open secret in Vietnamese

Danh từ
điều bí mật ai cũng biết

Sentence patterns related to "open secret"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "open secret" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "open secret", or refer to the context using the word "open secret" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. It is an open secret.

2. Their affair is open secret.

3. Their wedding was an open secret.

4. Their affair is an open secret.

5. Their love affair was an open secret.

6. Their love affair is an open secret.

7. It's an open secret that he wants Derek's job.

8. It's an open secret that his firm is going bankrupt.

9. The program to legalized illegal immigrants is an open secret.

10. Apparent, this incident already was open secret inside course of study.

11. It is an open secret that Mary and John are engaged.

12. It's an open secret that he's having an affair with his secretary.

13. He hopes against hope that no one would know the open secret.

14. It's an open secret around the office that they're having an affair.

15. It is an open secret that he and Reg Pybus are bosom pals.

16. In fact, the network spy strength of American information organization is open secret already.

17. It was an open secret that the marriage had become a complete sham, Watson.

18. Anyway, it's open secret that the government troops are very hard pressed just now.

19. It is an open secret that she is having an affair with another man.

20. It was, uh, an open secret that the president used a wheelchair most of the time.

Có một bí mật mở là Tổng thống đã sử dụng xe lăn gần như hoàn toàn.

21. The new chairman hasn't been formally appointed, but open secret that it ll be Mr. Amith.

22. It's an open secret that the rebels are receiving support from the neigh - bouring coutry's government.

23. Hamel's marriage breakdown had been an open secret long before it was reported in the paper.

24. Open secret AT last the royal publicity machine has admitted that Charles and Diana's marriage is less than perfect.

25. It can be said with certainty that it is an "open secret" that most hospitals and doctors accept sales commissions.

26. They can contain scripted events and interactive objects such as levers that open secret doors or cause bridges to move.

Chúng có thể chứa các sự kiện kịch bản và các đối tượng tương tác như đòn bẩy mở cánh cửa bí mật hoặc tạo ra cầu để di chuyển .

27. Yet among airport planners, it’s an open secret that the Aerotropolis concept—which looks great on paper—actually doesn’t work very well in practice.

28. And I think I'm a little wrong when I say that life is a mystery, because I think that life is actually an open secret that has been beckoning our species for millennia to understand it.

Và tôi nghĩ tôi hơi sai khi nói rằng sự sống là một bí ẩn, vì tôi nghĩ rằng thực ra sự sống là bí mật hé mở trong nghìn năm luôn ra hiệu cho loài chúng ta để hiểu được nó.