ostium trunci pulmonalis in Vietnamese

Lỗ động mạch phổi

Sentence patterns related to "ostium trunci pulmonalis"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ostium trunci pulmonalis" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ostium trunci pulmonalis", or refer to the context using the word "ostium trunci pulmonalis" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Pertaining to the ostium Cardiacum

2. Kompression durch Aberrantem Abgang des Truncus brachiocephalicus KommerellDivertikel 3-Anomalien der A pulmonalis Stenosierende Pulmonalisanomalien

3. 8 Varicocelectomy retroperitoneal approach with ligation of both testicular vein trunci and the artery has the advantage of a decreased persistence rate.

4. 28 Temporary counterclockwise atrial flutter was induced by pacing at coronary sinus ostium in 1 case with clockwise block in the isthmus.

5. CLXVII D—alii CCLXV —, inde ad Confluentem Iomanis et Gangis DCXXV —plerique adiciunt XIII D—, <ad> oppidum Palibothra CCCCXXV, ad ostium Gangis DCXXXVII D

6. Anomalous aortic origin of a coronary artery (AAOCA) occurs when both coronary arteries arise from the same aortic sinus from a single ostium or two separate ostia

7. In cases where the posterior fontanel is identified, the division between the natural ostium and the fontanel should be resected to allow free communication between the two.

8. Nest størst er lungearterien (truncus pulmonalis), som springer ut fra høyre hjertekammer og er den eneste arterien som fører oksygenfattig blod, bortsett fra navlesnorArteriene under svangerskapet.

9. The Ampulla connects with the infundibulum, which rests above the ovaries, and ends at the distal tubal opening (or abdominal ostium) into the abdominal cavity where, in ovulation, the oocyte enters the Fallopian tube

10. A complete Atrioventricular septal defect (see figure Atrioventricular septal defect) consists of a large ostium primum atrial septal defect (ASD) in the anteroinferior aspect of the septum, a nonrestrictive inlet ventricular septal defect, and a common AV valve orifice

11. Appeased Everything should be questioned coarse mouth controlling urine output, drug for controlling urine output, reducing the formation of urine (of a drug) anodiseerbad apt šiba clothes bead, rail kamatayan, pagkamatay dysgenics shimobe pisar culuminar generate ego sum ostium ovium predujam remissly kingyo Lower naprava za savijanje u kotur

12. Based on these, stent struts could be classified as: (I) Apposed struts, (II) struts overlying the ostium of a side branch, (III) malApposed struts that were clearly separated from the vessel wall by flush, and (IV) pseudoApposed struts that were not separated from the vessel wall by visual estimate, but were malApposed in the sense that SA<VWA.

13. A főerek (aorta, truncus (Arteria) pulmonalis) szívkamrákból indulnak, egyre kisebb erekre, majd hajszálerekre (kapillárisokra) oszlanak, ezek a gázcsere és tápanyagátadás után vénákká egyesülnek, amelyek aztán a pitvarokba futnak.A szív a vért a pitvarokból a kamrákba továbbítja, majd