peduncle of flocculus in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "peduncle of flocculus"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "peduncle of flocculus" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "peduncle of flocculus", or refer to the context using the word "peduncle of flocculus" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Antennule peduncle: The basal portion of the Antennule

2. The characteristics of vascular bundle of peduncle and grain - filling in two - line hybrid rice were studied.

3. Thus, in inflorescences, Bracteole is the equivalent of bract, and pedicel is the equivalent of peduncle.

4. 5 The red spots in the caudal peduncle region are one of the unique characteristics of this species.

5. The inflorescence is a Cyme of sunflower-like flower heads borne on a hairy, leafless peduncle.

6. 15 The first of these is on the snout and the last on the caudal peduncle.

7. Short Bigeye has a deeper body, is more rounded, dorsal and ventral body rounded (humped) at junction with caudal peduncle, the Bigeye has no distinct junction with caudal peduncle; also tail is rounded in short Bigeye (lunate in Bigeye).

8. Estrogen is mature to the formation of mammary gland flocculus and mammary gland, cannot produce effect alone, must have the control of whole hypophysis function system.

9. After the gender is mature, especially between gestation, relapse in the combination of corpus luteum ketone and estrogen below action, gland flocculus can fill minute of development.

10. 16 It can be distinguished from all other triggerfish by the forward-pointing black wedge on the caudal peduncle.

11. 28 Not only does the white flocculus in honey suckle drinks level down their own qualities but bring about the pecuniary losses for enterprises.

12. In addition, peduncle elongation and seed plume length were also studied to analyse variation in seed dispersal characters.

13. 10 Single pale blue, may show dark pinwheel marking when grown cool ; 4 - 6 per peduncle, very floriferous.

14. Immediately after the hind quarter saddle, the body and tail is bright yellow with a black spot on the caudal peduncle.

Ngay sau vệt màu sẫm ở phía sau thân cá là phần thân và đuôi có màu vàng tươi với một chấm đen trên cuống đuôi.

15. Not only does the white flocculus in honey suckle drinks level down their own qualities but bring about the pecuniary losses for enterprises.

16. Pterosaurs may have had such a large flocculus because of their large wing size, which would mean that there was a great deal more sensory information to process.

Dực long có thể đã có một học nhung não lớn như vậy vì kích thước sải cánh cực lớn của chúng, điều đó có nghĩa là có nhiều thông tin cảm quan hơn để xử lý.

17. The variable conductances across the abscission zone and peduncle regions may play an important role in floral development and the response of the plant to water stress.

18. 1 B, C).Both the Antennule and antenna are composed of a peduncle and flagella; the antenna is over 4 times as long as the Antennule (Figs

19. The structural analogy with a cirripede peduncle lost supporting evidence when the 'ovaries' were shown to be alimentary residues, and the sac muscular system could be used to support the eyes.

20. Boxfishes (Ostraciidae family) and trunkfishes (Aracanidae family) are easily recognized by their almost completely encased bony shell body.Boxfishes are distinguished by not having isolated bony plates on their caudal peduncle and having 8 branched rays

21. The occurence of dermoid cysts of a complex type in the greater omentum has been discussed. In report of a case the matrix of tumor originates from the supernumerary ovary of otherwise normal adnexa, and becomes implanted in the greater omentum by autoamputation as a result of peduncle torsion.

22. Caudal vena cava thrombosis in a dairy cow (Bos taurus) in Argentina/Trombose da veia cava Caudal em uma vaca leiteira (Bos taurus) na Argentina melanura) based on a supposed slope difference of a Caudal stripe extending from the Caudal peduncle to around 1/3 body length.

23. The structural aspects of the xylem conducting system in stem, abscission zone and peduncle were examined to define their relative roles in the delivery of water via the stem to the transpiring plant surfaces and the extent to which their functional capacity may be influenced by environmental variables such as humidity.

24. In spite of the similarities in Avicularian morphology between specimens from Rio de Janeiro and Paraná, they present remarkable differences in size (0.115–0.143 mm length for Rio de Janeiro and 0.087–0.115 mm long for Paraná), and in the presence of a long peduncle cushion in colonies from Rio de Janeiro .

25. The Brachiopoda or “lamp-shells” are coelomate Bilateria that are enclosed in a bilaterally symmetrical bivalve shell attached directly or by way of stalk (peduncle) and composed of dorsal and ventral valves lined by a mantle lobe of the body wall and that are provided with a lophophore, an open circulatory system with a dorsal contractile vesicle and one or two pairs of metanephridia, also acting as gonoduct.