operatives in Vietnamese

tính từ
1. có tác dụng, có hiệu lực
2. thực hành, thực tế
3. (y học) (thuộc) mổ xẻ
4. (toán học) (thuộc) toán tử

danh từ
1. công nhân, thợ máy
2. (Mỹ) thám tử; đặc vụ, gián điệp

Sentence patterns related to "operatives"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "operatives" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "operatives", or refer to the context using the word "operatives" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Production co-operatives include feeder, grazing, agricultural machinery, animal reproduction, forestry and handicraft co-operatives.

2. As operatives go, you had great instincts.

3. Request Anglo-American operatives file number 114171280.

4. Orders to intelligence operatives often enjoin secrecy.

5. The agency cares about its field operatives.

Bộ phận trung gian chú ý đến hiệu lực của nó.

6. 3 Naturally the CIA wants to protect its operatives.

7. 21, 2017 Bombing reportedly killed three Al Qaeda operatives

8. Sometimes professional political operatives come in for a chat, Warlick said.

9. Refuse disposal operatives is our council's highfaluting name for dustman.

10. Multi-stakeholder Cooperatives (such as an increasing number of social co-operatives

11. There are 35 agricultural companies and co-operatives in Darkhan Uul Aimag.

Hiện có 35 công ty hay hợp tác xã nông nghiệp trong tỉnh Darkhan Uul.

12. But the Cobra operatives, Storm Shadow and Zartan, remain at large.

Nhưng những thành viên của đội Mãng xà, Storm Shadow..

13. Agricultural co-operatives had a net value added of $1.2 billion in 2002.

14. But Canaan has tenuous ties to various Snake operatives, which places Maria in peril.

15. The DEO requires rigorous physical and psychological evaluation for all its prospective field operatives.

DEO yêu cầu rất cao trong những bài kiểm tra về thể chất và tâm lí với tất cả những mật vụ chiến đấu bên ngoài.

16. The anomalous phone belongs to a Samaritan agent who's embedded with Control's operatives.

Cái điện thoại có cột biến động này chắc chắn là của đặc vụ Samaritan, kẻ đã được cài vào tổ chức của Control

17. Covered by the confusion and noise of maneuvers, CIA operatives would stash weapons and equipment.

18. The disposition of our operatives has no bearing on the security of the Alpha site.

19. The game boasted South Korean Rainbow operatives and weapons with a different story and interface.

Trò chơi đề cao các đặc nhiệm Hàn Quốc và vũ khí của Rainbow với cốt truyện và giao diện khác.

20. Not surprisingly, most White House and Clinton political operatives are very cocky about the 1996 election.

21. , put in place in 2006, was responsible for the creation of over 60 value-added agricultural co-operatives.

22. 25 For instance, I've heard of representative assemblies of large co-operatives choosing their own director.

23. After many Birchers sat out the election, Republican operatives concluded that their absence was one reason Nixon lost

24. He read for workers in large industrial centres and encouraged the creation of trade unions and co-operatives.

25. The transformative part is that political operatives have not traditionally spoken to this young, more Acculturated segment

26. Co-operatives are business organizations owned and operated by a group of individuals for their mutual benefit.

Hợp tác xã là một tổ chức kinh doanh thuộc sở hữu và được điều hành bởi một nhóm các cá nhân vì lợi ích chung của họ.

27. Several failed assassination plots utilizing CIA-recruited operatives and anti-Castro Cubans directly against Castro undermined the CIA's credibility.

Một số không thành công âm mưu ám sát sử dụng CIA-tuyển dụng tác xã và chống Cuba trực tiếp chống Castro làm suy yếu của CIA uy tín.

28. "Benevolence in Malevolence!:]" -Benevolent_DayBenevolent_Day is a one of the Day Operatives of The Days Union

29. The overall average daily wage was $ 3 or $ 560 per month[Sentencedict.com], for these craftsmen and operatives.

30. The new companies would also differ from co-operatives in that they would operate with unlimited liability.

31. 24 There were efforts to democratize school management structures, encouraged by the establishment of communal villages and co-operatives.

32. 19 Again,(www.Sentencedict.com) are we to infer that the appearances were deceptive and that the Societies were not co-operatives?

33. There were efforts to democratize school management structures, encouraged by the establishment of communal villages and co-operatives.

34. The labour constant should also give the operatives of different gangs or trades equal opportunity to earn a similar percentage bonus.

35. What political operatives do not want to talk Abut is how few voters can possibly be affected by a campaign.

36. They want to use a customised version to help their overseas operatives communicate home and browse without blowing their cover.

37. 27 Students leafleted public gatherings, covered walls with anti-government graffiti and distributed phony news articles written by CIA operatives.

38. Loyal party followers viewed Deri as a scapegoat in the scandal for both Likud Party operatives and the legal establishment.

39. These local groups included private and municipal non-profit corporations, non-profit co-operatives, charitable institutions (e.g. church groups) and affinity groups.

40. The Animalization Ray is a weapon developed by Father. As the name implies, it transforms any (and only) KND operatives into animals

41. It is implied that he, along with Joel, are the only members that are descended from a line of Red Shield operatives.

Ông cùng với Joel, là thành viên duy nhất là hậu duệ của người thành lập Red Shield.

42. Anthropoid is based on the extraordinary true story of “Operation Anthropoid,” the code name for the Czechoslovakian operatives’ mission to assassinate SS officer Reinhard Heydrich.

43. In 2028, a super-killer female genetic creation with Chameleon-like powers discovers maternal instincts when she protects a child from government operatives.

44. Close to 125 Al Qaida operatives are suspected to be hiding in India , planning a wave of assassinations , abductions and WTC - style attacks

45. BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden’s Former IT Director, Warren Flood, DNC, and HRC Operatives Could be Implicated in ‘Russia Hacked the DNC Email’ Narrative

46. The Artels in Imperial Russia were semi formal co-operatives in different fields like agriculture, fishing, mining, timber industry and gold/silver smithing

47. Summary: Anthropoid is based on the extraordinary true story of "Operation Anthropoid," the code name for the Czechoslovakian operatives' mission to assassinate SS officer Reinhard Heydrich

48. The true story behind the new movie Argo about how CIA operatives posing as a Hollywood production team rescued six Americans hiding in Iran during the 1979 embassy crisis

49. Abor Co-ops Reporting Total Abor Co-ops Response Rate (%) (ACL) was very helpful to the Secretariat, providing it with all the annual reports of its member co-operatives.

50. Backchannels literally keep the peace, but our Millenial-filled media who might not know better, and dishonest Democrat Party operatives who really do know better, have styled Backchannels …