pilot-plant in Vietnamese

xưởng bán sản xuất, xưởng sản xuất thí nghiệm (quy mô nhỏ)

Sentence patterns related to "pilot-plant"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pilot-plant" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pilot-plant", or refer to the context using the word "pilot-plant" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Coal Preparation: ▪ complete pilot plant blending, crushing, pulverization and sampling; and ▪ briquetting and agglomeration.

2. However, frequent failures of motors, shafts and bearings at high speeds delayed work on the pilot plant.

Tuy nhiên, những lần hỏng hóc thường xuyên của động cơ, trục và giá đỡ ở tốc độ cao làm cản trở công việc ở nhà máy chạy thử.

3. Cetane started out bringing new life to a decommissioned ammonia plant, making it into a pilot plant for renewable diesel

4. A $14 million biological aerated filter (BAF) pilot plant has been approved for launch at the Stonecutter Island Sewage Treatment Plant.

5. The pilot-plant treating 70 population equivalents of domestic wastewater is operated with a 12 day sludge age. Nanosilver was applied to the activated sludge tank within two sludge ages.

6. Tratamiento de aguas residuales de industrias conserveras de anchoas para su posterior reutilizacion, mediante un proceso biologico combinado anaerobio, Anoxico-aerobio y un tratamiento terciario fisicoquimico} author = {Lozano, N, Alonso, E, Giron, A M, Amieva, J J, and Tejero, I} abstractNote = {A study was made at a pilot plant of a method

7. Different extraction media [a) water; b) acetic acid (10%); c) acetic acid (50%); d) water/ ethanol (90+10); e) aqueous ascorbic acid solution (1%)] were evaluated for the production of an extract from fresh dill herb (Anethum graveolens, L.). Solution b was shown to be suitable for freeze concentration carried out on a pilot plant scale using a crystallisation tube, a pump and a hydraulic press.