osseitis fibrosa cystica in Vietnamese

Viêm xương xơ nang, bệnh Albright

Sentence patterns related to "osseitis fibrosa cystica"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "osseitis fibrosa cystica" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "osseitis fibrosa cystica", or refer to the context using the word "osseitis fibrosa cystica" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. To verify the curative effect of He - Ne laser in the treatment of acne indurate cystica.

2. Aponeurosis, membrana fibrosa y resistente, destinada a mantener en su lugar los músculos que envuelve o a servirles de punto de inserción.

3. La Aponeurosis es una estructura anatómica fibrosa, formada por fibras de colágeno, que sirve de cubierta a los músculos de algunas zonas del cuerpo

4. In contrast both values were markedly higher in the above patient with osteitis fibrosa and a control patient with osteitis (exchangeable calcium 10.3 meq/kg and 8.34 meq/kg; accretion rate 6.18 and 6.92 meq/kg/day).

5. Intraperitoneal administration of hypertonic NaCl, urea or glucose solutions cause certain cytolytic phenomena in the adrenal medulla, which result in the formation of “pseudo-acinar” structures, reminiscent of the “struma suprarenalis cystica” of human pathology.

6. The progression of lesions within astrocytes was divided into three phases. The early phase was characterized by viral entry and nucleolar segregation consisting of separation of the pars amorpha from the pars fibrosa which subsequently fragmented.