refer to the context using the word "plasmid" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. BVTech Plasmid is DNA plasmid drawing software free software.

2. Toxin-Antitoxins and Plasmid Maintenance

3. Plasmid pAAV-CamKII-Archt-GFP (PV2527) from Dr

4. Repellents plasmid machinizing Atteal Gall peakish cassoon pulicat gooseherd unicolorate

5. Results: The recombinant plasmid pUC 18 E 6 had been got.

6. Objective To construct recombinant plasmid for expression of chymopapain in E.

7. Sequences of plasmid pUC19 served as target for the internal amplification control.

8. Actinomyces-origin plasmid and process for producing secondary metabolite using the same

9. The plasmid has unique restriction sites for more than forty restriction enzymes.

10. 6 Lysosome and cellular plasmid are activated to restrain activity of heavy metals.

11. ABP forms positively charged nano-particles of less than 200 nm with plasmid DNA.

12. 17 Plasmid: circular DNA molecules able to replicate independently of the chromosome in microorganisms.

13. 10 Conclusion: pED GCSF is a high eukaryotic expression plasmid in mammalian cell.

14. Recombinant Streptomyces lividans strains expressing plasmid-encoded ALip-P3 were also inoculated into the soil.

15. Plants evolved when a Bacterioid donated one group a plasmid containing all the genes necessary for photosynthesis

16. 12 After extracting with phenol-chloroform, it is not necessary to recover the plasmid by ethanol precipitation.

17. After extracting with phenol-chloroform, it is not necessary to recover the plasmid by ethanol precipitation.

18. pBR322 is a plasmid and was one of the first widely used E. coli cloning vectors.

19. We therefore took this data into consideration when calculating the superhelical densities of the different plasmid preparations.

20. However, the genes brought in by a plasmid do not usually become a permanent part of the bacterium's own chromosome.

21. The recombinant bait plasmid didn't have self-activating effect and did not show toxicity to yeast AH109 cell.

22. This provides strong evidence that the hybridization signals obtained are highly specific and due to the transfected plasmid.

23. In the second system, the Arae gene under control of the same constitutive promoters was placed on a medium-copy plasmid

24. What will happen to the mobility of the plasmid as you add increasing amounts of ethidium bromide to the gel during electrophoresis?

25. When spa2 was placed on a multicopy plasmid, a severe defect in formation and pigmentation of aerial mycelium resulted.

26. Coenzyme B 12 has been used as a supplement for culturing plasmid variants in in vivo assay of yvrC-lacZ fusions

27. Repeating these steps produced a plasmid containing two protein A domains, and then by another step to one with three domains.

28. Insert and ligate any DNA fragment into a vector such as plasmid or viral vector, to form a recombinant DNA.

29. AIM: To study the gene silencing effect of short hairpin plasmid vector on aquaporin-4 (AQP- in astrocytes cultured in vitro.

30. Vigene Biosciences offers research-grade and cGMP production of AAV, lentivirus, retrovirus, adenovirus, and plasmid that complies with FDA and EMA guidelines

31. a table identifying each component of the plasmid/vector (including the region intended for insertion), its size, its origin and its intended function.

32. To test whether the uracil Auxotrophy phenotype is due to the inactivation of URA3, the mutants were transformed with a plasmid carrying the gene.

33. 29 The ability of amphiphilic block copolymers that consist of polyethylenimine (PEI) and poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) to modulate the delivery of plasmid DNA was evaluated.

34. Methods We construct the rat antisense TIMP 1 recombinant plasmid which can be expressed in eucaryotic cells by RT Nest PCR and the technique of recombinant DNA.

35. A 989-bp PCR product containing only the Benr open reading frame was cloned into the NdeI/PstI sites of pT7-7 downstream of the T7 promoter to construct the Benr expression plasmid

36. The Aggregative adherence of EAEC is mediated by the adhesins Aggregative adherence fimbriae I (AAF/I) or AAF/II, encoded by a gene cluster that is located on an EAEC virulence plasmid, pAA.

37. Initially plasmid-encoded enzymes of Ambler classes A and D had been designated as extended spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL) which became able to hydrolyze cephalosporins of the third and fourth group due to amino acid exchange mutation(s).

38. We have shown previously that EAEC adheres to HEp-2 cells by virtue of a plasmid-encoded fimbrial adhesin designated Aggregative adherence fimbria I (AAF/I), the genes for which have been cloned and sequenced.

39. VM7Luc4E2: The VM7Luc4E2 cell line was derived from VM7 immortalised human-derived adenocarcinoma cells that endogenously express both forms of the estrogen receptor (ERα and ERβ) and have been stably transfected with the plasmid pGudLuc7.

40. However, results showed more variation, and the effect was shorter lived as a result of lessened peroxidase stability. Three recombinant S. lividans strains expressing the ALip-P3 gene in plasmid pIJ702.LP were also inoculated into soil.

41. Conjugation is the transfer of a plasmid or other self-transmissible DNA element and sometimes chromosomal DNA from a donor cell to a recipient cell via direct contact usually mediated by a Conjugation pilus or sex pilus

42. In genomic library, a total of 3 × 10 5 transformants were obtained and were screened for their sperm Agglutinating activity (Additional file 1: Figure S1a, b).Recombinant plasmid from positive transformant was isolated and the insert was sequenced using

43. Summary: Renalase is a flavin adenine dinucleotide-dependent Amine oxidase that is secreted into the blood from the kidney (Xu et al., 2005 [PubMed 15841207] Products: 3'UTR GoClone, Antibodies, miRNA Mimics, Proteins, esiRNA, shRNA, siRNA, SYBR® Green Primers, Custom CRISPR Plasmid.

44. Morphologically, Bacteria are microscopic single-celled organisms that are small in size and lack membrane bound organelles.A majority of these organisms also have a cell wall and capsule that protects the inner contents of the cell where the nucleoid, ribosome, plasmid, and cytoplasm are found

45. Cloning Enhancer, or CE, is a proprietary enzyme mix for removing background plasmid DNA and PCR residue, thus eliminating the need for additional purification of PCR-amplified DNA prior to the In‑Fusion reaction (see details in the In‑Fusion HD Cloning Kit User Manual).CE is available as part of the In‑Fusion HD Cloning Plus CE kit and as a separate item.