phages in Vietnamese

danh từ
(số nhiều phages)
(vi sinh vật học) xem bacteriophage

Sentence patterns related to "phages"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "phages" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "phages", or refer to the context using the word "phages" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. New phages can develop by acquiring restriction enzymes from plasmids.

2. Bacteriophages, known as phages, are a form of viruses

3. Phages, formally known as Bacteriophages, are viruses that solely kill and selectively target bacteria

4. Bacteriophages (or phages) are obligate intracellular parasites that infect bacteria and reproduce by hijacking their host’s biosynthetic pathways.4 Phages are classified as either lytic or lysogenic based upon their replication strategy

5. Method for preparing high-throughput sequenceable dna from individual plaques of phages presenting peptides

6. What are Bacteriophages? Bacteriophages, also known as phages, are ubiquitous viruses, found wherever bacteria exist

7. Bacteriophages (phages) are viruses of bacteria that can kill and lyse the bacteria they infect

8. Bacteriophages, also known as phages, are viruses that infect and replicate only in bacterial cells

9. These results indicated that phages are protected to some extent from UV radiation when adsorbed on clay minerals.

10. Bacteriophages - called phages for short - are involved in the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria from factory farming

11. If the GMM did not carry self-transmissible plasmids or transducing phages, active transfer is practically excluded.

12. In early 1919, d'Hérelle isolated phages from chicken feces, successfully treating a plague of chicken typhus with them.

Vào đầu năm 1919, d'Herelle phân lập được phage từ phân gà, và thành công trong việc ngăn chặn dịch sốt phát ban ở gà bằng phage.

13. The isolation of phages by d'Herelle works like this: Nutritional medium is infected with bacteria; the medium turns opaque.

Và d'Herelle phân lập phages bằng cách: Môi trường dinh dưỡng được cấy vi khuẩn; sau đó môi trường trở nên đục.

14. The medium is filtered through porcelain filter, holding back bacteria and larger objects; only the smaller phages pass through.

Môi trường nuôi cấy được lọc qua sứ, giữ lại vi khuẩn và các vật chất có kích thước lớn hơn vi khuẩn; chỉ cho phép phage đi qua.

15. Bullous impetigo is a superficial infection of skin typically caused by phage group II staphylococci and, less often, by other staphylococci phages

16. Viruses that infect and use bacterial resources are classified as Bacteriophages (or phages) and represent the most abundant life form on Earth

17. The PhI50's of the LPS, adsorption rate constants with strain PAO and the plaque morphologies of these five phages were quite similar.

18. A 2006 study found that microwaving wet sponges for two minutes (at 1000 watt power) removed 99% of coliforms, E. coli and MS2 phages.

Thử nghiệm năm 2006 với lò công suất 1000W sấy bọt biển trong 2 phút loại bỏ được 99% các coliform, E. coli và thể thực khuẩn Bacteriophage MS2.

19. Newest developments in Abzymes technology exploit combinatorial libraries displayed on the surface of phages, a method which enormously enlarge the possible size of the library.

20. A large subset of phages infect Bactericidally and, consequently, for nearly one hundred years have been employed as antibacterial agents both within and outside of medicine

21. This new research initiative encourages studies using rigorous scientific conditions to assess the potential of phages or phage products as an adjunct or replacement to antibiotics.

22. Bacteriophages, called phages for short, were discovered independently by Frederick Twort in 1915 and Félix d’Herelle in 1917, over a decade before penicillin, the most well known antibiotic

23. ‘For example, certain protein receptors are common to a colicin and a virulent phage; others, like the fig product, can adsorb a Bacteriocin, virulent phages of distinct origins, and even a temperate phage.’

24. The organisms addressed include plants, insects, fungi, bacteria and phages. Bioprospecting has never been more relevant and is of renewed interest, because of the extremely worrying rise in novel, resistant pathogenic microorganisms

25. The Collection comprises seven sections organized according to taxonomic or functional criteria: (1) fungi, (2) yeasts, (3) actinomycetes, (4) industrial bacteria, (5) genetically-marked bacteria, (6) phages, (7) producers of ferments from nucleic acid exchange.