olfactory spindle in Vietnamese

thoi khứu giác

Sentence patterns related to "olfactory spindle"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "olfactory spindle" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "olfactory spindle", or refer to the context using the word "olfactory spindle" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Paleocortex is present in the parahippocampal gyrus, olfactory bulb, accessory olfactory bulb, olfactory tubercle, piriform cortex, periamygdalar area, anterior olfactory nucleus, anterior perforated substance, and prepyriform area.

2. Horses have two olfactory centers.

Ngựa có hai trung tâm khứu giác.

3. Tyrannosaurs had large olfactory bulbs and olfactory nerves (relative to their brain size).

Tyrannosaurs có hành khứu giác và thần kinh khứu giác lớn (so với kích thước não của chúng).

4. They called it " Olfactory Sever's syndrome. "

Họ gọi đó là Hội chứng Khứu giác Trầm trọng.

5. It arouses their olfactory sense.

6. Spindle Galaxy

7. This olfactory sense develops in the womb.

8. The testing of olfactory threshold can be standardized scientifically and quantitatively by using standard olfactory liquids.

9. The olfactory bulbs of the olfactory nerve lie on either side of the crista galli on top of the cribriform plate.

10. The olfactory hypothesis has not been confirmed either.

11. Centrosomes,Centrioles, Spindle Fibers.

12. 13 Involute spindle spindle: ideal bearing capacity and easy assembling and dismantling.

13. The olfactory epithelium has a layer of olfactory receptor cells, special neurons that sense smells, like the taste buds of your nose.

Biểu mô khứu giác có một lớp các tế bào thụ thể khứu giác, các tế bào thần kinh đặc biệt phát hiện ra mùi, giống như các nụ vị giác của mũi vậy.

14. Carriage mounted spindle control lever.

15. The spindle sweep measurement will show that the spindle axis is perpendicular to the table surface

Đo lường quét spindle sẽ hiển thị các trục trục chính là vuông góc với mặt bàn

16. Bovids use different forms of vocal, olfactory, and tangible communication

17. The axis of the dragging spindle is equipped with mixing blades (11) which conform a mixing spindle with a direction of advance opposite to that one of the dragging spindle.

18. Repellency is not confined to the olfactory senses.

19. Spindle adapter flanges for machine tools

20. So we thought we'd appeal to their olfactory senses.

Nên tụi tôi nghĩ làm sao để hấp dẫn khứu giác của họ.

21. Anosmia occurs when intranasal swelling or other obstruction prevents odors from gaining access to the olfactory area; when the olfactory neuroepithelium is destroyed; or when the olfactory nerve fila, bulbs, tracts, or central connections are destroyed (see table Some Causes of Anosmia).

22. Spindle shanks and thick red hands.

23. As they dissolve, they bind to the olfactory receptor cells, which fire and send signals through the olfactory tract up to your brain.

Khi hòa tan, chúng bám vào các tế bào thụ thể khứu giác, nơi tiếp nhận và gửi đi tín hiệu thông qua đường khứu giác đến não bộ.

24. Attach the magnetic base to the spindle

Đính kèm theo các cơ sở từ trục chính

25. This arrangement makes it possible to achieve a very small spindle advance with normal threads of the spindle-unit.