pharaoh in Vietnamese

Danh từ
(sử học) Faraon, vua Ai cập

Sentence patterns related to "pharaoh"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pharaoh" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pharaoh", or refer to the context using the word "pharaoh" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Buba Lyrics: Scum Gang! / MJ / Pharaoh.

2. Pharaoh Arrayed Joseph with fine linen

3. The princes Commended Sarai before Pharaoh

4. Pharaoh was learning who Jehovah was.

Pha-ra-ôn đã học biết Đức Giê-hô-va là ai.

5. The princes Commended Sarai before Pharaoh.

6. Who was the last Pharaoh of Egypt?

7. Famous pharaoh and builder of three pyramids.

Vị Pharaon nổi tiếng đã cho xây dựng ba kim tự tháp.

8. One night Pharaoh had a strange dream.

9. No wonder Moses was not intimidated by Pharaoh!

Không lạ gì khi Môi-se không sợ Pha-ra-ôn chút nào!

10. Mummy of Egypt's monotheist pharaoh to return home .

11. Jehovah, however, intervened, preventing Pharaoh from violating Sarah.

Tuy nhiên, Đức Giê-hô-va đã can thiệp ngăn Pha-ra-ôn làm nhục Sa-ra.

12. What deliverer could break the power of Pharaoh?

Đấng cứu thế nào có thể chống lại quyền lực của Pharaoh?

13. She took down the figure of Pharaoh the ruler and put up the figure of Pharaoh with his hands over his face.

14. 20 What could Pharaoh do about this impending famine?

20 Pha-ra-ôn có thể làm gì để đối phó sự đói kém sắp xảy ra?

15. Does a Pharaoh harden his heart against his son?

Pharaoh có cứng lòng chống lại con trai mình không?

16. How did Pharaoh show haughtiness, and with what result?

Pha-ra-ôn đã tỏ ra kiêu ngạo như thế nào, và hậu quả ra sao?

17. The pharaoh is Osiris,[ ] the moon bull incarnate.

18. Pharaoh refused, so Jehovah brought ten plagues on the Egyptians.

Pha-ra-ôn từ chối, do đó Đức Giê-hô-va giáng mười tai họa trên dân Ê-díp-tô.

19. Cupid draws his arrow on both footman and pharaoh.

20. One night, he sent Pharaoh a pair of unforgettable dreams.

Một đêm nọ, ngài cho Pha-ra-ôn mơ hai giấc chiêm bao mà ông không thể quên.

21. Did the pharaoh Akhenaten deny he was a god? Egypt

22. Aaron's rod produced miracles and plagues to intimidate the pharaoh

23. 17 Jehovah gave Pharaoh many opportunities to change his mind.

17 Đức Giê-hô-va đã cho Pha-ra-ôn nhiều cơ hội để đổi ý.

24. The most familiar example is the mask of Pharaoh Tutankhamen .

25. Some pyramids of Egypt contain the body of the Pharaoh.

26. The Pharaoh, being so impressed, made Joseph one of his servants.

Pha Ra Ôn, lòng đầy cảm kích, phong cho Giô Sép làm tôi tớ cho mình.

27. Let the ambassador from Priam, king of Troy, approach the Pharaoh.

Hãy cho sứ thần của Priam, vua thành Troy, bệ kiến Pharaoh.

28. He was even given a daughter of Pharaoh in marriage.

29. When the modern Skolian Empire was founded, the title of Ruby Pharaoh was resurrected, yet this time the power of a Pharaoh is not absolute any more.

30. 8 What gave Moses the courage to appear before Pharaoh repeatedly?

8 Điều gì khiến Môi-se can đảm xuất hiện nhiều lần trước mặt Pha-ra-ôn?

31. Tomb KV11 is the tomb of Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Ramesses III.

Ngôi mộ KV11 là ngôi mộ của Ai cập Cổ đại, dùng để chôn cất vị Pharaon Ramesses III.

32. The first is the birthday of the Pharaoh in Joseph’s day.

Trước hết là sinh nhật của Pha-ra-ôn vào thời Giô-sép (Sáng-thế Ký 40:20-23).

33. A more prudent head would have abandoned the chase —but not Pharaoh.

34. Mered, bring a chair to our table for the daughter of Pharaoh.

Mered, lấy một cái ghế cho con gái của Pharaoh.

35. A great building programme is begun, including a new residence for Pharaoh.

36. The cobra supposedly protected the pharaoh by spitting fire at its enemies.

Con rắn hổ mang được cho là sẽ bảo vệ pharaon bằng cách phun lửa vào kẻ địch.

37. King Pharaoh, whose name is given in the characters above his head.

38. Moses promised Pharaoh that he would not try to see him again.

Môi-se hứa với Pha-ra-ôn rằng ông sẽ không đến nữa.

39. Later, however, another Pharaoh felt threatened by this large group of immigrants.

Tuy nhiên, về sau, một vua Pha-ra-ôn khác cảm thấy bị đe dọa bởi số người nhập cư đông đảo này.

40. This is the end of the road for Pharaoh and his people.

41. In spite of nine devastating plagues, Pharaoh still refused to release the Israelites.

Bất chấp chín tai vạ tàn hại này, Pha-ra-ôn vẫn từ chối không chịu cho dân Y-sơ-ra-ên đi.

42. And the and leanfleshed kine did eat and fat kine. So Pharaoh awoke.

43. Allotment (24 Occurrences) Genesis 47:22 Only he didn't buy the land of the priests, for the priests had a portion from Pharaoh, and ate their portion which Pharaoh gave them.

44. If you are trying to decide between the Zeus or Pharaoh series, Acropolis …

45. Moving day, Pharaoh was in his room to see a new inter - accordion.

46. He installed a native Egyptian Pharaoh, Psammetichus, as a vassal king in 664 BC.

Tuy không thể hoàn toàn có Ai Cập, nhưng ông đã đưa Psammetichus lên ngôi như một vị vua chư hầu năm 664 TCN.

47. PHARAOH of Egypt spoke with defiance and contempt when he asked: “Who is Jehovah?”

VUA PHA-RA-ÔN của xứ Ê-díp-tô đã hỏi một cách khiêu khích và khinh bỉ: “Giê-hô-va là ai?”

48. But as soon as the hail and the rain stopped, Pharaoh changed his mind.

49. But Pharaoh later hardened his heart and sent his armies after the departing Israelites.

50. The immediate result is a confrontation between an angry and bewildered Pharaoh and Abraham.