phosphor in Vietnamese

Danh từ
photpho; lâ

Sentence patterns related to "phosphor"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "phosphor" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "phosphor", or refer to the context using the word "phosphor" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Phosphor rods.

Chất lân tinh.

2. Alkaline earth aluminate phosphor, phosphor paste composition and vacuum ultraviolet excitation light emitting element

3. In the manufacture of a color-display device comprising color-filter layers, phosphor haze may occur. Said phosphor haze adversely affects the picture quality.

4. Prior to europium, the color-TV red phosphor was very weak, and the other phosphor colors had to be muted, to maintain color balance.

Trước khi có europi, lân quang đỏ của tivi màu là rất yếu và các màu từ các chất lân quang khác buộc phải chặn lại để duy trì sự cân bằng màu.

5. Phosphor-converted single-color led including a long-wavelength pass filter

6. Liquid crystal display adopting a polarized light source and a phosphor filter

7. Phosphor bronze, manganese bronze, aluminium bronze, raw or semi-worked bronze

8. UV spectrum Blacklight makes phosphor compounds "glow" for easy identification

9. Field emission device with internal structure for aligning phosphor pixels with corresponding field emitters

10. A red light-emitting afterglow photoluminescence phosphor comprising a rare earth oxide sulfide phosphor which is activated by europium and has a chemical composition in the range represented by the following formulae: Ln¿2?

11. Heading 48 includes copper phosphide (phosphor copper)containing more than 15% by weight of phosphorus.

12. Photoelectrons released from the photocathode (40) are accelerated and directed to impinge the phosphor screen (42).

13. The excitation light source has an output wavelength greater than a peak absorption wavelength of the phosphor.

14. Method for extracting non-ferrous metals such as zinc by electrolysis and by adding substances containing phosphor

15. In X-ray systems gadolinium is contained in the phosphor layer, suspended in a polymer matrix at the detector.

Trong tia X, gadolini được chứa trong lớp lân quang, lơ lửng trong một ma trận polyme tại thiết bị phát hiện.

16. The high-purity phosphor is a host lattice infiltrated by a dopant that activates luminescent properties therein.

17. In this manner, the valuable europium content of the ore is rescued for use in phosphor manufacture.

Theo cách này, hàm lượng europi có giá trị của quặng sẽ được thu hồi để sử dụng trong sản xuất chất lân quang.

18. Inorgano phosphor with a red x ( yttrium oxide), yellow-green (zinc sulfide), blue (sulfuration AG), and so on.

19. Terbium-doped gadolinium oxysulfide (Gd2O2S:Tb) at the phosphor layer converts the X-rays released from the source into light.

Ôxysulfua gadolini (Gd2O2S: Tb) kích thích bằng terbi tại lớp lân quang chuyển hóa các tia X giải phóng từ nguồn thành ánh sáng.

20. The Bourdon tube is an almost rectangular or elliptical cross-section tube made from materials such as stainless steel or phosphor bronze

21. Automatic control m2le advanced treatment system for the removal of nitrogen and the removal of phosphor using electrical conductivity and operation method of system

22. The current revived interest in phosphorus nodule mining at the seafloor stems from phosphor-based artificial fertilizers being of significant importance for world food production.

Sự hồi sinh hiện tại trong khai thác mỏ phốt pho ở đáy biển bắt nguồn từ phân bón nhân tạo gốc phosphor có tầm quan trọng đáng kể cho sản xuất lương thực trên thế giới.

23. 26 So a narrow vertical phosphor strip is all you need: rapid luminous sampling will reconstruct the image as it sweeps past.

24. Europium oxide (Eu2O3) is widely used as a red phosphor in television sets and fluorescent lamps, and as an activator for yttrium-based phosphors.

Ôxít europi (Eu2O3) được sử dụng rộng rãi như là chất lân quang màu đỏ trong ống tia âm cực và đèn huỳnh quang, cũng như trong vai trò của chất hoạt hóa cho các chất lân quang trên cơ sở yttri.

25. This excellent light-accumulating phosphor achieves high afterglow luminance by containing Mg, Ba and the alkali metal element(s) at the same time.

26. The white color and high density of LuTaO4 make it ideal for phosphor applications, though the high cost of lutetium is a hindrance.

Màu trắng và mật độ cao của LuTaO4 làm cho nó lý tưởng cho các ứng dụng photphot, mặc dù chi phí luteti cao là một trở ngại.

27. More specifically, the present invention relates to: a (halo)metal silicon oxynitride phosphor wherein various forms of alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metals or the like have been substituted into or added to a SrSi2O2N2:Eu2+ phosphor; and to a method for producing the same by means of a solid-phase method at atmospheric pressure.

28. With the brilliant red europium phosphor, it was no longer necessary to mute the other colors, and a much brighter color TV picture was the result.

Với lân quang europi đỏ tươi, đã không cần thiết phải ngăn chặn các màu khác và hình ảnh tivi màu tươi hơn là kết quả của nó.

29. To prepare a phosphor, a small fraction of appropriate material, such as an oxide of another rare-earth metal, is added to the mixture before annealing.

Để chuẩn bị một chất lân tinh, một phần nhỏ vật liệu thích hợp, chẳng hạn như oxit của một kim loại đất hiếm khác, được thêm vào hỗn hợp trước khi ủ.

30. 1987, Howard Bornstein, Under the Apple (page 221) These screen Blankers prevent phosphor burn on your screen, which is always a danger when you leave the screen on too long.

31. The phosphor host system with the spinel crystal structure exhibits a near-infrared luminescence of 650–750 nm with the presence of R line, phonon side bands, and Antiphonon side bands

32. That Alluviations of oxygen and phosphor are bigger from Finland than from any other country beside the Baltic Sea, when we look at the proportional amounts of Alluviations

33. The energy conversion of Gd is up to 20%, which means that 1/5 of the X-ray energy striking the phosphor layer can be converted into visible photons.

Sự chuyển hóa năng lượng của Gd tới 20%, nghĩa là, một phần năm các tia X va đập vào lớp lân quang có thể được chuyển hóa thành các photon ánh sáng.

34. It is suitable as the raw materials of abrasive, sinter, plasma spraying material, filler, single crystal, catalyst support, phosphor, sealing material and ceramic filter, thus being remarkably useful from the industrial viewpoint.

35. Further increasing the phosphorus content leads to formation of a very hard compound Cu3P (copper phosphide), resulting in a brittle form of phosphor bronze, which has a narrow range of applications.

Sự gia tăng thêm nữa của hàm lượng phốt pho dẫn tới sự hình thành của hợph chất Cu3P (phốt phua đồng) rất cứng, tạo thành dạng giòn của đồng thiếc phốt pho và nó có ít ứng dụng.

36. Actinical is a dielectric, which includes and encompasses all light reagents, such as silicon, phosphor, fluorescence, radium, platinocyanide; whether chemical, bio, metal, gases, or oxidants; anything acting, responding, or changeable by light radiation

37. The invention discloses a microbe fertilizer, which comprises the following parts: Authigenous azotobacter, phosphor-removing bacterium and potassium-removing bacterium.The invention is key fertilizer when using with inorganic composite fertilizer, which is fit for kinds of climate, soil and crop.

38. This light-accumulating phosphor comprises a compound represented by MAl2O4, with the metal element represented by M being composed of Sr, Mg and Ba, as a host crystal, and contains Eu as an activator, while containing Dy as a coactivator.

39. But it is remarkable that Alluviations of oxygen and phosphor are bigger from Finland than from any other country beside the Baltic Sea, when we look at the proportional amounts of Alluviations. (Larsson & Granstedt 2010) 1.3 European and Finnish obligations of water protection

40. Antiseptize croim yksiääninen laulu Phosphor tricolori s tunom estar de pé atrás epäuskottava, uskomaton, hatara pdq (pretty damn quick) affidavit zgražati se paglubog ng araw périr tas-suf oil nozzle feler கழிச்சல் ஊக்கி, பேதி ஊக்கி codes klipni prsten all (present) pépier in …

41. Introduction: The Airspeed Indicator (ASI) Pitot-static instrument used in an aircraft to display the craft's Airspeed, typically in knots; Airspeed indication is accomplished with the use of a thin, corrugated phosphor bronze diaphragm (aneroid) which measures Dynamic Pressure of the air between the Pitot tube (ram air) [Figure 1] and static port (static pressure) [Figure 2]

42. Activator (genetics), a DNA-binding protein that regulates one or more genes by increasing the rate of transcription Activator (phosphor), a type of dopant used in phosphors and scintillators Enzyme Activator, a type of effector that increases the rate of enzyme mediated reactions; Sega Activator, a motion-sensing controller for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis