patriarchs in Vietnamese

danh từ
(số nhiều patriarchs)
1. tộc trưởng; gia trưởng
2. ông lão đáng kính; ông già nhiều con cháu
3. vị đại diện cao tuổi nhất (của một giới nào...)
4. người sáng lập (một môn phái...)
5. (tôn giáo) giáo trưởng

Sentence patterns related to "patriarchs"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "patriarchs" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "patriarchs", or refer to the context using the word "patriarchs" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Patriarchs (overview)

Thời các tộc trưởng (khái quát)

2. Blessings given to worthy Church members by ordained patriarchs.

Các phước lành ban cho những người tín hữu xứng đáng của Giáo Hội bởi các vị tộc trưởng được sắc phong.

3. Abraham is the first of the three patriarchs of Judaism

4. * The patriarchs, moved with envy, sold Joseph into Egypt, Acts 7:9.

* Các tổ phụ ghen ghét nên bán Giô Sép qua Ai Cập, CVCSĐ 7:9.

5. The old revelation, the old patriarchs, pilgrims and apostles, were blessed.

Điều mặc khải xưa, các tôc trưởng xưa, những người hành hương và các sứ đồ đều được ban phước.

6. It is noteworthy that two Orthodox patriarchs were absent from the celebrations.

7. Ordained patriarchs give special blessings to worthy members of the Church.

Các vị tộc trưởng được sắc phong là để ban các phước lành đặc biệt cho các tín hữu xứng đáng của Giáo Hội.

8. Antediluvian - any of the early patriarchs who lived prior to the Noachian deluge

9. As early as the pontificate of Leo I (440 - , however, Roman patriarchs demanded more power.

10. (Ephesians 5:1, 2) As the patriarchs responded, so Christians were to respond.

Như các tộc trưởng thời xưa đã làm, vậy các tín đồ đấng Christ cũng nên làm thế.

11. The patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob spent part of their alien residence at Hebron.

12. Time has since overlaid this corpus with errors that obscure what the original patriarchs taught to their descendants.

13. Historians have noted that the tombs of the rabbis were venerated in much the same way as were the tombs of prophets and patriarchs.

Theo các sử gia, mộ của các ráp-bi cũng được sùng kính như mộ của các nhà tiên tri và tộc trưởng.

14. Subordinate to him is the Armenian Catholicos of Cilicia, as well as the Armenian patriarchs of Jerusalem and

15. 18 Some of these patriarchs grow magnificent beards and moustaches, the whole effect giving them the appearance of an Old Testament prophet.

16. The Archbishops under those patriarchs have no province nor archiepiscopal jurisdiction, but only hold the rank or archiepiscopal dignity

17. The Ten Antediluvian Patriarchs: Ten patriarchs who lived before the Flood are listed in the genealogical table of Genesis 5, together with a statement of the age of each at the birth of his son, the number of years that remained to him till death, and the sum of both periods or the entire length of his life.

18. The Archivolts include a multitude of saints (angels, patriarchs, prophets, doctors of the church, martyrs and virgins) that represent the Heavenly Court

19. Appetente Sacro On the Spiritual Advantages in Fasting Pope Clement XIII - 1759 To the Venerable Brothers the Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, and Bishops.

20. The Ten Antediluvian Patriarchs: Ten patriarchs who lived before the Flood are listed in the genealogical table of Genesis 5, together with a statement of the age of each at the birth of his son, the number of years that remained to him till death, and the sum of both periods or the entire length of his life.

21. There are Cathedral churches of simple diocesan bishops, of archbishops or metropolitans, of primates, patriarchs, and, in the Roman Catholic Church, of the pope.

22. The incident was over, but the opportunity to visit the sites that marked the lives of the patriarchs and the founders of Christianity, the real adventure, was about to begin. —Contributed.

23. One interpretation suggests the Afikoman may represent the sacrifice of Isaac, since Isaac was the middle generation of the early Israeli patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

24. Muslims worship a deity called Allah and claim that the Allah in pre-Islamic times was the biblical God, Yahweh, of the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles

25. Then- the morning light still waxing stronger- old patriarchs would rise up in great haste, each in his flannel gown, and matronly dames, without pausing to put off their night-gear.

26. Accidental abortion due to neglect or disease of domestic animals has also been known since the days of the patriarchs Jacob and Job. —Ge 31:38; Job 21:10.

27. (of an Eastern Christian Church) governed by its own national synods and appointing its own patriarchs or prelates (of a bishop) independent of any higher governing body Derived forms of Autocephalous autoce…

28. Praising the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob The first blessing of the weekday Amidah is called Avot (Patriarchs), and offers praise to God as the God of the "God of …

29. I assure each of you that as you go to the temple or visit the temple grounds, you will walk on sacred, holy ground just as the early patriarchs and matriarchs did so long ago.

Tôi bảo đảm với các em rằng khi các em đi đền thờ hoặc đến thăm khuôn viên đền thờ, thì các em sẽ bước đi trên khu đất thiêng liêng, khu đất thánh cũng như các tổ phụ và tổ mẫu đầu tiên đã làm như vậy từ lâu.

30. The text of the Amidah changes depending on the occasion, but it always opens with a prayer that invokes the Jewish peoples’ earliest ancestors: the patriarchs (and, in some prayer traditions, the matriarchs)

31. ‘The prayer at the center of every Jewish service, the Amidah, is nothing but blessings, nineteen of them.’ ‘I began the Amidah - the focal recitation of the day - and invoked the names of the Patriarchs, but something was missing.’

32. This lordship which Adam by command had over the whole world, and by right descending from him the patriarchs did enjoy, was as large and ample as the Absolutest dominion of any monarch which hath been since the creation.

33. ‘The same applies to Protestant and Orthodox Christian leaders, the Dalai Lama, the Muslim Ayatollahs, Jewish rabbinical councils, and all other modern-day religious patriarchs.’ ‘Najaf is the seat of the Shi'ite's Ayatollahs, or spiritual leaders.’

34. The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia therefore concludes: “It is no longer necessary to regard the mention of camels in the patriarchal narratives as anachronisms, since there is ample archeological evidence for the domestication of the camel before the time of the patriarchs.”

35. The papers disgusted the social-democratic patriarchs of the New Statesman who called them ‘crude anti-socialist Beatnikery’ no less than the Acting Chairman of the House Anti-American Activities Committee, Joe Pool, who felt, fairly accurately, that the underground papers were out ‘to encourage depravity and irresponsibility and nurture

36. But the idyll of childhood attachment turns into a nightmare as Han, beautiful, proud and uncompromisingly loyal, struggles against the forces of tradition and tyranny in a large household where patriarchs and matriarchs wield inexorable power, lustful male relatives watch young Bondmaids to claim their rightful share of pleasure, visiting

37. Abraham, Hebrew Avraham, originally called Abram or, in Hebrew, Avram, (flourished early 2nd millennium bce), the first of the Hebrew patriarchs and a figure revered by the three great monotheistic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.According to the biblical book of Genesis, Abraham left Ur, in Mesopotamia, because God called him to found a new nation in an undesignated land that he

38. Christians abhorred this way of obsequies, and though they sticked not to give their bodies to be burnt in their lives, detested that mode after death: affecting rather a depositure than Absumption, and properly submitting unto the sentence of God, to return not unto ashes but unto dust again, and conformable unto the practice of the patriarchs, the interment of our Saviour, of Peter,