non-native in Vietnamese

tính từ
1. không xuất xứ từ địa phương
2. (ngôn ngữ) không phải tiếng mẹ đẻ

Sentence patterns related to "non-native"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "non-native" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "non-native", or refer to the context using the word "non-native" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Bowfin could be mistaken for the similar-looking non-native snakehead.

2. Biasness (usually uncountable, plural Biasnesses) (nonstandard, non-native speakers ' English) Biasedness; bias.

3. Numerous native and non-native species of Bivalves occur in Puget Sound, including important aquaculture species such as Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas), non-native invasive species such as the purple varnish clam (Nutallia obscurata), and species targeted in recreational fisheries (e.g., native littleneck clams and non-native Manila clams).

4. Numerous native and non-native species of Bivalves occur in Puget Sound, including important aquaculture species such as Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas), non-native invasive species such as the purple varnish clam (Nutallia obscurata), and species targeted in recreational fisheries (e.g., native littleneck clams and non-native Manila clams).

5. It is found on other continents as a non-native introduction as well.

Nó có thể hiện diện ở các lục địa khác do du nhập.

6. • the effects of non-native species, agriculture, domestic animal disease, and urban expansion;

7. Our specialty is control of non-native, invasive plant species especially Buckthorn and garlic mustard

8. 16 Already non - native speaking English teachers are deemed to be more employable in some Asian countries.

9. The population of non-native Magnificent Bryozoans appears to be on the rise in the Pacific NW

10. As a result, an exotic non-native species, the black bass, was introduced into the lake in 1958.

Kết quả là một loài cá kỳ lạ đã được đưa vào hồ vào năm 1958.

11. Common, or European, Buckthorn, and glossy Buckthorn are the two non-native, invasive Buckthorn species found in Minnesota

12. Non-native fish, such as African tilapia and Asian carp, have also recently been introduced to the waters.

Các loài cá không bản địa, như cá rô phi châu Phi và cá trắm/chép/mè/trôi châu Á, gần đây cũng được đưa vào vùng nước này.

13. As one veteran put it, "We as Aboriginal veterans got fooled...we got acclimatized to the non-Native way of living through the war years, and for a period of time we became equal in the non-Native world, or so we thought.

14. When planting non-native Bamboos into the landscape, it’s critical that we do choose clumpers and avoid the

15. Chaperonins are protein complexes that assist the folding of these nascent, non-native polypeptides into their native, functional state

16. Buckthorn Common, or European, Buckthorn, and glossy Buckthorn are the two non-native, invasive Buckthorn species found in Minnesota

17. Ailanthus Webworms (Atteva aurea) feed exclusively on the non-native, highly invasive, misleadingly named Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima).)

18. Time, Bluehead sucker populations in the Bear River drainage are presumed to be free from non-native, hybridizing sucker species

19. Madagascar ring-tailed lemur, here gnawing a non-native cactus, ably carries pollen for native plants on its muzzle and hands.

20. Anadromous species, 53 non-native species, and 5 marine species that occur in fresh water, for a total of 125 species

21. Greater Celandine is a non-native wildflower that was introduced by early settlers into the New England, primarily for its medicinal qualities

22. Some research findings point to a dichotomous distinction between native and non-native foreign language teachers that is manifested in their pedagogical perceptions.

23. Copper Axolotls are most commonly found in Australia, where the species is the only non-native salamander that may be kept as a pet

24. In New Zealand and Australia it is also used to control invasive non-native mammals that prey on or compete with native wildlife and vegetation.

Ở New Zealand và Úc, thuốc cũng được sử dụng nhằm kiểm soát các loài động vật có vú không rõ nguồn gốc xâm hại và cạnh tranh với các loài động vật, thực vật hoang dã bản địa.

25. In some locations, such as the Hawaiian Islands, more non-native species were accidently introduced through Biofouling than through the better-known vector of ballast water.

26. However, Echium viper’s Bugloss isn’t always warmly welcomed, as this aggressive, non-native plant creates problems in roadsides, woodlands and pastures across much of the country

27. Navajo Territory in New Mexico is popularly referred as the "Checkerboard" area since the Federal Government's attempt to diversify lands with non-native lands

28. In Lake Ontario, the primary forage fish currently available to the Atlantic salmon are two non-native species: alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) and rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax).

29. Bespeaking helps prepare people (both native and non-native English speakers) for job interviews, to write cover letters for applications for work or university study, as well

30. Biofouling, the growth of marine life on the wetted surfaces of ships and maritime structures, is a major pathway for the introduction of non-native marine species

31. Aquatic beneficial plant: all native and non-native Aquatic plants, except those on the state noxious weed list as prescribed by RCW 17.10.010 (10), and that are of …

32. Areas that have been stripped of Crusts are vulnerable to erosion, flooding, dust storms, loss of organic materials, and invasion by non-native weeds that thrive on disturbed soil

33. Caucasians Heather Grey Baseball Tee Shirt Non-native American Mascot Team Tee $22 + SH&H Usually ships in 2-3 days, but allow up to 2 weeks for delivery

34. Field Bindweed is a non-native plant that spreads to smother or out-compete millions of acres of Kansas crops. Its spread did not stop in the country farm fields

35. Formerly the Michigan Avenue Bridge, it was renamed in 2010 in honor of the "Father of Chicago," Jean Baptiste Pointe DuSable, a French Haitian and the city's first non-native settler

36. "Bullfrogs have an order of magnitude advantage from the get-go." Bullfrog tadpoles are also less palatable to [Arizona's] native and most non-native fish than the native tadpoles, according to

37. 5 And this winged marauder is "likely to arrive soon", according to the Non-native Species Secretariat,( which co-ordinates the response to plants and animals that take up home in the UK.

38. Selected invasive species of the Polish and European Avifaunae.The present paper defines the potentially invasive and invasive non-native species of Polish avifauna that constitute a potential threat to the biodiversity and the ecosystems

39. Epipactis helleborine, or Broad leaved Helleborine, is a non-native orchid, originating in Europe but with a wide distribution across eastern and central Canada and the United States, and disjunct populations on the West Coast

40. Backward Compatibility, in which newer devices can understand data generated by older devices; Compatibility card, an expansion card for hardware emulation of another device; Compatibility layer, components that allow for non-native support of components

41. This book presents a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of Adversative and concessive conjunctions in native and non-native students’ writing under the theoretical framework of systemic functional linguistics and offers a more detailed discussion of two individual conjunctions

42. Chaperonins. A family of multisubunit protein complexes that form into large cylindrical structures which bind to and encapsulate non-native proteins. Chaperonins utilize the energy of ATP hydrolysis to enhance the efficiency of PROTEIN FOLDING reactions and thereby help proteins reach their functional conformation.

43. An African import has turned too prolific in Texas.Aoudads—also known as Barbary sheep—were brought to the Lonestar State in the 1950s as exotic game, but, now, according to Froylan Hernandez of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD), the non-native species has overpopulated to the point of hurting native desert bighorn sheep.

44. Five environmental effects categories (changes in slope; loss of topsoil; loss of organic matter; damage to and/or removal of vegetation; and introduction of non native invasive plant species) have the potential to result in minor adverse effects due to the fact that the reversibility of the effect would not be immediate, but rather be reversed over a measure of time.

45. The companies Convinced us that they had some juice on Capitol Hill, that they could sell this settlement.: The man says he is Convinced that they were large, non-native cats and said he was shocked and scared by the confrontation.: Once in a while a tennis match will reach its climax with both players Convinced they are going to win until the last stroke of the last rally.

46. Bowsprit (n.) "large spar projecting forward from the bow of a ship," late 13c., probably from Middle Low German bochspret, from boch "bow of a ship" (see bow (n.2)) + spret "pole" (compare Old English spreot "pole," Dutch spriet "spear;" see sprit).The variation in early forms (including boltsprit, bolesprit, boresprit) suggests a non-native word.French beaupre is a Dutch loan word.