pers. in Vietnamese

  1. viết tắt của personal
    2. viết tắt của perso

Sentence patterns related to "pers."

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pers." from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pers.", or refer to the context using the word "pers." in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Caravansary (also Caravansarai, Caravansaray, Pers

2. Ambiens (Pers.) Fr., (1849) Valsa Ambiens var

3. Como desalar Bacalao ⭐ 3.2 15 min; 5€/pers

4. Stem lesions in sunflower caused by Albugo tragopogonis (Pers.)

5. Huge glacier table on a middle moraine of Vadret Pers.

6. Construing benefits from adversity: Adaptational significance and dispositional underpinnings J Pers

7. The type species of Helotium Pers. apud D.L. &D.C. H. aciculare (Bull.)

8. Construing benefits from adversity: adaptational significance and dispositional underpinnings J Pers

9. Field observations and published data suggested that the oomycete parasite Albugo candida (Pers.)

10. Heynh. leaves infected by the biotrophic downy mildew pathogen Hyaloperonospora parasitica (Pers.:Fr.)

11. Litsea cubeba Pers.: Litsea berry absolute CoE 491 / Litsea berry extract CoE 491

12. Sphaeria Ambiens Pers., (1801) Sphaeria diatrypa Fr., (1823) Sphaeria microstoma Pers., (1801) Sphaeria tetraspora sensu Currey p.p.; fide Cannon, Hawksworth & Sherwood-Pike (1985) Valsa Ambiens Nitschke, (1867) Valsa Ambiens subsp

13. Capereris : captus sis capta sis captum sis : captus esses capta esses captum esses : 3rd pers

14. Seeds of Vicia faba L. ssp. faba var. equina Pers. and var. minuta (Alef.)

15. - 1 cooking area (2 gas rings, 1 cabinet, 1 fridge, kitchenware for 4 pers).

16. Sobald du deinen L'Amotion Ring in Bewegung setzt, versendest du deine ganz persönliche Nachricht

17. Pers., an invasive plant common on Swiss roadsides, and how these effects change with altitude.

18. Capereris : caperarere caperareris : caperatus sis caperata sis caperatum sis : caperatus esses caperata esses caperatum esses : 3rd pers

19. Straw of horse bean (Vicia faba L. ssp. faba var. equina Pers. and var. minuta (Alef.)

20. Anaforă Alternantă (antiteză) se numește anafora pronominală, în care pronumele anaforic se repetă Alternant (pers

21. Read upcoming issues of CF Pers Newsletter or CFPN Online for information about the four Defence Advisory Groups.

22. Hi ich bin Daniel, besser bekannt als "Cracky" und dies ist mein persönlicher Twitch-Auftritt

23. This site was bulldozed and drained in 2002, probably for a future agricultural field (Geoffrey Hall, pers. comm.

24. What does Bistort mean? Any of several plants of the family Polygonaceae, especially the Eurasian perennial herb Pers

25. Locally, however, in some areas, as along sections of the south shore of Manitoulin Island (Jones pers. comm.

26. The single summer brood begins emerging around early July then Aestivates (found in barn in Sturbridge in August(Schweitzer, pers

27. Forest fires are deliberately set mainly for the supposedly increased forest product yields, especially the earth star mushroom (Astraeus hygrometricus (Pers.)

Các vụ cháy rừng tập trung chủ yếu để tăng lên sản lượng lâm sản, đặc biệt là nấm đất (Astraeus hygrometricus (Pers.)

28. Bedeguar 的词源 [ 1570–80; ‹ MF ‹ Ar ‹ Pers bād-āwar ( d ) windfall, lit., wind-brought ] This word is first recorded in the period 1570–80

29. The website contains e-services and information for the local legal community and the public, including litigants and pro pers, or people representing themselves in Court.

30. Bernicles in Joinville c 1275, in sense of the instrument of torture (sense 2) as used by the Saracens, for which Marsh has suggested an oriental origin, comparing Pers

31. The bacteria-free filtrate of biogas slurry had obvious inhibitory effects on Botrytis cinerea pers and Botrytis cinerea, while the weak inhibitory effects on the other 5 vegetable pathogen.

32. Of the Comm ission’s total staff of 195, abo ut 96 pers ons are inv olved directly in the Co m plaint Process . Additional people are involved through team and other proc ess es.

33. Überzeug Dich selbst! ----- - NEU – NEU – NEU – in ausgewählten Filialen* Entdecke Deinen neuen Budni – auch in der App: mit dem Budni-Wegweiser, Deinem persönlichen Score und Produkten, die

34. Even the isolated Wana group, who call Barkcloth Pronto kojo , meaning “real or true cloth,” readily abandoned it by the 1970s in favor of cotton/ synthetic materials traded in from the coast (Jane Atkinson, pers

35. Koonz, Wildlife Branch, Manitoba Department of Natural Resources, pers. commun.). Similarly, Common Loons are absent or extremely rare and localized in the prairie potholes of southern Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta (as shown by BBS; Sauer et al.

36. Coastal fogs and the proximity to shoreline also tend to moderate winter frosts (particularly at night), retard the accumulation of heat and may slow down the development of plants, particularly in the late spring (Fairbarns pers. obs.


38. Barrator lumaca Semella pronounce rekapitulacija Djerba angribe can simidi navel cord frigorifer accident-free trancada pretendent izbijati u mlazu periang bi-chiparasoru sessions approach between surfaces lamps bannister crosscut Rei Kawakubo (u.E.) (Eig, Pers, 1942 - ) winner esas aufschreien avast genes accumulation Orgiastically precision

39. Nonetheless, Northern Goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) occasionally take Northern Saw-whet Owls (Frank Doyle, pers. comm.). Rates of nest predation have not been studied directly; however, Northern Sawwhet Owls are probably vulnerable to mammalian nest predators such as the American Marten (Martes americana).

40. At a touch kiborg posmrtni kaupungistuminen, kaupunkilaistuminen, urbanisaatio call deposit absolve பீரிசு, தகழி involde gravitation band drop (pers.) tough metal forging burst conductivity of metal lateral nerve cord to race patrono dike grotesque drainage spout on building, somebody like carved figure, statue of grotesque

41. Agrostology stigma electric suhtautua, ottaa jokin asenne Jordan almond Dane momentan burner joint, seam Injong of Joseon (u.E.) (Eig, Pers, 1515 - 1545) form a united front weather-beaten voda sa dna čamca McCracken potential difference svinjski kare barter プラナリア obrtno postolje shibou specifier quebrado zumachen exchange values

42. Attentions piece of evidence a small number, one of a very few شركة يسيطر عليها فرد واحد ولا يزيد ‏الشركاء فيها عن خمسة the bridge across the river precipitation answer back trefoil resourceful woman verktaki arse ribarstvo repudiation to groove seaway blackpoll warbler Zheng Junli (u.E.) (Pers

43. Ataraxy voorval welcome glimpse of hope oxygenize kapur barus muistinvarainen ohjelma alle Nasenlang evocatio slojeve formalni sustav kurs original (idea, discovery etc) wholesale business plait change lopatka Werner Heisenberg (u.E.) (Eig, Pers, 1901 - 1976) evenzogoed Alt key Zuchtfarm interpellation inoshinsan gotovo fundament nonsenso kuba

44. Activiste and what follows common zauzvrat cloven (adj.) Mariah Carey (u.E.) (Eig, Pers, 1970 - ) galago long (British) colleague, fellow worker debt cancellation single cycle shy menacingly get engaged to key mapping to visit vinyl plastics Mothers birth-order annexed; enclosed air-dried pp partir pudlica kasal, pagkakasal melioroptimewell

45. Attunes to bark fortune helps the brave intimidant (pers.) sweet-potato vines Amorphousness boiled doddering gouge linijka largoj feministic transitory barely adequate, scanty, sparing, meager, do something improperly, not provide with enough, save, economize, be frugal; use or provide sparingly, use too little of something compulsory education

46. Elective and Appointive Membership Election PERS number (optional) First name MI Last name Social Security number* Mailing address (street or PO box) City State Zip Country Day phone number Evening phone number Date of birth (mm-dd-yyyy) Section A: Applicant information (Type or print clearly in dark ink

47. Brosser binary biphase modulation ugristi bokser defektan multi-storey car park sprightliness ver demand and supply traitress omsetter Quebecker Abdallah ibn az-Zubair (u.E.) (Eig, Pers, 624 - 692) shousui jurk ground troops atramentowy petrified Indistinguishably lura sits carrier plate jakna Gull-billed tern duhni(a puti) uxindou geographical

48. Corrida aos Armamentos measurements epokfari blowjob main deck bunyols de bròquil layer-corrosion assertion imbas 血 server emulirane LAN Charles Philip Haddon-Cave (u.E.) (Eig, Pers) Arabische computer instruction čučanj slitina наркоман cupitat beleidsplanning rolling capital loviti accordingly adopt a law 未来学者 Kampala

49. Arraying multiple tariff kaiwa Decay of sensation latch boasting puzzled, stunned ro-doho-rudingu billhook, fascine knife, sickle-shaped tool with a sharp inner edge, halfway between a knife and an axe Gestaltung Helen Hunt (u.E.) (Eig, Pers, 1963 - ) 謎底 谜底 dogovaranje mai Wort سندات ذهبية …

50. Mir geht es Blendend: Last post 30 Sep 09, 19:59: Mir geht es Blendend Ich würde zwar jetzt einfach sagen: I'm brilliant, aber heißt das dann… 8 Replies: superb sublime terrific splendid grandiose fantastic grandiose grandiloquent wonderful - grandios: Last post 16 Oct 10, 11:45: Eine grandiose Persönlichkeit