penetrates in Vietnamese

goại động từ
1. thâm nhập, lọt vào; nhìn xuyên qua
2. đâm thủng, xuyên qua; nhìn xuyên qua (màn đêm...)
3. làm thấm nhuần
4. (nghĩa bóng) nhìn thấu, thấu suốt, hiểu thấu

nội động từ
1. (+into) thâm nhập, lọt vào
2. (+to, through) xuyên đến, xuyên qua
3. thấu vào, thấm vào

Sentence patterns related to "penetrates"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "penetrates" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "penetrates", or refer to the context using the word "penetrates" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The sun's radiation penetrates the skin.

2. 3 The bayonet penetrates through the target.

3. Little buddy, my kung fu penetrates walls.

Có một loại công phu, tên là cách không đả vật.

4. Diffused light evidently penetrates the earth’s atmosphere.

Ánh sáng khuếch tán vào bầu khí quyển của trái đất.

5. Someone penetrates the house, jerks off on the bed.

à... ai đó đã đột nhập vào nhà, đi lên lầu, lăn lộn trên giường,

6. Entrance of the Antherozoid: place where the Antherozoid penetrates

7. The curious, adventurous snake... penetrates deeper... into the cave...

Con rắn tò mò, thích phiêu lưu... thâm nhập vào trong hang... sâu hơn.

8. The tamarack volume penetrates the envelop and transforms it.

9. CA penetrates Balsa very well and makes strong joints

10. The insect's sting penetrates the surface of the skin.

11. Like sunlight penetrates every inch of skin feeling faint.

12. After liberation from the spore wall, the uninucleate Amoebula penetrates

13. Remove the dying flesh before it penetrates the abdominal wall.

Loại bỏ phần thịt chết ra trước khi nó lan vào thành bụng.

14. Hydroquinone penetrates the skin and may cause irreversible damage to connective tissue.

Hy-đrô ki-non thấm vào da có thể gây ra những tác hại không thể sửa đổi được đối với các mô liên kết.

15. Benzoyl peroxide penetrates your pores to reach and kill all the P

16. The wound penetrates her right ventricle... causing massive bleeding into her pericardium.

17. After HIV penetrates the body's mucosal barriers, it infects immune cells to replicate.

sau khi HIV xuyên thủng hàng rào dịch của cơ thể nó làm nhiễm độc các tế bào miễn dịch để nhân lên

18. This is a telescope that penetrates to the remote parts of the universe.

19. As it penetrates, it delivers ionizing radiation to all the cells around it.

20. Sunlight penetrates the glass or plastic, and the black paneling absorbs the trapped heat.

21. Their light penetrates to dark comers, and is capable of reaching to inmost recesses.

22. He penetrates deeper into the artist's life in the second volume of his autobiography.

23. Breakthrough definition is - an offensive military assault that penetrates and carries beyond a defensive line

24. The abducent nerve penetrates the dura mater by an oval gate in the clivus region.

25. Axis penetrates deeper as the shaft passes through animals with less friction behind the broadhead channel

26. Agonizing burst 5e simplifies Erdrich burst 5e so that the warlock’s charisma penetrates to their damage

27. In the abyssal murk of the deep ocean floor, miles below the surface, no light penetrates.

28. But the issue penetrates, or ought to, rather deeper than the fine weave of legal technicality.

29. In a normal winter, the frost penetrates deeply enough to kill off insect eggs in the soil.

30. The research goal lies in penetrates "Qin Kuai" this concrete object, the inquisition retributive justice's cultural connotation.

31. Furthermore, taproot penetrates deep into the soil while Adventitious root does not penetrate into the soil deeply.

32. When added directly as a primary or secondary detergent, Acidulate immediately penetrates and dissolves tough mineral scale deposits.

33. An individual epithelial peg which penetrates with a buffer-shaped thickening into the corium conforms to each papilla.

34. In this case, a tension or pressure element (8) obliquely penetrates the support (5) at an angle α.

35. Rape occurs when a person penetrates another person’s mouth, anus or vagina with their penis without their Consent.

36. Meteor: When a meteoroid penetrates the earth’s atmosphere, the air friction produces intense heat and a bright glow.

37. The concept of (dis)symmetry and Antisymmetry deeply penetrates the art of the West and the Orient (Nagy, 1996).

38. The result is a Bullet that flies true, penetrates deep and retains its weight, without causing extensive barrel fouling.

39. The lubricant actively penetrates the crystalline surface of the metal while exhibiting extreme pressure lubrication, non-migrating with lasting protection.

40. The sub - bottom profiler , which penetrates deep under the seabed to give a cross - section view , confirmed the Acropolis structure .

41. Because the indoor moisture penetrates ceilings, then Condenses on the cool underside of the roof and can even form frost

42. As Antennules flick, water penetrates their chemosensory hair array during the fast downstroke, carrying fine-scale patterns of concentration into …

43. This process, called plucking, is caused by subglacial water that penetrates fractures in the bedrock and subsequently freezes and expands.

Quá trình này gọi là plucking, bị gây ra bởi nước của sông băng mà xuyên vào các khe nứt ở thềm đá rồi sau đó bị đóng băng và nở ra.

44. Further, this lubricant actively penetrates the crystalline surface of the metal while exhibiting extreme pressure lubrication, non-migrating with lasting protection.

45. The Burn penetrates all layers of the skin.; The skin is leathery or charred looking, with white, brown, or black patches

46. The xiphidio-cercaria, monostomous, Anenterous in type, is liberated in water and actively penetrates a Crustacea Gammarus pulex where it encysts

47. The anomalous heat is thought to be due to solar energy, which penetrates the surface ice in spring and warms the depths.

48. The Anomalous heat is thought to be due to solar energy, which penetrates the surface ice in spring and warms the depths

49. 22 When a cosmic-ray encounters solid matter then in most cases it penetrates only a few millimetres and leaves a detectable track.

50. As Antennules flick, water penetrates their chemosensory hair array during the fast downstroke, carrying fine-scale patterns of concentration into the receptor area.