overloading in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "overloading"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "overloading" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "overloading", or refer to the context using the word "overloading" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Phu Quoc faces waste overloading

2. Overloading circuits was a national pastime.

3. Instead of overloading you with options, Chime

4. 13 Overloading was the probable cause of the accident.

5. Overloading a circuit breaker trips the Breaker off automatically

6. A bone bruise to both Calcanei after axial overloading is reported

7. Also the TMT Pascal language was the first one which allowed function and operator overloading.

Ngoài ra ngôn ngữ TMT Pascal là ngôn ngữ đầu tiên cho phép quá tải hàm và toán tử.

8. An angle of more than 50o (simple tangent along the deflection, base-line) indicates right atrial overloading.

9. Each of those wires is protected by a copper sheath which I'm overloading with 110 volts of electricity.

Mỗi sợi dây được bẻo vệ bằng một lớp vỏ đồng mà tôi đang làm nó quá tải với điện 110V

10. Because C++ allows overloading, you can call overloads of Ceil that take float or long double types

11. The language allows the declaration of functions with arbitrary result type, operator overloading and definition, as well as dynamic arrays.

12. Excessive stress from shocks, overloading, or faulty processing of blades during manufacturing can cause Cracks and result in their fracture.

13. The principle of operation of this actinometer is based upon an overloading of those bolometers with a relatively high current.

14. The “airsheds” over the United States, Japan, Germany and other countries are steadily filling up with gases and particles that cause overloading.

15. Thus minerals, vitamins and other elements can be absorbed without overloading or causing stress to the baby’s immature and delicate digestive system.

16. This configuration makes it possible to keep the rotor from ceasing to rotate due to overloading or the occurrence of abnormal sounds.

17. 27 Spring Breakage. Breakage of leaf springs can result from excessive overloading, loose U Blots, loose center Bolt, an improperly operating shock absorber, or tight spring shackle.

18. Sather also takes inspiration from other programming languages and paradigms: iterators, design by contract, abstract classes, multiple inheritance, anonymous functions, operator overloading, contravariant type system.

19. Up-regulation of adiponectin expression in Antigravitational soleus muscle in response to unloading followed by reloading, and functional overloading in mice PLoS One

20. This series of distribution box can be used as lighting power and electric motor controlling to avoid the overloading, electricity leaking, short-circuit of circuit system.

21. Spring Breakage. Breakage of leaf springs can result from excessive overloading, loose U Blots, loose center Bolt, an improperly operating shock absorber, or tight spring shackle.

22. Also, while in general terms common class method and constructor overloading is not considered polymorphism, there are more uniform languages in which classes are regular objects.

23. This article identifies the value addition provided by wrapped document literal pattern in the WSDL design and the shortcoming on method overloading programming practice.

24. High efficiency Backwardly inclined airfoil bladed wheel designed for clean air applications and exhibiting non-overloading horse power characteristics, with stable performance over the entire pressure curve

25. This case history showed that an overlarge pretightening torque and oxygen corrosion caused the cracking of 4 bolts, while overloading fracture occurred to the other 4 bolts.

26. The cycle keeps going on, thankfully, but we're overloading it by digging up all that carbon- rich coal, oil, and gas and burning it to fuel our 21st- century lifestyles.

27. Balance agents (124) break large index files into smaller subfiles, to prevent overloading any nodes of the network. Query agents (126) locate and retrieve index file entries that match a query criterion.

28. One victim of "Bicarb overloading" said that he had engaged in a sumptous meal consisting of two vodka martinis, a bowl of chili with corn chips, a salad, bread, a glass of …

29. Alas, the late-Victorian penchant for overloading every object with curlicues, strap work, rosebuds and acanthus leaves, derived from every conceivable historical period, brought the decorative arts into disrepute, they became the over-decorated arts.

30. Yet I suppose I had not been five minutes on Moroccan soil before I noticed the overloading of the donkeys and was infuriated by it. There is no question that the donkeys are damnably treated.

31. One of these is the “overloading and the reduction of the blood flow in certain areas caused by the increase of the viscosity of the blood” and the accumulation of iron “with negative consequences for the parenchyma (liver, kidneys, heart, endocrine glands, etc.).”

32. Writing down the emotions that you truly feel Beautifies the spirit of writing and enlightens the reader; on the contrary, overloading your thoughts with heavy words- having no senses at all but carrying multi-dimensional meanings with them- for the one and only sake of publication perishes the fabric of writing.