nucleus of medial geniculate body in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "nucleus of medial geniculate body"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "nucleus of medial geniculate body" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "nucleus of medial geniculate body", or refer to the context using the word "nucleus of medial geniculate body" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The Brachium of superior colliculus (or superior Brachium) is a branch that extends laterally from the superior colliculus, and, passing between the pulvinar and medial geniculate body, is partly continued into an eminence called the lateral geniculate body, and partly into the optic tract.

2. The HRP filled the axons' terminal Arborizations in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (l.g.n.)

3. Congruous and inCongruous sectoral visual field defects with lesions of the lateral geniculate nucleus Am J Ophthalmol

4. In most mammals, apart from the cat, the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus projects exclusively to area

5. 4 words related to Achromatin: body substance, cell nucleus, karyon, nucleus

6. 2979003: English: Os Cuneiforme mediale, Medial cuneiform, medial cuneiform, Bone of medial cuneiform, First cuneiform bone, First tarsal bone, Medial cuneiform bone, Bone structure of medial cuneiform (body structure), Bone structure of medial cuneiform, First cuneiform bone, NOS, Medial cuneiform bone, NOS: Spanish: estructura del hueso Cuneiforme medial (estructura corporal), …

7. The cell body contains the nucleus.

8. Its former name nucleus Accumbens septi ("a nucleus leaning against the septum") refers to a medial, hook-shaped expansion of this anteroventral region of the striatum, which curves under

9. Amygdala is a relatively small nucleus that lies deep inside the anterio-inferior region of the medial temporal lobe 20

10. Similarly, experiments in rat lateral geniculate nucleus relay cells showed that the amplitude of postsynaptic currents is set to maximise the ratio of information transmitted in relation to postsynaptic energy consumption.

11. Alleles There are pairs of chromosomes in the nucleus of a body cell

12. The Amygdaloid body is also known as the Amygdaloid nucleus

13. The bony Congruity of the medial knee consists of the opposing surfaces of the medial femoral condyle and the medial tibial plateau

14. ‘On each side, the ventral aspect of the Claustrum and the subdivisions of the lentiform nucleus (putamen, medial and lateral parts of globus pallidus) are seen lateral to the optic tracts.’

15. An aggregate of unit membrane bounded electron-dense cisternae (paranuclear body) is found adpressed to the nucleus.

16. ‘On each side, the ventral aspect of the Claustrum and the subdivisions of the lentiform nucleus (putamen, medial and lateral parts of globus pallidus) are seen lateral to the optic tracts.’

17. Achromatin: 1 n the part of a cell nucleus that is relatively uncolored by stains or dyes Type of: body substance the substance of the body

18. Tibia (features) medial Condyle, lateral Condyle, tibial tuberosity, medial malleolus

19. There are only isolated observations of the Amitotic division of an entire cell body but not of its nucleus alone

20. There are only isolated observations of the Amitotic division of an entire cell body but not of its nucleus alone

21. Medial split of the extensor hood.

22. Abducts the great toe; flexes the metatarsophalageal joint: medial plantar nerve: medial plantar a

23. Type of family nucleus

24. Opium Alkaloids activate the mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic system, which project from the ventral tegmental area to the nucleus accumbens and medial prefrontal cortex, and dopamine is critically important in opioid consumption …

25. Repetitive single shock stimulation of the medullary nucleus stopped the nucleus and organ discharge.