pedicels in Vietnamese


Sentence patterns related to "pedicels"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pedicels" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pedicels", or refer to the context using the word "pedicels" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Fruiting pedicels thickened, nearly as wide as fruit, divaricate .

2. 3 Branchlets, petioles, leaves, and pedicels densely tomentose, not hirsute.

3. Pedicels are up to 1.4 cm long and bear a single flower.

Các cuống nhỏ dài đến 1,4 cm và chịu một bông hoa duy nhất.

4. Female flowers: pedicels to 30 mm long, bracteoles 2, positioned directly below the ovary, elliptic to narrowly lanceolate, 1–1.5 × 0.5 mm, apex rounded, glabrous, margin entire, Aciliate, translucent, white; pedicels of female flowers 20–35 mm long, glabrous; tepals 5, …

5. A significantly greater acropetal and basipetal movement through young pedicels is not due to area differences and probably results from a metabolic difference.

6. Cordate or Auricled at base, acutish, entire : flowers on very short spreading or soon reflexed pedicels; sepals narrow, 1J or 2 lines long, the narrow purplish petals a half longer: stamens included; anthers short: pods reflexed, 1 to 1J inches long, subterete, beaked, on pedicels a line or two long.?Collected by Dr

7. No abscission zone is observed in pedicels without an articulation, a situation found in the tetraploids Solanum acaule Bitter ssp. acaule and S. acaule ssp. punae (Juz.)

8. Relative to other Agrimonies, are borne on a terminal raceme (an unbranched flowering stalk with individual floral stalks, or pedicels); the distinctive leaves are alternate, pinnately compound, and sharply toothed

9. N Ambulacrum In zoology, a row, series, or other set of perforations in the shell of an echinoderm, as a sea-urchin or starfish, through which are protruded and withdrawn the tube-feet or pedicels

10. Senna reniformis can be easily identified by its arboreal habit, leaves with 3-4 pairs of leaflets, subreniform stipules, acuminate-caudate apex, Amplexicaul, subcordate-subauriculate base and extrafloral nectaries located between all pairs of leaflets and the pedicels of the flowers.