pinnule in Vietnamese

Danh từ
(thực vật học) lá chét con (của lá chét trong lá kép lông chim hai lần)
(động vật học) bộ phận hình cánh; bộ phận hình vây

Sentence patterns related to "pinnule"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pinnule" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pinnule", or refer to the context using the word "pinnule" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Pinnae of 3d pair usually sessile with basal basiscopic pinnule shorter than adjacent pinnule and equaling basal Acroscopic pinnule; basal Acroscopic pinnule equaling or shorter than adjacent pinnule

2. Pinnae of 3d pair usually sessile with basal basiscopic pinnule longer than or equaling adjacent pinnule and longer than basal Acroscopic pinnule; basal Acroscopic pinnule shorter than adjacent pinnule

3. Pinnae of 3d pair usually sessile with basal basiscopic pinnule shorter than adjacent pinnule and equaling or shorter than basal Acroscopic pinnule; basal Acroscopic pinnule equaling or shorter than adjacent pinnule

4. Pinnae of 3d pair sessile with basal basiscopic pinnule equaling adjacent pinnule and equaling basal Acroscopic pinnules; basal Acroscopic pinnule equaling or slightly shorter than adjacent pinnule

5. Pinnae of 3d pair sessile with basal basiscopic pinnule equaling adjacent pinnule and equaling basal Acroscopic pinnules; basal Acroscopic pinnule equaling or slightly shorter than adjacent pinnule

6. An alternate botanical word for Bipinnate is called pinnule

7. Another botanical word for Bipinnate is pinnule, which is the word used to describe leaflets that are further pinnately divided

8. The sori are borne on the abaxial surface of the pinnule, arranged in two rows parallel to the midvein, elliptic, and composed of 4-10 round sporangia.

9. Notable characteristics are the dark stem, whose color extends well up the axis of the leaf blade, a deeply cut Acroscopic lobe or pinnule at the base of …

10. Fronds medium-sized to large, stipe base without articulation, hairy, vertically grooved above; lamina 1-4-pinnately compound, oblong to ovate-oblong; pinnules or lobes slightly oblique, Acroscopic pinnule at base larger than basiscopic, usually parallel to rachis or pinna rachis, mostly triangular, rarely lanceolate, usually grayish hispid or