observatories in Vietnamese


Sentence patterns related to "observatories"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "observatories" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "observatories", or refer to the context using the word "observatories" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. e) Access to virtual observatories as developed in national environments

2. At the Maragha and Samarkand observatories, the Earth's rotation was discussed by Tusi (b.

Tại đài thiên văn Maragha và Samarkand, sự quay của Trái Đất được tranh luận bởi Tusi (b.

3. The latter comprised offices, libraries (called House of Books), laboratories and observatories.

Thể chế này bao gồm các nghi lễ, thư viện (gọi là Ngôi nhà sách), phòng thí nghiệm và các đài quan sát.

4. Some sites are astronomical calendars, others lunar observatories, showing the scientific abilities of prehistoric man.

5. To have a record of an intense flare from so many observatories was unprecedented.

6. Atmospheric Baseline Observatories Observatory Operations Barrow, Alaska Mauna Loa, Hawaii American Samoa South Pole

7. Other space observatories can use transits to discover details about any atmosphere that might enshroud an exoplanet.

8. The Astrophysics current missions include three of the Great Observatories originally planned in the 1980s and launched over the past 28 years. The current suite of operational Great Observatories include the Hubble Space Telescope and the Chandra X-ray Observatory.

9. Underwater observatories linked by thousands of kilometers of fiber - optic and power cablesaim to revolutionize oceanography.

10. The Applause Data Release 1 (DR1) contains digitized phtographic plates from the Bamberg, Hamburg and Potsdam observatories

11. Consequently, infrared observatories have to be located in high, dry places on Earth or in space.

Vì thế, các đài quan sát hồng ngoại được đặt ở những địa điểm cao và khô hay trong không gian.

12. Palatial observatories were founded at Paris, London, and Berlin for the express purpose of determining longitude by the heavens.

13. The priests guarded their secrets well by living highly secluded lives, usually in monasteries adjacent to their observatories.

14. More than 100 geomagnetic observatories around the world measure regularly the variations of the earth's magnetic field.

15. SOILTREC established four critical zone observatories in the EU to provide a range of soil types and conditions.

16. This information is passed between meteorological agencies, volcanic observatories and airline companies through Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers (VAAC).

Thông tin này được thông qua giữa các cơ quan khí tượng thuỷ văn, các đài quan sát núi lửa và các công ty hàng không thông qua Trung tâm Tư vấn Khí núi lửa Volcanic (VAAC).

17. Astrophysicists conduct research on the origins and properties of stars, planets, black holes and galaxies, using powerful telescopes located at astronomical observatories

18. 16 The astronomer who originates the request gives the observatories at least two or three times when we can do the work.

19. Physicists and Astronomers spend much of their time working in offices, but they also conduct research in laboratories and observatories

20. Of the sixteen telescopes in operation at the three observatories, the majority are used mainly for studies of light by means of spectrography and photometry.

21. Some new results have been observed with the solar decimeter spectrometer with a new observing mode at National Astronomical Observatories(NAOC), Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS).

22. A Coelostat is one option used in solar observatories when moving a small tracking mirror is preferable to moving a large telescope attached to heavy equipment.

23. The effect of a strong perturbation, recorded by the terrestrial magnetic observatories on March 15, 1948, on the F2-layer of the ionosphere is investigated.

24. A clear Gaussian distribution could be found for periods as well as amplitudes. This statistical noise is superimposed upon some regular features nearly identic at the both observatories.

25. In North America, 20 observatories equipped with automated, all-sky cameras take pictures every three seconds over the two-year mission, for a total of 140 million pictures.

26. Ciao is the software package developed by the Chandra X-Ray Center for analysing data from the Chandra X-ray Telescope.It can also be used with data from other Astronomical observatories, whether ground or space based.

27. Asst Cmsnr Amroati dist 1938, Central Provinces Civil Service 1938, MEC 1944, Minister for Posts and Telegraphs, Telecommunications, Archaeology, Printing, Veterinary Affairs, Observatories, Labour and Ecclesiastical Affairs 1944-1947, Agent-General at New Delhi 1947-1948

28. (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, NCI Thesaurus) Arp 299 also emits Copious amounts of infrared light that has been detected by observatories such as NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, but those data are not included in this

29. Auroral Electrojet (AE, AL, AO, AU) - A Global Measure of Auroral Zone Magnetic Activity Metadata Updated: November 12, 2020 The AE index is derived from geomagnetic variations in the horizontal component observed at selected (10-13) observatories along the Auroral zone in the northern hemisphere.

30. The following are list of astronomers, Astrophysicists and other notable people who have made contributions to the field of astronomy.They may have won major prizes or awards, developed or invented widely used techniques or technologies within astronomy, or are directors of major observatories or heads of space-based telescope projects.

31. 881 rows  · The following are list of astronomers, Astrophysicists and other notable people who have made contributions to the field of astronomy. They may have won major prizes or awards, developed or invented widely used techniques or technologies within astronomy, or are directors of major observatories or heads of space-based telescope projects.