pennate diatom in Vietnamese

tảo silic dạng lông chim

Sentence patterns related to "pennate diatom"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pennate diatom" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pennate diatom", or refer to the context using the word "pennate diatom" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Axenicity of diatom cultures microscopically

2. Unlike pennate diatoms, centric diatoms never have a raphe.

Không giống như tảo cát pennate, tảo cát trung tâm không bao giờ có một sống noãn.

3. 9 Fig. Scanning electron micrograph of a diatom.

4. 23 Fig. Scanning electron micrograph of a diatom.

5. Successful infection takes place always at the areolae of the diatom wall.

6. Some dinophytes, like Kryptoperidinium and Durinskia have a diatom (heterokontophyte) derived chloroplast.

Một số dinophyte, như Kryptoperidinium và Durinskia có một lục lạp nguồn gốc tảo cát (một lớp của ngành Heterokontophyta).

7. From 1970–1990, the diatom assemblage was dominated by alkaliphilic or pH-indifferent taxa.

8. Here we provide proof that the causative agent, domoic acid, is indeed produced by this diatom.

9. The first 0.5 cm of gyttja contained an acidophilous diatom flora resembling that of underlying mineral sediments.

10. The transition to organic-rich silt and peat and an aerophile diatom assemblage marks channel abandonment.

11. 14 The food composition consisted of eight groups: diatom, protozoa, spongiaria, annelida, mollusca, crustacea, echinodermata and pisces.

12. (1998) New combinations for some taxa of Navicula and Stauroneis, and Avowed substitute for a taxon of Eunotia Diatom 14: 69-71.

13. Thereafter, and throughout the late glacial and earliest Holocene, diatom floras were dominated by alkaliphilous and circumneutral species of Fragilaria.

14. L'invention a trait à un Cataplasme ou enduit perdu composé de matériau fibreux et de terre à diatomées

15. The flora of the lake bottom sediments is composed of planktonic, periphytic, and aerophilous diatom taxa, with Cyclotella stelligera and Tabellaria flocculosa as dominant species.

16. A multidisciplinary approach involving airphoto analysis, offshore geophysical surveys, sediment coring, and facies and diatom analyses was used in this study of the Nastapoka River delta.

17. The diatom taxa, representing mostly acidophilous and indifferent species, were identified from the moss and brook sediment on the shore of the lake and from four bottom sediments samples.

18. "Distance downstream from Cornwall" was determined to be the strongest variable influencing the structure of epilithic diatom assemblages, likely due to the effect of tides (favouring aerophilic species) closer to the river outlet.

19. While the sulphate deposition and diatom-inferred pH changes have not been as great as those observed in other acidified areas of northeastern North America (e.g., Adirondack region of New York or New England), Nova Scotia lakes have experienced biological changes toward more acidophilous diatom assemblages, especially in lakes with low pre-industrial pH values (currently with high DOC concentrations) located in Kejimkujik National Park, which receives the highest loading of sulphate deposition in Nova Scotia.

20. The aim of this study was to begin evaluating the utility of sand crabs (Emerita Analoga) as an indicator species for the algal neurotoxin, domoic acid (DA), in Monterey Bay, California, USA, a site of recurrent blooms of the DA-producing diatom, Pseudo-nitzschia