peritoneum viscerale in Vietnamese

Màng bụng tạng, phúc mạc tạng

Sentence patterns related to "peritoneum viscerale"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "peritoneum viscerale" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "peritoneum viscerale", or refer to the context using the word "peritoneum viscerale" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Ascites is the pathologic accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum

2. Ascites definition, accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity; dropsy of the peritoneum

3. What is the Adventitia called when it is covered by visceral peritoneum? A serosa

4. Other sites of ectopic implantation include ovary, abdominal peritoneum, and cornual ( uterine ) portion of fallopian tube.

5. The Adventitia consists of fibroelastic connective tissue that merges with the connective tissue behind the peritoneum

6. These non pigmented endometriotic peritoneal lesions include the white opacifications of the peritoneum, the red flamelike lesions, the glandular excrescences, the subovarian adhesions, the yellow- brown patches, the circular peritoneal defect, areas of petechial peritoneum or with hypervascularization.

7. In this group of diseases the inspection of the peritoneum and the abdominal cavity may contribute valuable informations.

8. Caul - part of the peritoneum attached to the stomach and to the colon and covering the intestines

9. 9 The pathological character of tuberculosis in intestines, peritoneum, meninges , urogenital system, bone and joint and lymph node.

10. Peritoneal fluid (Ascitic fluid) analysis The peritoneum is a tough semi-permeable membrane lining abdominal and visceral cavities

11. The outer layer is Adventitia, which is made of connective tissue, and wherever it touches peritoneum it is called serosa.

12. Skirt membrane is the tough fibrous membrane (peritoneum lining or abdominal tunic) and/or the thick skirt (hanging tender

13. The kidneys are situated beneath the muscles in the area below the end of the ribcage, loosely connected to the peritoneum.

Thận nằm dưới cơ bắp ở vùng dưới cuối của lồng ngực, kết nối lỏng lẻo với phúc mạc.

14. (Murine Orbit, NCI Thesaurus) It occurs in the peritoneum and may affect the serosa surface of the uterus and the Adnexa

15. In the advanced stages it also extends to the pleural cavity and peritoneum (ascites) and can even develop into a generalized anasarca.

Trong giai đoạn tiên tiến, nó cũng mở rộng đến màng phổi và phúc mạc (cổ trướng) và thậm chí có thể phát triển thành một anasarca tổng quát.

16. Abdominal tuberculosis is a type of extrapulmonary tuberculosis which involves the Abdominal organs such as intestines, peritoneum and Abdominal lymph nodes

17. The most distinguishing characteristic of this species is the black to dusky in color of its peritoneum (the lining of the abdominal cavity).

Đặc điểm phân biệt nhất của loài này là màu đen đến màu tối của màng bụng (lớp lót của khoang bụng).

18. The Anterolateral abdominal wall consists of four main layers (external to internal): skin, superficial fascia, muscles and associated fascia, and parietal peritoneum

19. If the process is not done properly, using strict aseptic technique, a person can develop peritonitis—a serious and potentially fatal infection of the peritoneum.

20. Further findings were large adhesions between the epiploic appendices of the sigmoid and the parietal peritoneum and atypical cells in the peritoneal washings.

21. Epiploic Appendages (or appendix epiploica, plural: appendices epiploicae) are peritoneum-lined protrusions of subserosal fat that arise from the surface of the large bowel

22. Ascites fluid analysis is used to help diagnose the cause of fluid buildup in your abdomen (Ascites) and/or inflammation of the peritoneum (peritonitis)

23. Abdominal TB can present with involvement of any of the following sites: peritoneum, esophagus, stomach, intestinal tract, hepatobiliary tree, pancreas, perianal area, and lymph nodes

24. Due to its markedly bicuspid claws, amelanotic parietal peritoneum and Acalyculate bag-like hemipenes with dual apical horns, this taxon can be placed within the sub-genus Rhampholeon (Rhinodigitum) Matthee et al

25. Bromate targets the kidney for toxicity and cancer, the peritoneum for cancer (mesotheliomas derived from testes), testes for lowered sperm count and the thyroid for follicular cell cancer