payback in Vietnamese

danh từ
1. (tài chính) sự hoàn trả (một khoản đã đầu tư)
2. (tài chính) thời gian cần để bù lại chi phí
3. (thông tục) tiền lời
4. (thông tục) sự trả thù, sự trả miếng

Sentence patterns related to "payback"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "payback" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "payback", or refer to the context using the word "payback" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Payback Payback is a very simple and useful method, and hence it is popular.

2. I guess it's payback time .

3. Payback is an ad hoc rule.

4. But now it's payback time.

Nhưng giờ tôi sẽ trả đũa.

5. This isn't payback, is it?

Đây không phải là trả đũa tôi chứ?

6. Payback, for the Navy's testing in Vieques?

Trả đũa cho các vụ thử nghiệm của thủy quân ở Vieques?

7. The immediate payback for them is publicity.

8. The table highlights the drawback of the payback method.

9. I guess you have heard that thing called payback....

10. Hell-bent on payback, Republicans offer cruel budget that Abandons Kentuckians

11. After ten round-trips the mass payback ratio is around

12. The mass payback continues to improve with each additional mission.

13. First, no account is taken of cash flows arising after the payback date.

14. The answer is reassuring: the energy payback for this process is above 000:

15. And you're saying I should invest in Kim again without payback?

Và ông nói với tôi rằng tôi nên đầu tư vào ông Kim để không được hồi đáp?

16. They get the payback the first time they take a swim.

17. And at less than a five-year payback, this becomes very economic.

Và với 5 năm thu hồi vốn, tức khắc sẽ mang lai loi nhuận kinh tế

18. For many voters, this election is payback time for the people who raised their taxes.

19. Yeah, you gotta admit, it was nice giving those kids a little payback.

Ừ, cậu có công nhận là, phải cho chúng một vố không?

20. There is a substantial payback in terms of employee and union relations.

21. It just affects the payback period if you're comparing to grid-supplied electricity.

Nó chỉ tác động tới giai đoạn thu hồi vốn nếu bạn so sánh với điện lưới.

22. Most state or federally funded projects have a max payback of 15 years.

Hầu hết các dự án do nhà nước, liên bang tài trợ có hoàn vốn tối đa 15 năm.

23. Bankster Debuffs are Bad Credit, Payback, Cooked Books, Frozen Account and Poor Investment

24. Political payback for the President' s vote on the energy bill last month

Sự đáp trả chính trị cho lá phiếu bầu tổng thốngVề vấn đề năng lượng, tháng trước

25. Now that the carrier is making big profits, they say it's payback time.

26. Whether such a small mass payback is economically profitable is far from obvious.

27. This was payback time. I've proved once and for all I can become champion.

28. With air filtration products from Airflow Systems, ROI is a given - payback is the difference.

29. Results indicated payback times higher than those generally accepted by industry for off-production investments.

30. Now the Knicks want payback for the beating they received from Chicago a month ago.

31. 13 This was payback time. I've proved once and for all I can become champion.

32. The pension payback is even getting the seal of approval from national observers.

33. His victory was seen as payback for all the hard work he'd put in during training.

34. Member States may choose a pricing formula that in addition includes step-up or payback clauses.

35. It's a longer payback than mountaintop removal, but the wind energy actually pays back forever.

36. English words for bénéfice include profit, income, gain, Benefice, sake, living and payback

37. The mass payback soon rises above 1 and after several missions is showing a significant mass advantage.

38. Informing policy is an adaptation from the category, 'Informing policy and product development' in the Payback Model categories.

39. The point rather is to ensure that raw partisanship does not amplify indiscretions as justification for a kind of schoolyard payback.

40. In the figure of the bandit Joaquin Murieta, Californians of all races joined together to create a fable of payback.

41. We're so confident about our Cheap flights that the flights you book on are eligible for our exclusive Price Drop Payback™ program

42. Unless and until Kaepernick is back in the league under a contract commensurate with his résumé, Blackballing is football’s payback

43. The Actor with red hair, I believe is in the same Actor that is in Domino's Pizza Payback Commercial (I have it here on my blog)

44. For example, a compact fluorescent light bulb may be described as having a payback period of a certain number of years or operating hours, assuming certain costs.

Ví dụ, một bóng đèn huỳnh quang compact có thể được mô tả là có một thời gian hoàn vốn của một số lượng nhất định của năm hoặc thời gian hoạt động, giả sử chi phí nhất định.

45. Payback When he-samples some Altaid strips and imagining ·a gigantic magnifying lens burrung his as all the animals he's tortured stand around and at him

46. To be more specific, high customer Churn and long CAC payback periods will most definitely burn through your cash and ultimately lead to the demise of your business.

47. It was uncovered by accident that METRO "Payback" customer loyalty cards contained RFID tags with customer IDs, a fact that was disclosed neither to customers receiving the cards, nor to this group of privacy advocates.

48. He will remove civil war and poverty from his clay and will become a powerful superpower to rival the other three superpowers.If he feels particularly vengeful for slavery, he may instead decide to Anschluss them as payback.

49. Commentary by Atwood and others such as economist Raj Patel, ecologist William Reese, and religious scholar Karen Armstrong, are woven into various stories that explore the concepts of debt and payback, including an Armenian blood feud, agricultural working conditions, and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

Bình luận của Atwood và những người khác như nhà kinh tế học Raj Patel, nhà sinh thái học William Reese và học giả tôn giáo Karen Armstrong, được lồng vào nhiều câu chuyện khám phá các khái niệm về nợ và hoàn vốn, bao gồm mối thù máu Armenia, điều kiện làm việc nông nghiệp và vụ tràn dầu Deepwater Horizon.

50. 4.25 stars Blindsided is only my second Amy Daws book, and I really want to read all the Harris Brother's books! The first I read was Payback, which was nice because even though this is a stand-alone, Mac's friend and roommate is Roan and Freya's bestie is Allie Harris