numen in Vietnamese

Danh từ
số nhiều numina
thần, ma (thần thoại La mã)

Sentence patterns related to "numen"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "numen" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "numen", or refer to the context using the word "numen" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Otho pronus ad decertandum; frater eius Titianus et praefectus praetorii Proculus, imperitia properantes, fortunam et deos et numen Othonis adesse consiliis, adfore conatibus testabantur, neu quis obviam ire sententiae auderet, in Adulationem concesserant

2. Throughout the Empire, the greatest and most celebrated games would now be identified with the state-sponsored Imperial cult, which furthered public recognition, respect and approval for the Emperor's divine numen, his laws, and his agents.

3. 15 Quod hominis pronunciatum, quamvis ambiguum sit atque obscurum, uti ferè illa priscorum oracula esse solent; una res tamen certa est, primi ac supremi cujusdam Numinis habuisse notitiam, quamquam Aberrantem reverà notitiam, ut qui existimarit, Numen esse corporeum, tametsi aliis quoque Numinibus, ceu Regem suis

4. Forward and backward Anagrammatised, The breviated names of holy saints,(10) Figures of every adjunct to the Heavens, And characters of signs and erring stars, By which the spirits are enforced to rise: Then fear not, Faustus, but be resolute, And try the uttermost magic can perform.(15) Sint mihi dei Acherontis propitii! Valeat numen triplex