opportunistic in Vietnamese

Tính từ
như opportunist

Sentence patterns related to "opportunistic"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "opportunistic" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "opportunistic", or refer to the context using the word "opportunistic" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. These vacillating elements are opportunistic.

2. Bocaccio larvae are opportunistic feeders

3. Much of good science is opportunistic and revisionist.

4. Opportunistic infections are less in Autologous transplant

5. These opportunistic diseases may eventually cause death.

6. opportunistic infections (including tuberculosis, histoplasmosis), sepsis, abscess

7. BO2A — Benthic Opportunistic polychaetes/amphipods index

8. In contrast few opportunistic taxa increased their Aboundances and ranges

9. Microsporidia are opportunistic parasitic infections which attack immuno-compromised individuals.

10. The first is the “unmasking” of an occult opportunistic infection.

Đầu tiên là những lần “khám phá” ra một nhiễm trùng cơ hội huyền bí.

11. His move was characteristically opportunistic and had fatal consequences.

12. In contrast few opportunistic taxa increased their Aboundances and ranges

13. Obviously got an opportunistic infection, probably TB or PCP.

Rõ ràng là bị nhiễm trùng có thể là lao hoặc viêm phổi carinii.

14. Method and apparatus for chaotic opportunistic lossless compression of data

15. Not surprising, the most opportunistic industry in the whole world.

Không ngạc nhiên, ngành công nghiệp tiềm năng nhất thế giới.

16. Many of the party's members joined only for opportunistic reasons.

17. Opportunistic carrier aggregation for dynamic flow switching between radio access technologies

18. She was horrified to see how quickly the opportunistic infection took hold.

19. Bobcats are opportunistic and will prey upon a wide variety of animals

20. Prevention of opportunistic infections could provide both individual and public-health benefits.

21. The modes of propaganda are opportunistic and the polemics can be vicious.

22. As wild predators, cats are opportunistic and hunt whenever prey is available.

Là loài săn mồi hoang dã, mèo là lũ cơ hội và săn bắt mỗi khi có mồi.

23. Procurement section only lists opportunistic infection drugs without specifying which drugs.

24. 28 Many of the party's members joined only for opportunistic reasons.

25. Or perhaps you prefer the same type of opportunistic scenario on the East Coast?

26. They are as repelled by money-grabbing, opportunistic plaintiffs as by reckless, gluttonous corporations.

27. He's disorganized, picks an opportunistic weapon at a crime scene, strikes with rage...

Hắn vô tổ chức, lấy đại hung khí ở hiện trường, tấn công với cơn giận...

28. Being too slow is not good, nor is being overhasty, both are opportunistic.

29. OMAI — Opportunistic Macroalgae-cover/acreage on soft sediment intertidal in coastal waters

30. These opportunistic diseases would not otherwise gain a foothold in the body.

31. At half-time, United were leading with two opportunistic goals by Black.

32. Nocardiosis is characteristically thought as an opportunistic infection in immuno-compromised patients.

33. Opportunistic infection is one of the important cause of graft dysfunction after organ transplantation.

34. This was in 19 and I had opportunistic infections, OIs as they are called.

35. How do Chinese entrepreneurs distinguish between ethically sound value creation and opportunistic exploitation?

36. HIV invades immune system,(Sentencedict) so AIDS patients almost died of opportunistic infection.

37. In turn, such a belief has fostered a nihilistic philosophy and opportunistic behavior in many.

38. What is the most common life-threatening opportunistic infection affecting people living with HIV/AIDS?

39. Hansenula Anomala is known as opportunistic yeast found in soil, fruits, and other organic substrates

40. Since our inception in 2007, Canter has utilized an opportunistic mentality to differentiate itself from competition.

41. Cobia, and the sharks they often swim with, are both opportunistic feeders that will eat just about anything

42. In most cases, advertisements form only opportunistic, sporadic revenues and are not reliable, long term sources of funding.

43. Candidiasis Candida albicans is an opportunistic fungal pathogen that is responsible for Candidiasis in human hosts

44. Patients with tuberculosis or other severe infections such as sepsis, abscesses, and opportunistic infections (see section

45. Problems which could be inherent in a more opportunistic approach to health education should be avoided.

46. American Bullfrogs are opportunistic predators and will eat anything they can get in their mouth

47. * opportunistic infections that can affect food intake, absorption and metabolism and so cause weight loss.

48. There are, consequently, those who view her conversion to the cause as belated, possibly opportunistic.

49. " A two-year disappearance during which some authorities feared Zobrist... may have designed an opportunistic viral pathogen. "

Mất tích 2 năm, trong suốt thời điểm đó, một số chính khách lo sợ Zobrist... có thể thiết kế một virus mầm bệnh cơ hội.

50. Of those who remained, a fortunate and opportunistic few were elevated into the realm of senior management.