perusal in Vietnamese

Danh từ
1. sự đọc kỹ (sách...)
2. (nghĩa bóng) sự nghiên cứu; sự nhìn kỹ, sự xem xét kỹ (nét mặt...)

Sentence patterns related to "perusal"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "perusal" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "perusal", or refer to the context using the word "perusal" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. That article deserves careful perusal.

2. The agreement was signed after careful perusal.

3. Widely different was the effect a second perusal.

4. The JDBC documentation shows a plethora of parameters for your perusal.

5. Please enclose a copy of Identity card or passport perusal.

6. If do not have, explain with respect to perusal software.

7. I've already submitted my handwriting to Mr. Zhang for his perusal.

8. At this stage , we enclose our latest brochure for your perusal.

9. On perusal, we found that part of the contents not conform to the original contract.

10. It was too late for that, and nothing discreditable had leapt out from Greg's perusal.

11. Regular perusal will make clear which journalists might be most sympathetic to your particular style.

12. A quick perusal of the latest Chinese economic indicators doesn't bolster one's faith.

13. The truly personal diary, intended for purely personal perusal, is a rare thing.

14. The perusal of the roman classics was at once my exercise and reward.

15. Peter Cooke undertook to send each of us a sample contract for perusal.

16. We oppose excessive use of decontextualised exercises written only for perusal and marking by a teacher.

17. It was originally written in Hebrew, and therefore not for the perusal of the Gentiles.

18. Braziers! Five different coal-fire Braziers, with corresponding lit coal fires, stand ready for your perusal

19. The second, ‘open deed’ was a copy of the sealed, binding version, and was intended for normal perusal.

Tờ thứ hai, ‘khế để ngỏ’, là bản sao của khế niêm phong hợp pháp, thường dùng để đọc và xem xét.

20. A perusal of the letters which we have published has satisfied him of the reality of our claim.

21. By a “single” or “one reading,” I mean a single careful perusal in Conformity to the requirements of my System

22. A cursory perusal of my file of pupils' pursuits in both primary and secondary schools shows similar experiences and reflections.

23. He took a deep breath, scratched at his bony ribs, and gave the world a bit of first thing perusal.

24. Even a casual perusal of the IMDb "Goofs" sections will turn up dozens of Anachronisms for many well-known films

25. It was expected that once he had completed his perusal the documents would be thrown open for inspection by journalists and researchers.

26. WHEATLEY To make sure that he had rightly estimated their meaning on a first perusal, he should have Collated all his references in proof.

27. After a thorough perusal of the acoustic images collected by using sound waves , the NIOT team was virtually convinced that all these months they were sailing over the remains of a Harappa - like civilisation .

28. The comprehensive approach to the topic suggested by the Special Rapporteur was correct and should include a detailed perusal of the provisions of existing conventions on the expulsion of aliens, particularly those covering refugees and migrant workers

29. In an even Blunter postscript, the Prime Minister suggested that "the casual perusal of the numbers now in the Civil Service as compared with the number when the Commission was created will, I think, give any man cause for thought."43 Roche replied with a memorandum placing the blame for staff increases on the departments which, he stated, initiated all actions in establishing new positions

30. However, a perusal of the same decree also shows that, in Italy, only teaching carried out in boarding schools, nursery, primary or secondary schools or colleges of art – whether State schools or private schools recognised or subsidised by the Italian State – is considered to fall within the first two categories of paragraph E, covering ‘specific’ and ‘non-specific’ teaching respectively, which give the right, inter alia, the first to the award of two points per month of teaching, with a maximum of 12 points per academic year and the second to one point per month of teaching, with a maximum of six points per academic year.