patrols in Vietnamese

danh từ
1. đội tuần tra; việc tuần tra
2. người, nhóm người, xe, tàu hoặc máy bay đi tuần tra một khu vực
3. nhóm (thường) gồm sáu thành viên của Hướng đạo sinh hoặc Nữ hướng đạo sinh
4. (quân sự) cuộc bay tác chiến thường xuyên

động từ
đi tuần tra

Sentence patterns related to "patrols"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "patrols" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "patrols", or refer to the context using the word "patrols" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. I spotted two Redcoat patrols.

Tôi phát hiện hai tên lính tuần tra Áo Đỏ

2. You know the patrols, Mark.

Con quen bọn lính tuần mà, Mark.

3. The army make hourly patrols of the area.

4. I've seen patrols of soldiers all day.

Tôi đã thấy lính tuần suốt ngày.

5. Notify all ship, sub and air patrols.

Thông báo cho mọi tàu, tàu ngầm và tuần tiễu trên không.

6. lncrease air and sub patrols, alert senior commanders.

Tăng cường tuần tra trên không và dưới biển, báo động các chỉ huy cao cấp.

7. The scouts are watching out for enemy patrols.

8. 20 Could we evade the patrols on the roads?

9. San Francisco police increase patrols following recent Assaults against Asian Americans

10. The Seeker stood up to the patrols this morning.

Tầm Thủ đã chống lại lính tuần sáng nay.

11. Other measures included CCTV cameras and increased police patrols.

Các biện pháp khác gồm các camera CCTV và tăng cường tuần tra cảnh sát.

12. His patrols halted the raiding assailed the Danish army.

13. Increased patrols around North Hamgyong Province, iron and steel complex.

Tăng thêm các đội tuần tra quanh tỉnh Bắc Hamgyong, nhà máy luyện kim.

14. The Aa is the largest UK breakdown provider, with almost 3,000 patrols compared to around 1,800 patrols for the second largest provider in the UK

15. His patrols haltedthe raiding parties : hunger assailed the Danish army.

16. His whole life, he's listened to what the patrols preach.

Cả đời nó, nó nghe bọn lính tuần thuyết giảng.

17. They sent out four-man patrols to scout the area.

18. The referee patrols the bandaged ropes, dapper in his black bow tie.

19. Local patrols had sufficient reason to be assiduous in their duties.

20. 16 The military decided to beef up patrols along the border.

21. In 1920 a wide variety of air operations were undertaken, including forest fire patrols, aerial photography, anti- smuggling patrols, "treaty money" flights, and general communication and transport work.

22. We've got extra police patrols on 24 hour shifts around the city.

Chúng tôi đã tăng cường thêm cảnh sát tuần tra làm việc 24 / 24 quanh thành phố.

23. The justification was to make police patrols more unpredictable to potential malefactors.

24. 10 You think they'll be covering that blind spot with recon patrols?

25. Squatter control is maintained by regular patrols and hut - to - hut checks.

26. UNIFIL occasionally encountered temporary denials of access by Hizbollah and threats to United Nations patrols.

27. A security guard with a dog patrols the building site at night.

28. The coastguard patrols paths at the top of high and sheer cliffs.

29. 2,344 flight hours for 3 fixed-wing aircraft and 10,515 flight hours for 21 helicopters, including 2,158 flight hours for border patrols, including troop insertions for foot patrols, and 600 flying hours of regional troop rotations

30. Alternative groups have formed since the original formation of the Scouting "Boy Patrols".

Các nhóm lập dị đã được thành lập từ lúc phương pháp hàng đội (Boy Patrols) nguyên thủy được hình thành.

31. Bitch slaps, Bitches on wheels and bitch patrols are all covered in these songs about Bitches

32. 9.9 OTHER PATROL/SURVEILLANCE ACTIVITY Fishery officers conduct coastal patrols, dockside checks, and quota monitoring.

33. The German infantry were engaged by several Belgian patrols equipped with T-15 armoured cars.

Bộ binh Đức đã giao chiến với những đội quân tuần tiễu Bỉ được trang bị xe thiết giáp T-15.

34. The boys were arranged into four patrols, designated as the Wolves, Ravens, Bulls and Curlews.

Các trẻ nam được sắp xếp thành bốn đội: Đội Sói (Wolves), Đội Quạ (Ravens), Đội Trâu (Bulls) và Đội Chim dẽ (Curlews).

35. U-26 participated in three other successful patrols, sinking four additional merchant ships.

U-26 đã thực hiện thêm 3 nhiệm vụ tuần dương thành công, đánh chìm thêm 4 tàu buôn.

36. SFOR troops continued to conduct reconnaissance and surveillance operations, using ground and air patrols.

37. Their pickets were posted too close to camp, and no cavalry patrols were out.

38. Patrols, aerial view evaluation, the education of rangers and environmental education are supported here.

39. Every day he patrols his patch on an unusual police vehicle - a Segway scooter.

Hằng ngày, anh tuần tra trên chiếc xe cảnh sát đặc biệt. Một chiếc Segway.

40. Our Navy has been conducting anti-piracy patrols in the Gulf of Aden since October 2008.

41. Instead of escalation, Clinton's preferred tactic had been to scale back the patrols to avoid clashes.

42. SFOR troops continued to conduct reconnaissance and surveillance operations using ground and air patrols.

43. Barathea: The finest military Baratheas for the best blue patrols in pure silk incipient contents

44. Ambush patrols at night were always in single file, with no point or flank security.

45. The Indian Navy commenced anti-piracy patrols in the Gulf of Aden from October 2008.

46. The warning came from the Solway River Purification Board, which patrols waterways in the area.

47. A Nashville Fire Department boat patrols the Cumberland River Tuesday, May 20 in Nashville, Tennessee.

48. The first vehicle patrols were out at 0600 hours, so reveille was at 0430 hours.

49. Other missions include transport of personnel, anti-smuggling negation patrols, and as a logistic ship for small craft.

Các nhiệm vụ khác bao gồm vận chuyển nhân viên, tuần tra chống buôn lậu và như một tàu hậu cần cho các tàu nhỏ.

50. OTHER PATROL/SURVEILLANCE ACTIVITY Fishery officers will conduct coastal patrols, dockside checks and quota monitoring.